
Chapter 19 : But Always Finish

Tharn felt like he was being played.

The clock on the mobile phone shows that the time is getting closer to 9:30, but there is still no sign of the man who he had been waiting since the evening, Tharn was sighing heavily, thinking that the guy might have changed his way to avoid himself.

Heavy objects falling to the ground.

Finally, the drummer could only hold his hand around his neck and stare at the old ceiling, wondering why he likes Type... This kind of person.

The answer is He didn't know it himself.

Tharn's mouth was slightly raised, because he doesn't understand why he likes him so much. If Lhong knew that he is now in this way, maybe he would call him insane. After all, there are so many good people who don't like this, don't care about this, he just likes a person who hates fags. Besides, Type's speech is hard to hear, and his mouth is poisonous. Sometimes his behavior is really impressive and disgusting.

But he also... Very cute.

"Oh." Tharn smiles.

He doesn't know why he likes a crying Type, is it because he has been sexually abused? Or because of gay prejudice he does that he is annoyed about? After all, Tharn just wants to take care of him, protect him and help him get rid of the nightmare.

When learning what happened to Type, Tharn became silent, angry, compassionate and pitiable, is it because of these reasons that he can't let him go.

"Oh." But the guy had laughed at himself when he thought of it.

Tharn took a deep breath, letting his thoughts fly, laughing and sighing... But one thing is certain, that is, everything has to do with his deception.

Then there was some friction of the door.


When the dormitory door opened, the person who was thinking quietly looked back and saw that the people who came in almost fell to the ground stop. As soon as they enter the door, their eyes met. Type avoided his gaze and went in to put the rice on the table, then went to get the towel.

"Won't you even say hello?"


In the face of this annoying person, Tharn also wanted to laugh at him, but he just frowned and looked at the person who was taking the washing tool, did not beat around the bush to say: "Why are you playing at?"

React immediately.

"I didn't play with you."

The listener raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and said:

"That's good. Come back after washing quickly."

"I won't do it." The southern child answered in a low voice. Tharn had already guessed that he would answer that, so he sighed, lying on the bed in the original position, said wearily:

"Then I say you are lying. What's wrong?"

After hearing Tharn's words, Type's eyes widened. There was a sharp light in his eyes. He stopped by Tharn's bed,

"I don't like the smell," he said impatiently. The listener didn't understand and his face was full of questions, which made Type gently cuss him, and then his voice was full of discontent:

"I don't like the smell of you and me afterwards. Last night, I tried to let the smell go, but I was bitten by mosquitoes when I opened the door, I don't want to do it in the dormitory. Is it clear enough? Ai'Tharn?" After hearing this, Tharn was stunned, and then looked at him, so he has no problems doing things before, as he said, Tharn didn't get in last night, just rub against each other, even if it's just rub it's impossible for a person who sleeps soundly after work to like the smell in the room all the time.

"That will do."

Tharn said briefly as he jumped out of bed and made a gesture to leave the dormitory, causing the other party to hurry up and ask him, "Where are you going?"

"Showers." The listener's eyebrows twisted into bows.

Tharn laughed. "You don't want to do it in the dorm anyway. We can go to the bathroom."

"Are you crazy? What if they hear us?" In the dormitory at that moment, the southern boy rushed to catch Tharn's sleeves, looking at him with provocative eyes, causing the person who provided the location to sigh and look at the person in front of him who was concerned less about gays, no it should be the person who block thinking all things about homosexuality, right, and then said:

"Ai'Type, at this time, no one uses the showers, and you may forget that this is the men's showers, who will go there and check who is doing what in it? Besides, you may not pay attention to it. It's not just me and you. You have to think this dormitory how many pairs of homosexuals are there in the building? Where do you think they will go if they don't work in the dormitory?" The person who listened to him ~ Type, with his eyes round and rolling, stared at Tharn. He looked at the eloquent man in front of him, and he really questions if this guy says is true

"And you will not refuse me." Tharn's confident manner disgusted those who listened to him.


"Because you want to try."


Type was stunned again. This time, it seems that he was willing to accept Tharn's proposal. He was not in a hurry, he didn't ask, just stand still.

Silence is the default answer.

"Better not let me down." After Type finished, he put the shampoo and soap into the pile of things he was holding to take a bath, but he only picked up those things, and then walked away, leaving Tharn secretly smiling in place, shook his head and followed up.

Then served him!

Cha... Cha... Cha...

The cold water hits the old tiles and makes a continuous knocking sound. If someone sticks his ear to the door and listens carefully, they may hear lips sucking on skin, accompanied by the sound of saliva swishing. People in the bathroom don't care who may come at all and were holding each other at the bottom of the wall, because there are other things that deserve more attention.

Now, the two boys are naked without clothes. They chewed each other's mouths and kiss each other. It's hard to give up exchanging saliva with each other, the tongues were all wet and two hands on the back of each other to touch thirstily, making the kissing more exciting.

"Er..." Tharn put his hand on type's chest and squeezed the dark nipple so that the other side could emit light gasp, his lips moved to the neck of his partner's neck and licked his chocolate colored skin, which for Tharn was – delicious.

The flat skin mixed with the smell of sweat aroused the drummer's interest, and a pair of keen eyes looked at the man stood by the wall and the body of the stout man who was stroking his breast. He wants to know if Type's whole body skin is the same color, or if there is a place where the color is different. The idea is that Tharn's tongue will tease and kiss the place where the things are always raised.

Ding Dong.

"Didn't you say you didn't feel anything here before?" Tharn whispered and squeezed the little tips on his breast with his hands, gently rotated and kneaded it, he could feel the vibration of the other side tremoring need, and Type himself also made a low sound, the lighter the fingertip was turned, squeeze, press and knead, then rub heavily, making the soft nipple a little harder.

"You used to be ticklish here."

"Son of a bxtch, take it easy... Ah." At that time, Tharn lowered his head and licked it gently with the tip of his tongue. The licked man shivered and inhaled cool air, the licker would like to taste his taste more because of this reaction. Tharn's hot tongue wrapped the dark milk roots, which turns with the gentle tease on the nipple. Before sucking with his mouth, one of his hands still caressed him constantly, because he knows what he wants.

Delicious... Want more... I want to eat his whole body.

Tharn's idea was exposed a little bit, watching Type close his teeth, lean on the wall behind him with his buttocks perked up, full of desire, and sure enough, Tharn always told himself that Type was a sexy boy.

Type has athlete's stature, is tall, has not big not small looked the right muscle, moreover the dark skin is very attractive, not including his second brother, Tharn can be said, whether it is the model, color or body looked very okay, so I want to do him more.

Sure, every inch of his body is delicious.

Tharn suddenly opened his mouth.

"I'm happy to see you feel so good."

"I didn't, Ah!" Type denied, but as he said that he was biting his teeth. Tharn's hands were soaps in the chest with soap bubbles. His fingertips were very smooth. He stroked the chocolate colored grapes on both sides, kneaded and rubbed them to make the nipples stronger. Tharn's mouth lips also kiss Type's chest muscles.



Type clenched his fists tighter. When the warm tip of his tongue slipped down his navel in a straight line, Tharn's hands were still playing with Type's nipples, the southern boy can only use his shoulders and rub against the wall behind him, and still hold his hips to cooperate with the hot lips that slide down slowly.

At that time, Tharn extended his tongue very long, licking it from the base to the juicy tip, and then licking it back to the tip, with rhythm and gently suck, this made the person who is licked clench his lips at once, Type tried resist making a whimpering sound, and try to turn his head to make the water boil more warmer, hope to cover the low voice trembling in the throat through the sound of water.

The young drummer raised his eyes to appreciate the breathless Type with his eyes closed. His hands were still playing with Type

The nipple, slowly swallowing the small Type, put the whole small Type into the mouth.

"Er!" For the first sucking

"Ah..." The second time sucking it's tighter.

"Ah. Ah. Ah..." For the third time, Tharn clamped some more tightly, and the person who were served bent down and stroked Tharn's head with two hands. Tharn came back up and stroked him. He raised his eyes to see the face changed by desire and his voice, his taste, Tharn was feeling very satisfied.

For Tharn, Type is the sexiest person he thinks. Type has been out sexed the magazine models and famous. Even if Type didn't know he was born a fag killer.

Just think about dipping him in little Tharn was burning.

After that, Tharn stood up and wanted to kiss his lips. His smooth hand moved away from the warm-up stick

All of a sudden.

"You... Ah...  lick... Kiss me!"

Tharn didn't know whether he should laugh or be discouraged. Tharn held his little brother in his mouth and whispered:

"Want to do me a favor!"

"Dream!" The answer didn't exceed expectations. After listening, Tharn raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


"Hold the wall!"

"Ah... What are you going to do?!" The chocolate body was turned to face the wall, and Type tried to keep the sound down when he questioned Tharn, he was afraid that his voice was shaking and hoarse. Tharn knelt on the ground and replied:

"I will serve you!"


"Ah... Ai'Hiaa, don't lick Ah..." The man standing against the wall stooped, and Tharn's head was down to his hard object and his tongue was licking the small gap, moving gently. The person who has never felt this kind of feeling clench his teeth, almost to fell down the wall, the kneeling and the licking person kissed his ass, gently sucked, and then ran his tongue into the narrow passage, Type couldn't  suppresse his voice.


When the fingertips touched, Type gasped, and Tharn's hands move away from his buttocks, then he licks the hole with the tip of his tongue.

"Ah... Don't... Ai'Hiaa... Ah... Ai'Tharn... No... No..." This time, Type almost twitched, and when the flexible tongue licked the dirtiest place, Type felt it licked once. When Tharn made a gesture to enter, Type immediately opened his mouth to bite his arm, legs slightly shaking.

Cha... Cha... The sound of running water.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..." Even though the water is still flowing down, the breath of two people can be heard clearly.


"Bite." Type was biting his arm, Tharn's fingertips were slowly probing into the channel, and then one is inserted to the end made Type close his eyes at the same time, and then when the fingers were in it all kinds of mixing, seven up and eight down, rhythmic pulling and inserting, and finally become three fingers.

"It's just my fingers, that's what you look like..." Tharn whispered to Type and grabbed Type by hand the two sides were moving at the same time. Type looked back at Tharn and made a hoarse sound, and the entire shower resonates.

"You... Ai'Hiaa... You can come in... "

Get up.

After listening to the perfect invitation, Tharn stood up behind Type. He hasn't pulled his finger out of the gorge road. His other hand pulls the other side's face and kissed. This time, it may be because the other side's desire is high, so he didn't care what this mouth just did.

"... Kisses... "

Kissing started in the bathroom. They bite each other's tongue and exchange saliva. Meanwhile, Tharn pulled his finger out, grab the hot Ding Ding stick to Type's buttock, shake it gently, and used it to rub on the channel that frequently purses,

Tharn raised his hand and pulled Ding ding apart a little. He asked in a thick and short voice:

"But... Can I do it?"

That's to say.

"Hiaa... Er... Ah... Ah..." Before Type finished a few words, the hot iron column squeezed into the passage, going all the way to the sky, Type opened his eyes, one hand is against the wall, one hand is covering his mouth, not letting himself scream, he was feeling the huge object was constantly advancing once... Again...  He didn't know where it was going to end up.

Tharn felt that the other side could not breathe, so he moved slowly, unhurriedly, holding his buttocks a little bit to test the slipperiness with a push, the man in front feeling seems to be very good, so close to melting.

At this time, Type was looking up at the ceiling, he can't help it. He had to lower his head to feel the taste of the two and kisses. As if the other party didn't know he was moving, his buttocks worked hard one by one, but turned into a helper by hurtling his butt backwards for more force, even more excited.

"Do it... Again... Ah... Again..." Type groaned and wanted, so Tharn worked harder, the sound of physical impact increased.

In the bathroom, the sound of water almost covered the sounds, but at the moment, they are exulting. Who cares about the sound?

Who is big and who is small.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

When the water hits people, the impact force made them make more rude body collision. Tharn took out his iron pillar and he wanted to see the hidden face of the other side, so he turned Type around and the face that refused at the beginning was turned around.

At this time, Type's sharp eyes were filled with tears, his eyelashes were wet, his cheeks were ruddy, his lips were half open, and his eyes were clear and drool was flow to the chin, look at him like this, Tharn hugged his body, accelerated the speed, the final hit.

"I... Hurry up... Soon... "

"Me too. One more time, Type. One more time." Before the turbid liquid flowed away with the water, Tharn has shot, but he didn't pull it out.

What the fvck!!!

"Ai'Hiaa, let go Ah... "

When the turbid liquid was shot into his body, the southern boy was so frightened that his eyes were wide open that he turned around and glared fiercely at Tharn, because he was exhausted by the hot thing, his legs were now soft. As soon as Tharn pulled them out, he fell on the floor of the bathroom.

Cha... The sound of water.

"Cough." The water from the shower flushes from the hair to the face. Type chokes gently. Listen to him choking, Tharn

He immediately turned back and quickly turned off the tap. He was very worried about Type, so he knelt on one knee.

"You... Er... How are you?"

Shake off.

"Don't help me!" Tharn was also confused, but the posture of the man sitting on the ground seemed to have no strength to change his posture, with one hand over his face, the part of his face that he didn't cover looked very ruddy, and redness stretched to the root of his ears. Looking at the scene, it made Tharn, who had to try to control his breathing, smiled.

"Let me help you."

"You leave me alone." After listening to this, the person sitting on the ground seems to want to avoid the eye contact with each other more. He tries hard to control the voice of rejection to be short and rude, and the people who listen to him can't help smiling.

"I'm sorry for you just now. I tried to pull it out, but I didn't have time... Because it felt so good. "

"Ai'Tharn..." Although he wanted to cuss him, Type can't say anything, because Tharn's obscene words were really annoying and he wanted to raise his hand to cover his ears, but he doesn't want to hear.

"You have to get all my semen out. Let me help you..."

"Go away." The tone of Type's rejection of Tharn became very strong again, but in fact, he dare not look at Tharn and because he was afraid of being laughed at.

After listening to Type's words, Tharn got up, took a towel, dried himself, put his clothes on his arms, and prepared to go out, before going, he said, "You must get it all out, or it will be bad for your health."

"Ai'Tharn..." Without Type cussing, Tharn has quickly raised his legs and walked out of the bathroom. He doesn't want to be cussed by the back, he couldn't laugh. He guessed it might be the shy guy defensiveness.

I am shy because I am afraid of being seen as someone who cant handle this..

There's no place to die. It's divided into five parts and drawn by the goddess of the land, I curse him!

Type went back to the dormitory with his wet hair. Now he is sitting beside his bed, wiping his hair. He tries to control his hair expression, pretending that what happened did not happen.

But... Why does the opposite bed look like that!

Type thought impatiently, squinting at the person sitting in the opposite bed, leaning against the wall, wearing headphones, leaving

His eyes were fixed on this side, and the gunpowder was ignited again.

Who would have thought that he was like an inexperienced little girl who couldn't bear to do bed exercises, otherwise he would be the first time to encounter such intense sex, but it's obviously who has done it many times, but who knew the fair? Put your fingers in it... You bastard...

What a shame!

"You put..."

"If you dare to ask me another word, this phone of mine will hit you in the face!"

"Haha." Type wanted to smash the mobile phone on the cargo's face. He bit his teeth. Although he knew his face is red, he is not white, so he will not be found.

"But I'm curious..."

It is.

"Shut up!" It wasn't a cell phone that was thrown. It was a soft pillow that was smashed into Tharn's face from the opposite bed. After that, the one who smashed the pillow fell on the bed and covered his head with the quilt, saying he didn't want to talk, which means don't ask him again, he wanted to go to sleep.

Why should I behave like a little girl before him!

The southern boy asked himself, he wanted to control himself, holding on, and Type heard the sound of slippers getting closer and closer, as if someone was standing near his bed, because there is a figure blocking the light bulb.


"What?" There was a loud, sullen voice coming from the quilt, and Tharn put the pillow beside him,

Then said:

"Tomorrow we'll go and get the sheets together."

"Go by yourself." Type answers in the quilt.

"Let's go together. I don't know which style you like."

Buying bed sheets is not the same. Type who wanted him to go back to sleep thought in his heart, but was interrupted by the voice.

"Otherwise, I'll buy you Hello Kitty if you don't."

Buy that for me and I will burn it!

Type gnashed his teeth at the thought of the retarded cat heads on the sheets he bought, but at that time


"Or you don't want to go because you're afraid of having other feelings for me?"


The listener was suddenly interrupted, almost overturning the quilt on his head and cussing him, but looking back, he didn't want to see his face, but as a natural character and do not admit defeat, hear this kind of words as if to provoke him.

People like me are afraid of that?

"Well, I will go." The southern boy replied in a low voice, this is the funniest thing this year. People like him, even dare not go out with him, think too much, no matter go or not, he won't have any other feelings for him.

Type estimated that Tharn may have nothing to say. It's over, so he stood quietly beside his bed for a long time,

But who would have expected



"Have a good dream."

At the end of this sentence, the whole body immediately froze, because he was very sure that it was not the hand that touched him just now, but...

Mouth, if it's his mouth, how can I

Will be a good dream!

Will you die if you speak to me politely?!

Type shouted angrily in his heart. He heard Tharn go to turn off the light, then the light went dark, and then heard Tharn return on the bed. But his body is still very stiff, there is always a kind of inexpressible strange feeling in his heart, and he was still very ignorant, and he doesn't know what happened

What was born?

He didn't know the source of the strange feeling. Is it because of the word "good dream" or the touch left on the cheek?

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