
Chapter 43 : Hate It Or Not Hate It

    "Our whole family should go on a trip to Pang'an together."


         Now ask Type, and see what he thinks, he was expecting to eat well, the head of the house, the man in the lord's seat brought the island in the middle of the table without thinking, making the southern boy both frightened and nervous, so worried that the spoon nearly fell out of his hand, and he turned his head to look at the man who had laughed straight at the idea with satisfaction. No, I'm begging you not to!

       Of course, Type could only mourn in his heart, his hands trembling slightly, because at the thought of the image of his dear father meeting Tharn's father, disaster was about to happen to him.

      "Okay, we can go to Type's father's resort and rest, then you can get to know Type's family."

        It's not good, it's not good, don't go see my parents, it's just a headache.

        The southern boy replied mentally, and when turning his head to look at the man next to him, the look of interest in Tharn's eyes made and everyone heard a "bang."

       "Ouch!" There was a shout of pain as Type kicked underfoot, but strangely enough it wasn't Tharn who shouted, but Brother Thorn.

       Oh, no! Wrong guy!

       The person in the dilemma pondered, wanting to refuse, but unable to say anything, because he hadn't told his parents about his relationship with Tharn, and hadn't told his parents, which species he belonged to yet, so he could only laugh dryly, looking at Thorn with a sorry face, and Tharn was laughing.

      You're dead tonight, xsshole!

     "Daddy, I don't think so for now, you don't have any holidays this year do you?" Luckily, Thorn helped to refute.

      "But it's been years since we've had to go to the beach in Thailand together, oh, we should be able to spare the time." The mother of the three siblings refuted, it seemed that the whole family liked the suggestion of going to the beach, if going to the beach didn't involve me that would be fine, but right now, going to my house!

       "But I think it's better to talk about it after a while, mommy and daddy have already made an appointment with a friend to go on a trip together isn't it, and also said that they've been too busy lately to even have time to rest, isn't it? I said let Tharn scout out the sights first and see what it's like, and then it's not too late for us to go holiday there." Thorn's brother helping to talk made Type think it was strange that he did, and it was only for a moment, because the lover's brother turned his head and smiled wickedly.

     "Because I don't want to get hurt again!"

      "What does that have to do with you getting hurt?" But the mother of the three siblings still doesn't understand, making the smiling brother smile because he realized it a long time ago.

      "Does Mom remember going back to the beach the day before, and then I stepped on a sea urchin? I've been having heart palpitations about the sea for a long time," the excuse Type heard from the family's brother's mouth, FFs what would hurt so much, Type really wanted to kick him again, but realized that he helped him to talk and evade the family trip to Pang'an, forget it.

       Including the whole family, not one of them has to go.

      "That's it, just let me go see it first and then we'll talk." Tharn chuckled as Type watched him go to question the head of the family, then snorted when he got an answer.

       Don't go, I won't let you go to my island!

      "Too bad, but Thorn is right about that too."

       "Whew!" Their compromise caused Type to sigh darkly, before he could relieve himself.

       "So is Brother Tharn sleeping at home tonight?" His sister, who was eating quietly, became the troublemaker side, causing his mother to turn to look at the clock.

    "That's it, son, you better sleep at home tonight, so you don't have to drive back and forth so much." These words made Tharn look embarrassed, at first, he only brought the lover to meet his brother, not intended to come to see his parents, but this now about letting him sleep here, let Type go back alone is not what he wants, it seems, not going home to sleep for a while made his mother worry a lot.

      "It's okay, I can go back on my own."

       Of course, it's just a matter of going back to the apartment first, but it's just a bus ride back to the dorm.

      "Well, no, no, son, you just sleep here for the night and go back to the apartment together tomorrow."

      "Yes!" Tharn had to turn around and shout, making eye contact with his parents, who were smiling at home, and it was clear from the parents' eyes that Type couldn't refuse, but who would dare to sleep in the lover's house on their first day as a guest there.

      "Ugh, I don't think that's a good idea, sorry about this." The southern boy laughed dryly and said softly that he had the heart to kill Tharn.

        Because you alone have put me in this situation.

       "You're welcome, Thorn also has friends who come over and play games and then stay at the house all the time, Nong San used to come over almost every week."

       "What, San?" asked Type with wide eyes and a tough tone at the very piercing name, the listener nodding strongly at the questioner?

       "That's him, do you know him, Thorn's friend, also close to Tharn."

       "We are acquaintances." Of course I do, replied Type gritting his teeth and turning to stare at his lover's face to say how far the man had made him come to his house, Tharn then raised his hand and shrugged with a compromised look of helplessness, no longer arguing about it. Meanwhile the little girl Thanya also asked her brother to say.

       "Brother Tharn, sleep at home, okay, okay, can't Brother Type sleep here for a night? I want Brother Tharn to play piano with me." The little sister gave a pleading look while making a crying look, and it looked like she knew it would work for everyone, because the more the little girl said it in a pleading tone, the more Type slowly softened her heart.

     "How's that, how's that?"

       Type can only say...

 "Then I'll stay." Gritting his teeth, he reluctantly agreed.

   Type swore his heart was soft just because he compromised on Thanya the sister's pleading, not because he jealous because San had come to the house to sleep, just not himself, not once, not at all!

   "Don't be mad at me."

    "Did I look mad on my face?"

    After seeing the family's strong persuasion to let him stay overnight, Type had no choice but to move to his second son's room at home, looking like he was not smiling with joy to come in.

  It looked like that so Tharn could also speak in a gentle tone.

 It was as if he too knew he was doing something wrong.

 The man who was hugging a pillow and plopping down on the bed thought so, but the sharp eyes were brighter, fiercer, colder, and the owner of the room gave a light laugh.

 "So what did it say on your face?"

  "Look at my mouth." Type pointed to his mouth and repeated.

   "Exasperated! Bastrd! xsshole...is that clear, fvcking xsshole!"

        One sentence, but repeated three times as an xsshole, and Tharn could hardly hear it if he wanted to, so the drummer threw the towel in the basket and sat down together on the bed, and before he could think to get close, Type raised his hand and pointed at his feet.

      "I'm in a bad mood, and ready to throw this foot up your neck, understand!"

      The words mean I'm not in the mood for any bed excitement, so no need to jump over and hug to curry favor or hug my lap or anything, until the person being accused laughs lightly and comes over to hug his waist, sits face to face in a plank position, and then says with a smile.

        "I'm sorry."

        "No wrong done." Type dismissed.

        "Come on, I'm really sorry!"

         "It's all said and done!" Type refuted again, an angry voice shouting out of his throat, hugging the pillow tighter, then turning his head to look elsewhere.

        I'm so annoyed, what a response to apologize to him with a smile on my face!

       By the looks of it, Tharn should have known that he was really angry because of the serious tone of the speech.

     "I'm really sorry, I didn't think my parents would know, but they didn't say anything either." Despite what Tharn said, Type wasn't too happy about it, because it was too irritating, and Type was worried, very worried.

He didn't know if it felt good to have a face-to-face chat with Tharn's parents, but behind the scenes they weren't happy with him.

      Can anyone really be 100% accepting when their son is gay and brings a gay lover into the home, even though Tharn has been open with his parents for a year?

       What if they secretly told Tharn to make them break up, and he was filled with fear when he thought that.

      I'm not breaking up!

      This time, just this once a cry came from the bones of the homophobic person resonating to the heart, because the life is not willing to break up with Tharn, that bad gay man made Type become gay like himself, that bad gay man taught Type not every gay is bad, at least there is a so good he, so that Type does not want to lose this one.

       And who else can take a bad-tempered man like Tharn as well as he can.


      "Ai'Tharn!" shouted Type in a restrained voice before he could gather his thoughts, and when Tharn tipped his heavy head onto Type's lap to sleep, Type had to look down as if he were pursuing, but the man who had come over to sleep instead had a smile on his face.


"Take it easy!"

  Really wanted to push his head out, but the Tharn guy raised his hand to grab his cheek and reassure him for a moment or two, instead making Type surprisingly calm.

      "Don't worry about it!" He also said, in a warm tone, that every time he made a mistake, he would cheat and beg for peace.

      "Don't overthink it." Type didn't know why he let himself scratch Tharn's cheek and rub it gently.

       "Don't think about the things that make you unhappy."

       Tharn was still slowly rubbing his cheeks up and down until he felt the burning of his skin, so draining that he could only sit still and watch the man who smiled and looked up at him and fell headfirst into his lap to sleep, the man who insisted that what the two of them were doing together was not wrong.

      "What would happen if I thought too much about it?" Type can't help but argue, letting Tharn utter the dumbfounded sentence.

       "If you're nervous, I'll be more nervous than you are; if you're worried, I'll be more worried than you are; if you're thinking more, I'll be more thinking than you are; and if you're in a bad mood, I'm in a worse mood than you are, I'll be thinking more than you are, to make sure you're not alone in your thinking, alone in your nervousness, I'm the one for you ah." Type wanted to scold him for saying something long-winded, but in fact, he couldn't say anything instead, so he could only sit quietly and look at the person who was moving and turned his face to avoid it.

      "Do you think I'll be soft-hearted?"

      "Soft in the heels, I guess." Mouth said that, but his hand had unintentionally stroked Tharn's head to play and really wanted to slap himself.

        It looked like the Tharn guy was laughing at him too, playing with Tharn's head, and Tharn looked a little satisfied as he suddenly rubbed it hard.

       With that, the two hands that were playing stopped moving, allowing Type to stop shouting and breathe heavily as if panting, allowing himself to collapse powerlessly onto the side of the bed while Tharn reached over.

      "I stopped, so I can have you?"


        Of course, the reply can only be so cursed, although only cursing words in the heart wanted to vent out, he wanted to say Tharn do not need it, but he afraid that they will be caught, so he had to gasp and not speak, at this time...


      "Ai'Tharn you guys, don't rub my face!" The damn drummer lowered his head to scent for a kiss, and Type could only bury his face into the pillow to dodge, dissatisfied that he was so putty, while Tharn just laughed, lifted both hands firmly around his waist, and said simply.

       "I'm glad you're willing to sleep here with me."

        "Your mom and dad are terrifying." Type said in a gruff tone.

        "They like you, or they wouldn't have invited you to stay at the house."

        "That means they like that bastard San, too, so he gets to come stay at your house every week."

        "That's because he is coming by himself." Tharn's reply came from overhead, making Type pout, whether he himself would come or not regularly, the man had come years before him, and many times he hadn't forced Tharn to be his wife, how good was that.

         "My parents really like you, so relax." Tharn said that, making Type turn to look at the man sleeping next to him, looking at the handsome partly sideways face that was playing with his hair with his hands, and he had to speak in a very heavy super nasty tone.

       "I hate your house." When Type finished, Tharn immediately refuted.

       "But I love you!"

This time, the one with the best speech became stiff, looking at the one with the corners of his mouth and the corners of his eyes were all smiles, until the handsome face of the one who felt annoying looked good, plus the previous cunning, evil, savage gaze turned into a gentle gaze, so that one did not have to poke the waist but also cackled, his whole body raised goosebumps, he said once more.

        "I love you, Ai'Type, I really do!"

        "You bastrd..." of course he couldn't curse out, and could only stay silence again, tightening his lips and turning his head to the side.

         What love, nerves, how could I be excited to be with him.

       The silent man pondered and could only lie down, turning his face to the built-in wardrobe on the other side, staring at it as if he were a golden closet, full of scalding.

       "Huh?" the damned bastard next to him laughed more and more happily, and Type clenched his teeth so hard that he really couldn't speak.

        How can I answer, Oh, I love you too, no, I'm not that thick-skinned to say such things.

        "Won't you say something?" Tharn could tell Type wasn't refusing until Type sidled over and turned his back to him, as if annoyed.

       "So what, you won't love me for nothing, I don't see what's good about that." The mouth said that, but there was not the slightest doubt in the heart that Tharn was talking about love.

       Although Type is a quiet, aloof man, in all seriousness, he is the first male lover. So he doesn't want to know what Tharn loves about him, as long as he says he loves, even if he doesn't say the word love, in his heart he has trust in him.

       "Uh, I love you every where..." Tharn teased in a drawn-out voice, but he moved over to hold Type until his chest was pressed against Type's back, so hot that Type didn't break free, just fell quietly asleep, feeling Tharn's head being pressed against his neck.

      "You asked me what I love about you, that's kinda hard to answer, you have a bad personality, grumpy, domineering, hard mouth, talk all bad, biased..."

       "Do you want to die?"

        Not really wanting to know what to love about him, but it's not okay to say nice things to your subject.

   Type's words made Tharn laugh, then continued.

      "No, I don't want to die, I still want to love you forever, love your bad character, even if you ask me where I love you, I don't know, I just know that I love you, but I know that something happened to you when you were a child, you were so traumatized with the one that made you this way, only that I was happy when you were willing to be with me, and I also know that I am selfish as a man, and all I did was to make you turn around and see me." The Drummer Boy spoke for a long time, silencing the man who was listening to the answer for a moment, then lifting the corners of his mouth to smile.

     "That's bad!"

        "Referring to the mouth or the words."

        "That's also your mouth or saying words that touch the heart." Type said in a mocking tone, but finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

         "When I say you won't last long with anyone, it must be because you're too mean for people to bear." After saying that, he turned to look at the man who had rolled his eyes and hugged himself, as if tired of this venomous tongue.            The idea came to ​​people sitting and lying in bed A also separating the toes until the light in the room shone brightly upon the plumping ding-a-ling.

            "Open your legs again"

            "Eff you Ai'Tharn!" Despite cursing, Type opened his legs wide. When the big palm went rubbing on the hot flesh and both balls coming and going and using a fingers to roll and pinch them until Type had to tilt his head back and take a deep breath just because it's just whenever Tharn touched his body he immediately became excite.

            "Good scene"

            Of course, the legs were opened wide and everything could be seen despite the bright lights in the room. How could it be bad scene? When playing the whole set of solid, erect pieces and the narrow channel that was being trimmed with a feather touch being given.

            From then, Tharn managed to swipe his hand up and down along the hot flesh. Until Type inhaled air into the lungs and felt like his whole body was flashing

          Really good xxx is never something that is rushed. And than knowing how to make him feel better.


            This time the tip of the tongue was lathering onto the tip. Until the tip was swallowed cleanly and Type sent his hand to the brown hair and kept swiping it back and forth hoping to vent the repressed emotions. When he felt the tip of his hot tongue wrapped around his ding-a-ling and flicked around the hard part swallowed slower thins he felt like he could die

            "Hey ... You're too good ... Too good ..."

            "Ugh" Tharn still had a face to laugh. When Type looked up to see the evil eyes of the one who had devoured his ding-a-ling like chocolate ice cream, the suction was so intense that Type was shocked many times. And also all the flickers went on until he had to pull the man's hair gently.

            "You... it's too much ... so muc-. Don't suck like that ... my whole body will disappear." Using one elbow to support the body Type felt like he had disappeared into the mouth of the man and broke away, using hands to swipe the piece that was wet with saliva until a sound was made every time he moved up and down

            "Missed this, both are good. I especially like to eat your stuff."

            "Shiaa! That is a xxck! Not ice cream. "Type gently pushed the man's head. The man who heard this laughed and went on without failing to rub the tip of the tongue at the tip until Type was twitching the whole body and he pulled and around Tharn's neck tightly

            He doesn't know what Ai'Tharn likes. He himself, even if he is using the mouth to give it but it is not like how Tharn does it.

            There, Hate it it. Not Hate it. Once Tharn took his pants off, revealed that his ding-a-ling was found to be a piece of fire that bounced hotly ready to blow lava out.

            "Don't do it ... You know I'm loudly. You know," the Southern boy repeated when the other side moved in. Until the hot pieces rubbed together which made Tharn laugh. Moved his hand to the hips, squeezing heavily before pulling towards the lower body until there was almost no space between them.

            The actions that Type can say are... Shiaa this is really good

      "Although Brother San has been in my room, you have to believe that you are the only one who has become scent here to show possession of the territory."

   "What! I'm not a dog that pisses everywhere and takes up space, ah...phew!" Type argued loudly, before gasping and shouting, while the big hand was rubbing the water-filled glans until he heard the slippery sound, at which point the initiator laughed low and moved his hand even harder and more rhythmically, and Type yanked the handsome face close and kissed him.

   Consider my dedicated service to you as my confession.

            The kiss at the tip of the tongue came as they were connected as tightly as the moving hand, so that the ding-a-lings cannot be spaced apart. And it became even more intense when Type of gesture was laid down

          Ai'Tharn I would like to make requests.

            The idea of ​​a body twitching and breathing until the chest reflected and the face and the mouth and kissing came again which Tharn gave passionately.

            The sound of the palm touching the body becomes louder. The rhythm is even pushier. The hips were increasingly touching each other. Not a moment later...


            It wasn't long before the condensed liquid burst out of his palm.

            "Paper towel..."

            "I'm not finished yet."

            "Hey, come here!" Type murmured asking for paper. But the owner of the room has not yet reached his end. Type pushed him down then quickly used his the mouth to support the stick with the size that is necessary to suppose that it is too big and pushing it into his mouth deep, sucking heavily, move the face hard enough to make Tharn growl. Holding his head firmly...

            "Just a little more" The fishy flavored liquid rushed into the mouth until almost Type was choking. But because after getting used to it a bit, Type swallowed it quickly and looked up to the person who suffered frequently and tell again...

   "Now the paper towel..." requests that made the audience smiled broadly.

            "Um paper" Tharn responded, and the smile in the face caused Type to quickly turn away. Because of the service that he have tried to tell him that he loved you.

            The idea of ​​the person who feels that... coming to this house is not bad either.

   That's how Type thought about it and thought it would be nice to come to this house.

   In the morning, the morning sunlight shone through the curtains into the room of the second son, the guest was the one who woke up first, probably because he was in a strange place, or maybe he was worried that lead to his failing to sleep much, so he sneaked off to take a bath, and then came back to find the owner of the room who was still sleeping.

   Thinking so, Type slowly shook his head and woke him up.


 "Woo!" Being punched in the face by a soft pillow made Tharn startle and open his eyes, yelping in shock, until the man who had called him up roared.

   "Wake up, lazybones."

   "You have to wake me up...Ow...in the usual way... not this way." Tharn could only open his mouth and yawn, very sleepily lifting his hands to cover his face, making Type laugh badly, and then speak in Tharn's style.

  "You better dream on, go take a shower, I want to go back to the apartment." Hearing this, Tharn brushed his face to drive away a strong sense of sleep, but hadn't gotten up yet, as if he was concentrating on his consciousness.


   Type then quickly bent down, held him and kissed him heavily on the corner of the mouth, before breaking free and laughing mockingly.

 "Look how much you want it...I'll go down and wait for you." Saying that and immediately turning around and coming out, not letting that bastard Tharn catch it, was embarrassing when he gave what Tharn had asked for.

   'When will I get your good morning kiss?'

       I already gave it to you, don't ask any more.

 Of course, Type didn't wait to see the results of what he had just done, that would be a loss of dignity.

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