The King of Tintagel

King Madoc and his now Queen/wife Éire have decided to go on a honeymoon leaving Camelot in the hands of the knights.

King Madoc and Queen Éire have one bodyguard with them, Sir Mabon ap Modron.

The King and Queen decided to visit King Madoc's cousin, the King of Tintagel, Culhwch and his Queen/wife Olwen.

And so, after having passed the gatekeeper of Tintagel, Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr, King Madoc, Queen Éire and Sir Mabon entered the throne room of King Culhwch.

The two cousins embraced each other, and a feast was then held.

King Madoc, Queen Éire and Sir Mabon spent two weeks at Tintagel, and after those two weeks were over, King Madoc decided to pay a visit to his uncle Constans, who was a monk at Glastonbury.

With that the honeymoon was over, and the King and Queen finally went home to their kingdom.