Marriages and children

Jacob and Melinoé are already married and now, they have two children together, a boy and a girl.

The boy's name is Drákon and the girl's name is Fýsi and it is Fýsi who has inherited Zulfiqar since she is the oldest, and Melehan has inherited Clarent since he is the oldest, Melou has been given Caliburn.

Sir Escanor and Boudica are married and have three daughters Epona, Bonvica and Agrippina.

Sir Bedivere and Boann are married and have one son named Bradley who shall later be known as Sir Bradley.

Even the lady Anna has married yet again, Lady Anna is now married to Sir Lamorak.

Tom and Celia are married and have two sons together Frederik and Ben.

Loholt and Rebecca of York are married, Rebecca is also an Amazonian knight.

Sir Pierre d'Arc and Cassandra are married and have a boy and girl together.

Sir Ur-Nungal and Manungal are married.

King Tristram and Queen Le Bel Isode are already married and now they have a daughter together called Isabella.

There are also four children about the same age as Eliwlod within Camelot, these children are three boys and one girl and their names are, Oberon, Ywain, George (who is known as the Great Fool) and Morfydd, these four are the children of Lady Morgana and Accolon and for those wondering how the hell Morgana and Accolon had children, all I can say is, Lady Morgana had access to the Morrigan.