The Establishment

The sun was starting to set.

After having walked for a little while. The knight and the little girl came across an establishment. That would let them stay for the night.

'' Welcome sir. Thank you for choosing our establishment. How many rooms would you like? '' said the owner.

The knight gestures one to the owner. '' Very well sir. How many nights will you stay with us? '' asked the owner, and the knight gestures yet again one. '' Very good sir. One room for one night. That will be one copper, but if you're willing to pay two copper, then you and your child can get breakfast before you leave tomorrow '' said the owner.

The knight looked at the little girl, who still showed no emotion, and then looked at the owner, and nodded, and put two copper coins on the owner's desk.

'' Splendid. If you would be so kind as to follow me. I will show you to your room '' said the owner. Who then proceeded to walk upstairs, and the knight followed him, and the little girl also followed while still holding onto the knight's cloak.

'' This is your room sir, and here is the key. Breakfast will be served at dawn. So I hope to see you both there, and goodnight '' said the owner, but before the owner left. He looked down at the little girl, and smiled, but the little girl was unfazed by the owners smile. The little girl's face was still emotionless.

The owner was a bit sad by the little girl's expressionless face, but felt that there was nothing more he could do.

The owner then looked at the knight, and said goodnight once more, and the knight replied with a nod.

The knight and the little girl went into the room, and then the knight locked the door behind them.

The room only had one bed, a nightstand, and an unlit candle on the nightstand.

The room was lit up by the light of the full moon that came through the window.

The knight went to the opposite side of the room, where the bed was not, and sat down on the floor.

The knight looked up at the little girl, who stood in front of him, and now was no longer holding onto his cloak.

The knight pointed at the little girl, and then at the bed.

The little girl looked at the knight with her big blue eyes, and then at the bed, and then at the knight again.

The knight nodded, and then the little girl went over to the bed, and sat on it while still looking at the knight with her big blue eyes.

The knight noticed that some of the little girl's blonde hair was in the middle of her face. After that, the knight closed his eyes inside of his jet black helmet. Which made the red glow in the eyeholes of his helmet disappear.

The knight rested his head on the back of the wall behind him, while he rested his right arm on his right knee that stood upwards,

but then the knight heard footsteps. Like someone was running towards him.

The knight quickly opened his eyes, which made the red glow of the eyeholes of his helmet appear once again, and what he saw, was the little girl up in the air in front of him.

She had run from the bed, and had jumped from the middle of the room towards the knight. The knight instantly caught her.

The little girl was now in the knight's embrace.

She just looked straight into the red eye holes of the knight's helmet.

Afterward. The little girl rested her head on the knight's chest plate, and closed her eyes. Where she immediately fell asleep.

The knight (unsure of what just happened) just put the back of his head towards the wall, and once again, closed his eyes. Which made the red glow of the helmets' eye holes disappear.

Birds started singing, which woke nature up, and with nature, the sun appeared in the sky once more.

Dawn had arrived.

The second the light from the sun entered the room (of the knight and the little girl). The light made the knight open his eyes, and the red light of his helmets eye holes appeared once again.

The knight looked around the room, that was now lit up by the sun's light, and then. The knight looked down at the little girl, who was still in his embrace, and she was still asleep while softly breathing at the knight's chest plate.

The knight just looked at her, and then the knight slowly stood back up, while still holding the little girl in his embrace, while the little girl's head was still resting on the knight's chest plate. The knight then slowly put the little girl back on the bed.

He carefully placed her head on the pillow, and luckily she was still asleep.

The knight saw no need to put the blanket over her. Since the white cloaked hood she was wearing, acted like a blanket.

The knight just looked at the little innocent child that now had her right eye covered by the chunk of blonde hair that was in the middle of her face before.

The knight just slightly pushed the chunk of yellow hair away from the little girl's right eye, towards the rest of her hair, on the right side of her head, and thankfully she was still asleep.

The knight then walked towards the door, unlocked it, and then walked outside, and then closed the door behind him.

The knight walked downstairs of the establishment, where he was greeted by the owner.

'' Good Morning sir. I hope you've slept well '' said the owner.

The knight just looked at the owner and nodded.

'' Very good sir. Breakfast is soon ready '' said the owner '' But will the little girl not be joining you sir? '' asked the owner.

The knight just looked at the owner, with the red glow coming from the eyeholes of his helmet, and then nodded.

'' I see, then is the little girl perhaps still asleep? '' asked the owner.

The knight still looking at the owner, nodded yet again.

'' Very good sir. The little girl does have a few minutes to sleep, before breakfast is ready '' said the owner ''Let us leave her be for now '' and the knight nodded. Afterward, the owner went into the kitchen to help the staff with the final preparation for breakfast, and the knight just continued to stand in the middle of the lobby of the establishment.

A few seconds after the knight and the owner had finished their little talk.

The little girl started to wake up.

The little girl slowly opened her big blue eyes, and saw that the room she was in, was now fully lit up by the light of the sun,

but something was wrong.

She felt something soft on her head.

She lifted her head, and saw the pillow, and that was when her heart started to beat really fast.

She quickly stood up, and quickly notice that she was standing on top of the bed in the room, and she then started to sweat.

She also noticed that the knight was no longer in the room with her. She was all alone, and her heart started to beat even faster, so fast that she could feel heart in her throat.

The light within the little girl's big blue eyes slowly started to disappear.

The little girl was shaking.

The little girl then ran to the door, and slam opened the door, so that it could be heard through the entire establishment.

The knight heard the sound, and then looked upstairs where he saw the little girl.

The little girl looked downstairs, and saw the knight, while holding onto the rails of the stairs.

The little girl then jumped from the second floor. Right over the railings of the stairs,

and once again. The knight instinctively caught her in his embrace.

The owner rushed into the lobby after having heard the slam of the door upstairs.

'' Good heavens. What has happened? '' said the owner,

but all the owner saw, was the knight holding the little girl in his embrace. As they were being illuminated by the light of the sun that came from the open door of the establishment.

The knight was holding the little girl, who was hiding her face on the knight's chest plate.

The knight could feel the little girl's body still shaking a bit.

The knight looked down at the little girl, and after a few seconds, she looked up at him, while her chin was on knights chest plate, and her big blue eyes were now lit up by the light coming from the sun, and the knight could now see that the little girl was crying.

Her eyes were filled with tears, that dripped on the knight's chest plate, then onto the floor.

The knight just held the little girl close to his armor.

'' Is everything alright? sir'' asked the owner, and the knight then looked at the owner, and then nodded.

The little girl finally stopped shaking, and then rested her face on the knight's chest plate once again.

'' Very good sir. Breakfast is ready '' said the owner, and the knight nodded, and then walked into the dining hall, while still holding the little girl in his embrace.

The Knight stood before a table in the dining hall, still holding the little girl. Who was now no longer crying.

The knight slowly put the little girl onto the chair at the table, and then the knight walked to the opposite side of the table, and then sits down on the chair.

The knight looks at the little girl who is just staring at the table.

The owner comes to the table, and puts down some food.

'' Here is your food sir '' says the owner, and puts a bowl of soup filled with hot water, potatoes, and some meat, in front of the little girl, and then the knight.

The knight looks at the owner and then nods.

The owner bows and then leaves.

The little girl picks up the spoon that the owner left, and then starts to eat some of the soup.

The second she puts the spoon in her mouth and tastes the soup. The light within her eyes started to return.

The knight just looked at the little girl enjoying her meal, and then noticed that she had already finished her soup. The little girl had a sad expression on her face, but noticed that the knight was sliding his bowl towards her.

The little girl looked at the knight, and the knight just nodded.

The knight stood up from the chair. After the little girl had finished eating. He was ready to leave.

The little girl stood up from her chair, and ran beside the knight. Where she once again held onto his cloak. The little girl looked at the knight's faceplate, and was also ready to leave.

The knight and the little girl reach the door of the establishment, and behind them came the owner.

'' Are you leaving now sir? '' said the owner

The knight looked at the owner and then nodded.

'' Very good sir. It was a pleasure serving you '' said the owner.

The knight tossed the owner a coin. The owner caught the coin, and to his surprise. It was a gold coin.

The owner then looked at the knight, and the knight just nodded, and then he and the little girl exited the establishment.

The owner bowed one last time behind them.

The knight and the little girl now stood outside the establishment, and then suddenly. A little boy runs past the little girl and yells '' papa ''. The little girl sees the little boy run into the embrace of his father.

The knight looks down towards the little girl, and the little girl looks up at the knight.

The knight sees that the little girl still has an emotionless face. Just like a doll, and the chunk of yellow hair was back in the middle of the little girl's face again.

The knight now looked towards the edge of the town, and walked towards it with the little girl beside him. Still holding onto his cloak.