Chapter 9

"Is Caroline okay?" Asked Christina. "Oh um she's fine", said Cass. Cynthia looked at Cass. "I don't think she is but you don't have to tell us", said Cynthia. Cass sighed. "Ugh fine. Her brother is very sick that he's on life support and we're trying to figure out what the hell is going on", said Cass. Christina looked at Cass. "Why do you have an attitude with us? We're her best friends", said Christina. "I'm not getting into an attitude. I just don't like you guys, I've known her since we were babies", said Cass. Christina was mad. "We're nice to her and you really aren't so shut your mouth!" Said Christina. "I am nice to her", said Cass. Christina hit Cass in the face and Cass threw Christina in the bookcase. Christina was crying. The librarian kicked Cass out. Cass was pissed out. She walked to her house to chill out. In Caroline's house, Caroline was in her room and drew a picture of her as a witch. She hung it up in her room. "I need to practice being a witch but I don't know how to", said Caroline. Caroline decided to call Cass but she didn't answer. "Shit", said Caroline. Ms. Andersen went in Caroline's room. "Want to go visit Raphael and get him flowers?"Asked Ms. Andersen. "Sure", said Caroline. They went to Walmart to get flowers and went to the hospital.

Caroline went to Raphael's room and saw him on life support. She hugged him and gave him flowers. "Goodbye, see you soon brother", said Caroline. She walked out of the hospital. "Hey, do you want witch lessons?" Asked Ms. Andersen. "Wait what?" Asked Caroline. Ms. Andersen smiled while driving. "I heard that you need witch lessons, I can sense it. I mean after all I am a witch", said Ms. Andersen. "No way!" Said Caroline. Caroline was shocked. "I mean I would love lessons please, ma'am", said Caroline. "Okay let's go to the woods to practice", said Ms. Andersen. Caroline smiled. They went to the woods. Ms. Andersen sat down and got out a empty soda can. "Now watch me try to crush the soda can with my mind", said Ms. Andersen. She used her mind to crush the soda can and it crushed. She got out another one. "Now try to and remember to stay calm. The powers don't happen overnight just try to practice", said Ms. Andersen.

Caroline tried to use her mind to crush the soda can but failed to. She tried for hours until Ms. Andersen got up. "We have to go. It's getting dark. We'll practice tomorrow", said Ms. Andersen. Caroline finally crushed the soda can with her mind. "I did it!" Said Caroline. Ms. Andersen was proud that she hugged Caroline.