Chapter 5: Comfort

Ariadna Pov

I opened my eyes and I was greeted with sunlight and the sound of chirping birds. It was already morning. I sat and stretched and yawned. I was scratching my tummy until I realized and remembered yesterday's events. Chills run down my spine remembering what happened yesterday. Someone knocked on the door and it slowly creaked open

"Your Highness, Good morning how was your rest? you fainted yesterday"

My personal maid said while entering and fixing my bed. So I fainted? that's why I ended up here in my quarters. Then suddenly i heard big footsteps that are coming near. Erden entered the room.

"Good day My lady, your father is expecting you to his study room"

"Then your higness you must prepare immediately"

Erden looks so serious this morning. My personal maid quickly pulled me to the dressing room.

"Then, I will take my leave My Lady"

Erden quietly left. After a few minutes of preparation, I wore something cute that father cant resist hehe. I walked on the hallways going to my father's study room. As I arrived, I opened the door and saw my father signing all those paperwork.

"Father! Father! you called for me?"

"Yes, I have something to tell you"

I happily greeted. Father still reading and signing those paper works

"But first look! look at my dress father isn't it pretty? it has flower prints on it"

I tried fluttering my dress to show it off. Father looked at me and chuckled

"Yes, yes my princess is cute and pretty"

I smiled. Even though what happened yesterday its like everything is back to normal.

"Your cousin will be visiting here today. Do You know your Uncles? Uncle Vard and Uncle Legos?"

He asked. while still reading those paperworks. Can you stop that and please talk and look at me?

"Yes, the ones with you during the war Uncle Vard of Kazimel and Uncle Legos of Mortok ."

"Well, they'll be visiting today for political matters. I want you to play and enjoy with your cousins while we're working"

He looked at me and pat down the papers he was reading. Then there was a knock on the door. Erden entered the room then he quickly bowed

"Your Majesty, your guests has arrive"

" Stop being so formal to me it gives me cringe, Ariadna, Lets go?"

Father asked as he held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and smiled. As we were walking, Erden poked me on the shoulder

"My Lady, as I was patrolling around the kingdom I saw this and I thought I should give it to you . I know you are still uncomfortable of what happened yesterday. I thought this could comfort you in some way"

I stopped and received the gift that Erden is handing out. It was a bunny plush toy. I hugged it.

"Thank you, Erden"

"Are you taking advantage on my own daughter Erden?"

I greeted and smiled. My father looked at Erden suspiciously . Erden sweat so hard like a sinner in church

" No your majesty, I would never do such thing"

He said while holding up his hands. I giggled softly. We walked together with Erden as our escort through the hallways until we reached the main entrance.