The Necessary “Dumbing Down” of Society

Tell me why, in a building full of professional adults, there is a need to put certain signs above certain areas. Do we need a "No Running" sign in an office environment? Do we need a sign for the kitchen area that directs people to clean up after themselves? What is society coming to when the most basic aspects of human conduct must be subtly reinforced by the use of signage.

Here's what started this topic. I worked in a 6 story building full of adults, professional working adults. In this building, we obviously have restrooms and kitchen areas, conference rooms and offices. Each is labeled with the appropriate sign denoting what it is and what it is used for, rightfully so. One thing that caught me off guard is a sign I saw in the restroom. Above the toilet (not the urinal) there is a special sign, something I had to tell my 4 year old and 6 year old consistently. "Please Flush". Please flush? Please flush!? What the fuck sort of world do we live in that an office building full of grown working adults has to have signs placed above the restroom equipment reminding people to flush their fecal matter down the toilet!?

This has peeked my curiosity to the point that I think an experiment is in order. From now on I am going to take a piece of masking tape and add the word "Don't" between "Please" and "Flush" and see what happens. Is our society that codependent on signage to instruct us of the most basic of the human functions? I will gladly report the results after one day of testing or until the toilet overflows with fecal matter and the "adults" try to figure out what the problem is.

Ramble, ramble, ramble. You have to be thinking that at this point if you've read this far. It just caught me off guard that we need THAT posted as a reminder. What we really need is a sign posted on every corner of every block of every city in every area of the world that reads "Please Be Kind to One Another" or "Please No Murdering", "Please No Raping", "Please No Violence", "Please No Parking in More Than One Parking Spot".

Maybe there is a method to the madness, which is why I have never seen anything other than water in the bathroom facilities. Should we award the Nobel Peace Prize to the person that cracked the human neurological code by figuring out that all we need is a sign to point us in the right direction?

Remember, flush your poop or you're a douche!