Current (2012) Cartoon Trends

On certain cartoons these days, prime example being Dora the Explorer, the characters ask the kiddy audiences questions every so often. When the questions are asked the character pauses for a good 5-7 seconds. I know my children never respond, not even my 5 year old. I want to know what goes through these kids' minds as the character is just standing there waiting for an answer.

A young child's mind is at an enormous risk of negative development in a three to nine second window of staring at an inanimate object that is emitting no sounds at all. Studies have shown in the last decade, nine out of ten children suffer from chronic slow-mo disorder when they have been exposed to more than three sets of visual and sound deficiencies.

I am writing this more of a petition for parents everywhere to push back against these moments of nothing-ness during cartoons. With all the A.D.D. diagnosis's going around this decade, we owe it to our children.

How about when the five seconds of silence has passed, Dora says, "That was my favorite part too!" What? How the fuck does she know what every kid said or how does she know that any kid said anything. Dora should have more respect for herself as a cartoon celebrity. You aren't Santa Clause; you don't have an eye on EVERY kid!

It's time to put a stop to this. Nick, Nick Jr. and Disney, it's time to face the music and do as the parental public wants! Enough is enough.

My children will now only watch old Disney DVDs and the recent Pixar DVDs from the early 2000s or Army of Darkness because that movie is the SHIT!