That's a Horse!

With the recent discovery of the "Penis" Snake, my brain was activated and sent into deep thought about other notable penises that are out there. I'm going to tell you a tale of tragedy, willpower and the fight to survive emotionally after an encounter with a horse penis.

When I was just a small lad, about 8-12 years old, I was fascinated with horses. Especially the "My Little Pony" toys! Their luscious colored hair and their hard plastic bodies, it was great. I guys I also enjoyed real horses as well.

My mother took me to a local horse farm. I assumed these horses were planted in the ground and harvested when they were ripe. Boy I was wrong. As soon as we pulled up, I witnessed a beautiful steed mounting the lone female in the group. Of course my jaw dropped and I didn't blink for over seven minutes (hence the lazy eye).

Well, I walked about while my mother talked with the founders of the ranch or farm as it was called. I must have wondered too far as I found myself contained in the main horse ring. The steed locked in the ring had perceived me as a threat and I could tell it was on instantly. His nostrils flared and his gorgeous tail whipped back and forth.

The steed began watching me, eye contact like crazy. The only problem was he was still thrusting in and out of the female horse I had spotted earlier. He never broke eye contact and never blinked even when he busted! It was amazing. A glorious NAHHHHHHHHHH bellowed out, encompassing the entire area.

I had seen more than enough and turned to figure out how to get out of the ring. I know I didn't have my back turned for more than three seconds and the steed was lingering over top of me! I didn't know what to do so I hit the deck but when I did I ended up on all fours, ass in the air…I was wearing shorts.

Suddenly, I'm floating in the air. The massive steed was attempting to "make me a man". He had unknowingly slide his horse penis in to my T-Shirt. My fingertips were the only things that were touching the ground. I wasn't in any pain so I felt there was no reason to fight or scream.

The steed had worked up so much momentum and friction that his penis exploded all over my back, up my neck, all in my shirt and it slowly encompassed my head. He dropped me to the ground, leaned down and gently kissed me with his snout.

Horse semen is NO joke. It was hot like lava! It stuck like super glue and it smelled like chlorine and sprite mixed in a 70/30 ratio. I had second degree burns over eighty percent of my body and still have nightmares to this day about that massive steed and his even more massive penis.

I have never seen that horse again and I certainly have never wanted to be near a horse ever again. I was very lucky he didn't find my little boy hole because a horse penises girth and length could have been fatal.

Don't mess with horses!