Horrible People

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with the world today? I'm not even concerned about the "regular" crimes, crimes of passion or even crimes of insanity but the crimes I am speaking of are crimes of heartlessness and cowardliness.

Anything done to a baby or a domesticated animal certainly falls under those two areas. Anything involving some mentally handicapped or crippled falls in the same category. My real issue is the mental stability of the citizens that surround us every day.

I don't consider anger a passionate emotion or an emotion that could lead to a slight moment of insanity. We all get angry sometimes, we all get frustrated and upset. Why don't we all just take a baby and put it in a microwave set for ten minutes or just take a few pitbulls and electrocute, body slam and drown them because they aren't up to dog fighting standards (Michael Vick)? Oh yeah, all of us aren't cowards and/or heartless.

Most of us are capable of using rational thought on a daily basis to determine right and wrong or smart from stupid.

I just don't understand how a human brain can tell its host to go out and try to slice someone's throat then toss your girlfriend and toddler child out of a third story window then climb down the fire escape to continue beating her? What mind works like that? What person is capable of performing an act like that without any remorse?

How about Columbine? Two young guys that have the knowledge and means to construct pipe bombs, propane tank bombs and obtain multiple high powered assault rifles to systematically attack and destroy their own high school and massacre their fellow class mates.

How about Virginia Tech? Over thirty people dead, all of which were trying to obtain a higher education to help them succeed in the world and make a difference for society were slain by one gunman with a lone goal, death.

It's not the guns, it's not internet, it's not videos games, comic books or music. It's a lack of discipline. If I go to K-Mart and spank my kid in the store and the wrong person sees, I'll be on the damn news. However, if we continue to raise our children with no rules and no discipline then we will continue to see situations like the few examples from above, maybe even more frequently.

Spank your kids people. I'm not admitting if I do or not because i don't want a visit from CPS, but spank them and spank them real good.