The Yeast Infection

There has been a massive cover up around the United States. Many have been lead like lost sheep, lead into believing that only women can get yeast infections and that yeast infections are totally unrelated to how much bread you eat. I am going to disprove that myth today and inform the public of what they need to look out for and how to dismantle the riddle of the yeast infection.

My first point:

A yeast infection is entirely related to the amount of bread you intake. If you think about it, yeast is in ALL bread. People consume multiple pieces of bread every day and the government has actually gone so far as to buy out (or kill) anyone that has come up with recipe for bread that does not contain yeast.

Many people don't know this but the government owns 85% of each bread company and 75% of each doctor's office, even private practices.

If the recipe for yeast free bread is released to the public, we will all make our own yeast free bread and we lock out the bread companies then the government loses money and power. Also, if the number of doctor's office visit for yeast infection related illnesses goes down the government loses insurance claims and co-pays. Sniff, sniff, conspiracy, cough, cough!

My second point:

The fact is that the government has forced doctor's offices to stop diagnosing male patients with yeast infections. They call it a fungus of unknown origin. In 1946, 70% of all yeast infections were diagnosed in males vs. the 30% of all infections diagnosed in women. Now, you may wonder how men have steered clear of the dreaded yeast infection in the recent decades. We simply avoid bread as often as possible and if you eat bread with any sort bacon on it, the bacon actually cancels out the yeast infection.

In 1976, the ratio had gone from 70% males down to 15% males with yeast infection diagnoses. Avoid bread or always have bacon on hand to consume with bread products and we have no problems.

My third point:

It's completely sexist for women to complain and whine about yeast infections when men actually started out with the most frequent and severe cases. Let's show the government that we are not their puppets to use for their monetary gain. Push back, avoid bread and avoid yeast infections.

No one wants to see a loaf of bread bubbling out of your bat cave anyway.