Today the world was reintroduced to an enemy we know all too well. We are co-existing with psychopaths and masochists on a daily basis. We are around them unknowingly every time we go to work, the store or even the doctor's office. As Americans, we all know the terrible acts we can and do execute to perfection on each other.
I remember the first time I watched the movie "Minority Report". The fantasy thriller in which the authorities received messages that alerted them to criminal thoughts and actions. They would race to the scene right before the crime was about to become reality. Is this movie an accurate depiction of what our reality needs to become? Do we need our thoughts, urges, desires monitored by strangers in order for them to judge us and decide if we are capable of horrible, lucid actions?
Living in America is a privilege, a privilege many of us take for granted every day. We live in a country that we can openly carry firearms because of Amendments instituted by our forefather's years ago. I am a HUGE advocate for the 2nd Amendment, in fact, I open carry daily. I want to continue to be allowed to exercise my right to do so for years to come. However, when I see events go down like this one every year or so, even I question the right for EVERYONE to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. It's as if we need to have neurological tests performed for each person purchasing a weapon.
If the United States were to ban firearm sales to ALL American citizens, that wouldn't solve one ounce of this problem. We've all heard the saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". While this is partially true, access needs to be controlled in a better way than it is now. If our gun rights are completely stripped from us, I fear we will become defenseless from the criminals that still roam the streets today. Criminals will find a way to get guns and then you and I will be unable to adequately protect ourselves.
Let me get off the gun/no gun soap box I just climbed upon. Today is about our strength as Americans, our strength to heal, our passion to console each other and our desire to not let uncontrollable, random acts defile our minds and our outlook on life and society in general.
Whether you are religious or not, whether you have faith in humanity or not, whether you have a desire to continue to live in fear of random horrible acts or not, we must all unite today and continue on into the future as a collective group of people that are proud to be Americans and proud of what America stands for.
My thoughts go out to everyone impacted by the events of 7-20-12 in Colorado.