
What he had seen was none other than the man who had chased him earlier, standing still over a pool of blood. Not only that, but a few others were close by, all in dark corners of the small run-down house. Seeing them, Koku had almost taken a step back but stopped after remembering his mother was there. "W-where's my mother?" The man looked at Koku after he asked about his mother, but no response came about; all he could hear was a small laughter. "That bitch pleaded for us to leave you alone, kid." After hearing this, silence befell them all.

A small ray of light peered in through the small cracks of the home moments later. It was clear that the sun was disappearing, and night was at their doorstep. However, that ray of light slowly consumed the room, specifically the area where the men were at and where that pool of blood was coming from. Koku looked at the man as his face could now be seen clearly, and then at the pool of blood. "Mom?" Koku called out to her in a low, confused voice. "Mother?" he called again. Being a 5-year-old child, he still didn't understand the concept of death but knew of its existence.

Remembering the rabbit he had previously caught and killed the day before, and the one he had in his hand dead as well, Koku began breathing faintly, his breathing gradually getting harder. "Mo-m," the poor boy struggled to even speak at this point. His chest ached as he began hyperventilating; he slowly began to realize the implications of death and just how true by nature it was.

"Just kill him already, no knights, magic knights, or mages will care about this; they won't even investigate, so just kill him already-" saying this, one of the other men started walking up to him slowly with a dagger in hand. "Tch, I'll enjoy this kid, your screams as well," After saying this, the man could tell something was off and stopped moving.

In that moment, they felt something, like a trigger had been activated, no, as if something snapped. Seeing the kid's eyes, the middle-aged man could see that Koku's eyes were expressionless, dead inside. "He looks dead already," he told himself as he resumed walking closer.

Hearing footsteps, Koku didn't move. His hands grew still, eyes dead, and his mind retreating; he was then pulled into this desolate place, nothing but a dark room, seemingly endless. He sat down, began to sob as he curled up into a ball, hugging at his legs tightly. Feeling all alone, he, for some reason, felt as if he was being watched from all directions.

Being a young boy, this was still far too much for him to bear. "All my life, everyone's hated me, everyone except my mom," Koku vaguely remembered the encounter with that teenager from that shop. But since this wasn't on his mind, he continued to sob as he talked to seemingly no one. For a few minutes, he cried, but in reality, time had ceased to exist within this place his consciousness was in. After those few "minutes," he had heard a small short squeak.

Koku looked up at the direction of the sound, and his eyes focused on what he had seen. He stopped sobbing and looked in awe and confusion. It had been both rabbits he had killed; they seemed completely fine but still tainted with blood. The rabbits, one white with dark eyes and the other black with lightly colored brown eyes, both looked at him as they stood high with ears raised, and toward his direction, they both looked. "Do you hate me?" Koku asked the rabbits, which could not give a response verbally.

The white rabbit hopped closer after several seconds. Koku; the black one didn't. After a few more seconds, the white rabbit was standing in front of Koku. It looked at him with those dark eyes. It's as if the rabbit was saying something; after that, the black rabbit had also joined the white rabbit. Feeling uneasy, he looked at his left hand then closed his eyes. That's when he felt it, an overwhelming energy with limitless end and potential. Opening his eyes afterward, feeling this, he could sense something with no end, something with no form, something that could not be seen by anyone other than himself. His eyes glowed bright purple for a moment, and he could see that. His small appearance, the light gray hair, purple eyes, and tiny frame. It was strange to him, but at that moment, he felt warm, as if warm liquids were seeping onto him, from the hands to the arms, and from the arms to the rest of his body.

After he felt this, the rabbits both started glowing purple and began to slowly fade away as they stared into his eyes. Once they were both gone, something felt different; his reflexes seemed more hyper, as did his senses. After feeling this sudden change to his body and soul, he regained control over his body. "What?" Koku was confused, as last he remembered, he wasn't doing anything apart from standing still before being in that place.

Embedded and extending from his hands were 2 big dark purple roots that vaguely resembled swords, but to his horror, on the other side of these weapons of purple light, a single body laid motionless in the air. It was clear as day that the man who was about to kill Koku earlier was no longer alive, and had two holes in his body. Seeing his own arms, there was so much blood; the blood trailed his complete body, and unknown to him, the men who were still in the back of the room were terrified. Frozen with fear, they called Koku a demon; still trying to process everything that was going on, the body of his mother once again crossed his eyes.

Seeing it reminded him of everything that had occurred; his breathing again sped up gradually and fast. His eyes became clouded with hate and his mind infested by rage; this rage caused the spark within him to ignite. His eyes flashed the brightest purple could get, and his now cries of rage shook the ground and deprived everyone within 1/3rd of a mile of their hearing. His cries filled with hate could be heard throughout the full city.

His aura seeped out, and his body and was consumed by this dark thick purple aura, one that seemed to change his appearance. Creating this now 6-foot-tall almost blackish humanoid monster, the men began pissing themselves, the aura oozing from him now was full of an endless cold malice. Spreading to all corners of the world instantly, this presence was felt for a little less than 5 seconds. It was so intense that those who weren't at the top of their classes froze in pure utter fear; their breathing stopped, pounding hearts, many people either passed out or fell to the ground feeling helpless; this presence seemed to overwhelm all.

But there were those who could bear it; many looked up at the sky in the direction of this aura and bloodlust. "The future has something truly terrifying in store for us," a blond-haired lady said with a vague chill running down her spine.

From another part of the world, a middle-aged man who made the heavens his home closed his eyes. "Hmmm, the atrocities that will ensnare the heavens are at our doorstep," and from the place known as hell, the demon who stood above all others grinned. "Oh how very interesting, the skies will soon turn red with blood, as earth, heaven and hell will soon collide." Those greater powers felt that the future had many things in store for them as of that day.

At the origin of this aura, Koku who was feeling the urge to destroy those in front of him, he positioned his arm and aimed at one of the men who had killed his mother and in a blur this monstrosity rushed the man, piercing him as fast as light. He died immediately. Not even half a second passed, and the rest of the men were all torn limp from limp; the house was filled to the brim with blood, but Koku's body wasn't holding well against this overwhelming incarnation of power.

As fast as this form of power manifested, it disappeared. Leaving Koku gasping for air and clutching his chest; his gasps of air becoming much higher pitch, his vision began turning blurry, he then tried to walk towards his mother; his legs gave out, and he fell, but despite this, he tried crawling to his mother and fading quickly his vision and consciousness gave in, but just as it did, Koku's hand managed to fall over his mother's hand. "Mother~", Koku had by this point lost consciousness completely.

Laying over a pool of blood, in a small house covered with blood, laid one living soul, although barely holding on. Magic knights busted down the door; these knights were accompanied by a magic knight commander and grand magus.

"There, check on the boy and women," ordered the magic knight commander as he looked at this scene of pure dread. "What was once here is no longer here," the grand magus told the commander; both the commander and grand magus pondered as to where something of this caliber could've escaped to in less than 5 seconds. "Well, whatever it was, we're lucky we didn't encounter it for we would've most likely died," said the grand magus.

The moment the commander was about to talk, one of the Bachelor knights yelled, "The kid's alive!" The magus hurried over to administer healing magic and did so skillfully. "What in the world, how could a kid with no magic have survived an encounter with a creature holding that aura," the magus questioned. The commander, however, simply ordered the kid be brought in for questioning at headquarters after the healing was done, and as fast as they arrived, they left, making sure a cleaning crew arrived as per the investigators.

A few days later, Koku opened his eyes, seeing a pretty girl staring at him in shock. The girl informed her superiors of his awakening and...