Blitz massacre

"Saying, 'I can't hear you' in a frail voice made the higher-ranking knight take a few steps forward, unsheathing his sword. 'Old man, I told you to stay still!' the knight yelled as he was about to stab Koku.

But just as he said that, he heard the sound of someone coughing blood, so he turned around quickly and saw his apprentice coughing up blood with a sword through his chest. Seeing that there was a Neko behind his apprentice holding the sword that had just stabbed him, he yelled, 'YOU BITC-,' the knight wasn't able to finish his anger cry as Koku stabbed the man's heart and sent some lightning through the aura sword he created.

'I wouldn't let you finish that, you know…' Koku smiled as he did this, 'I don't think he heard you, Koku…' Yoru chuckled at the statement Koku had just spat out. 'You know, you could've given me a little cool moment…' Yoru burst into a small laughter, and Koku sighed as she could see a vein nearly pop out of his forehead.

'Well, now that we did this, we might as well quickly do this,' Koku told Yoru, who quickly agreed. 'Let's get some info on my sister,' Yoru quickly said as she switched from laughing into a serious expression within 5 seconds. After this, Koku and Yoru walked into the village and began walking around as they'd see lots of slaves, either starving or dead. 'Nothing we can do apart from free them…' Koku muttered to Yoru, who was visibly uncomfortable.

'Calm down, please. I won't let anything harm or touch you; and as long as you keep the dark robe on, they won't see your face or ears. It's best you keep your tail out of view too,' Koku added as he led her to where he'd stayed the night before leaving this place.

After reaching the inn, Koku looked at the old man who was still up and kicking, cleaning a glass cup. 'Hello again. Didn't expect to see you here so soon, young man,' the old man invited Koku to sit down as he placed the cup down and began to cook something up.

'Well, what brings you here?' the old man asked Koku and his companion. 'You're very interesting, old man, but we're here for some info regarding slaves… a Neko slave in particular.' The old man fake coughed as he went to the door of the inn and locked it. He then closed the windows' wooden blinds. 'You know, if you mention Nekos around these parts as of lately; Dago and his men will come for your head.' Koku then asked why the old man said that, and his suspicions were spot on.

'Well, about a month ago, one of his two Nekos escaped. He received them not too long ago and wanted to maximize the profits he'd gain from them, so he did what any other would do. He separated both Nekos as to avoid any planning of sorts; so after one escaped, Dago killed the men who she escaped from, thus he went crazy, door for door his men busted in looking for the Neko.' The old man continued to talk, and it very quickly became clear that Yoru was being hunted down to the next level.

'So in other words, Dago has men hunting her down. Very strong men. This and what you heard was that the other Neko hasn't been sold but is very tightly guarded.' Koku heard something very interesting in this conversation, 'A month ago…' this lingered on his mind, so Koku asked the old man what the date was.

'October 18th. If I believe correctly, on September 18th, you left my inn because of certain reasons… So I wonder, is your companion here by any chance?' Koku looked at the old man with a serious expression and sighed, 'Yoru, you can take the hood off,' Koku told her as he began thinking, 'It's been a year since I was here. Not a month…'

'Do not worry. For any reasons, I don't remember talking to you about anything apart from opening a business.' After saying this, the old man placed a plate on the counter in front of Yoru. Seeing the steaming hot eggs with bread and chicken had Yoru practically drooling. 'Go ahead, don't be shy, little one,' the old man's generosity showing once again. This confused Koku yet he didn't say anything about it.

'Do you by any chance know where the other Neko is?' Koku asked the old man; after asking this to the old man, Koku watched as the old man once again turned around and began working on the next plate of food for Koku. 'Not exactly, although I hear that a big slave fest will be happening 2 months from now, in one of the cities of magic, Frostvale.'

'You seem well informed, old man,' 'Yes, and you very uninformed,' Koku tried to hold it in and chuckled to himself, 'Well, at any rate, we'll travel there, here's for the information and meals,' Koku was about to give him an Argentum (Silver coin) as payment for that, but was refused by the old man. 'You paid me much more than needed last time. Let's call it even. Young man, I will say this, if you go there, prepare yourself for the fight of your life; I assume you intend to save this other Neko.' The old man calmly said as he placed Koku's food on the counter in front of him. After this, he began cleaning the items he had used to cook with.

Both Koku and Yoru devoured the food and were happy to have eaten anything that wasn't monster meat. But after they finished the food, Koku whispered something to the old man and he nodded. 'Good luck, young man.' With this, Koku and Yoru went outside.

As they headed outside, a commotion sparked up, and the bells rang. '2 knights were found dead!' a knight yelled as he rushed to where the knights had been gathering. This and the people were gathering there since the commotion had lured them in.

'Yoru, go after the slave traders and their men. I'll go for the knights.' Yoru didn't say anything and was more or less focused on the slave traders like a cat focused on its prey. Koku then smiled and began walking slowly towards the direction of the knights; and as he did this, Yoru, who by this point had her hood up, blitzed the slave traders and their men. All while Koku slowly walked towards the knights, Yoru was killing the weak slave traders and their men left and right.

'She's really going at it,' Koku thought to himself as he then focused his energy into his legs and rushed towards the direction of the knights. So as Koku got there, he'd seen the knights' reaction as he appeared in the center of the meeting area the knights were at.

They were at a loss for words, and for a second were confused as to what to do, but just then Koku created an aura sword and killed a knight quickly. After this, the rest of the knights pulled their swords out and began to rush and attack Koku.

Koku, however, was able to see every one of their attacks, but he could tell something about their movements. 'They seem more predictable than before…' Koku wasn't too focused on it since he had knights in front of him who were trying to kill him.

After a few minutes, Koku was untouched and still killing them left and right. And as he thought things were going to get more boring, Koku did something. He jumped backward and muttered 'Lightning wave.' After using this attack, a wave of lighting spat out of his hand in the form or a straight line of lightning. This attack killed easily 20 knights, but after using this attack, Koku felt something change vaguely, so he did a 180 spin as to block the incoming attack from behind. 'Magic…' Koku smiled as he'd now noticed the presence of a high-ranking magic knight.

'Well, well, look at you, you know how to use ranged magic, this'll be fun.' Koku proclaimed as he covered his body in purple aura. 'For your deeds a month ago. You will be punished right now, with your head on rolling on the floor.' This magic knight then used another magic attack.

Koku who had blocked his first magic attack was able to tell that it was Aeromancy (Air magic). After seeing his next strike being a wind slash, Koku pointed his hand in its direction and used void arrow at full power.

As the void arrow passed through the wind slash, the attack scattered. The reason this happened was because the slash was hit in the center and the air rippling behind the void arrow clashed with the wind slash causing it to cancel the attack. After this happened, the void arrow nearly hit the magic knight but he was able to dodge the attack.

'Do you honestly think that would've hit me?' the old man yelled as Koku then created another void arrow and did it again. After dodging it again, the magic knight rushed toward Koku intending to end the match in a single strike.

And just as the attack was about to hit, Koku dodged the attack entirely and even left the field of vision re-appearing behind the magic knight. Suddenly over the magic knight's shoulder, he heard these words, 'Do you honestly think that would've hit me?' after hearing this the magic knight was stabbed in the stomach.

Jumping backward, Koku avoided the magic knight's next attack, which was a reactionary 180 sword swing. Koku laughed out as he'd see the arrogant magic knight now scared or worried. Whichever one of the two it was, Koku didn't really care, so as Koku was smiling, he pointed his hand in the direction of the magic knight and simply muttered, 'Lightning hound,' after saying this. A lightning hound face formed out of thin air and rushed at the magic knight as the lightning's crackling was heard throughout the full village.

After the attack smashed into the magic knight who tried to frantically dodge the attack, it killed him, and Koku cleared the rest of the knights who had been scattered throughout the village.

After this brutal massacre, Koku and Yoru reunited and were on the run once again. 'If I'm right, Dago will hear about what happened here and will be more on guard; this, however, means that we'll be able to travel either easier or with more fights upcoming.' Koku explained to Yoru, who looked a little down.

Koku noticed it, so he stopped talking for a few minutes as he and Yoru were running back into the direction of the forest. 'Hey Yoru, are you alright? What's wrong?' Koku was worried and kept his guard up. And a few seconds after asking what was wrong, Yoru began to talk, 'I expected my sister to be closer, but she's really far out there, and I don't know where she is right now… all we know is that we might see her 2 months from now…' Yoru then continued to dump everything she had on her chest onto Koku as they traveled."