Hunting the hunters

They'd come across a few people who were armed to the teeth. So as to not be seen, Koku and Yoru both hid on the treetops, and as they stood watching the group pass by from a branch, Yoru whispered, "They don't seem all that strong." Koku looked at them for a second and also came to that conclusion, "You're right. But before we kill them, let's get some info off them." After saying this, Koku dropped down from the branch and landed right in front of the passing group.

The leader of the group, seeing a man come down from the trees that overshadowed the patch of land they were walking to, immediately yelled at his men to be ready for a fight, as they didn't know who this man was.

"Who are you!?" yelled the leader of the group. Koku, still wearing the cloak (robe), smiled, and they could see that; they could only see the smile and the parts of his face that were below his smile as the hood seemingly casted a shadow that covered the rest of his face.

"Oh, I'm just a silly little harmless fella who's wondering what you all might be doing here," Koku basically asked a question and instead of answering his question, the leader asked a question. "Think that I'm gonna be happy with a half-ass response to my question. Don't screw with me! I'll kill you if you don't tell me what you're doing here!" the man yelled as he pointed the tip of his blade at Koku.

"There we go. Now let's try this again. (Koku smiles again), What are you all doing here?" Koku seemed all optimistic as he asked once again. "Kid, you want to die, don't you…" the man said as he then followed up by saying that he was going to kill Koku.

Koku chuckled to himself and pointed at the man's blade, "And how do you plan to do that? You don't even have a weapon," Koku mocked the man, and a literal second after mocking this man; his arm fell clean off.

"What!? How!?" Koku pulled his hand back from pointing at the man and he clapped his hands as he began to explain. "Your arm wasn't even attached to you for almost 10 seconds, you know. It was cut the moment you pointed the tip of your blade in my direction," Koku then asked again, "Why are you here?" Despite Koku asking again, the man still did not comply with Koku's curiosity.

The leader of the group fell onto the ground and yelled at the top of his lungs to attack and kill the boy in the cloak. After 3 seconds, the man looked over his shoulder and had seen his men…all dead and laying down on the ground.

When he looked back at Koku; Koku was slouched over right in front of the man, and right behind him was another hooded individual. "Well, do I have to torture it out of you?" Koku wondered out loud purposely as he forced a big creepy smile onto his face. "What are you doing here."

The man now finally caving into Koku's question began talking, "We're here because Dago ordered us to keep watch over this area! one of his prized possessions got away, and he's looking for it." After hearing this, Koku asked him if there were any other people around this area.

"Yes! J-just up ahead, about 4 miles inward you'll see our camp, and it's not just here but everywhere! Dago's serious about finding whatever he lost. That's all I know, can I go? I won't mention anythi-" Yoru had stabbed the man's head. "Good job Yoru. Now about these camps…strong people might rise from these locations," Koku muttered as he dug one of his hands into inside of Yoru's hood and began to pet her head, or in other words play with her hair and ears.

"I wonder…" Koku was getting lost in thought until he heard Yoru abruptly coughed "Ahem!" She lowered her hood as she fake coughed and Koku could see her looking to the side all flustered, "You're doing it again~," Yoru muttering this made Koku pull his hand back, "OH UHHH SORRY!" Koku had done this thing for a while, and it was that anytime he'd begin to think of something, and if Yoru was close by, which she always somehow was. He'd begin to play with her hair and give her pats on the head.

"I-it's not like I'm against it, you know~ ANYWAYS WE SHOULD, YOU KNOW…" Yoru changed the topic quickly, causing Koku to chuckle, "Yea yea. Let's see, the guy said that there were many camps around, and just one 4 miles up south. Good for us, we're actually headed that way." Koku sighed although he had said it was good for them.

"Bad for us, we'll have to fight, right?" Yoru added onto Koku's statement, "Spot on. Look at you, finishing my thoughts and statements," Yoru pouted and looked to the side once again, Koku smiled seeing her still slightly flustered.

Koku and Yoru then began making their way to this camp which was close by, and not soon after departing towards it, they arrived and watched it from afar on the treetops. "The day really just started, so there's no point in waiting till nightfall, since it'll backtrack us by a lot," Koku told Yoru, "So we attack now?" she asked as her cat ears twitched. "Yes, since most of those people down there haven't fully woken up, or begun their day." Koku then added, "If you can't strike during their closing hours, strike before their opening hours."

After Koku told Yoru this, they both began heading over there at a pretty high rate of speed. Shortly after, (5 minutes after), Koku and Yoru had arrived at the camp. Before entering or even being spotted by the new outpost guards who were in the middle of climbing the little watchtower.

Koku and Yoru heard a man yell at some of the other men who were awake, "Common, we've got to find that man's possessions, when that happens, remember, we'll be rich and hey retirement." The men laughed at the last part, and some others began fantasizing about what they'd be able to get with the money they were promised if they caught his possession that escaped (Yoru).

Koku upon hearing this simply put his hood up, as to cover his face and he walked into plain sight. Following him was Yoru who had done the same thing; so now these 2 stood in front of the entrance to the camp. "Hello gentle men, shall we try your luck today?" Koku announced in an intrigued tone to them all.

The men scrambled onto their feet and held their weapons ready to fight and kill Koku. "Yoru." She understood what Koku was asking of her, so she pulled out a short sword and a knife Koku had given her before leaving the eternal city. Koku took a single step forward and swung his cloak off into the left, covering everyone's view of Yoru for a split moment.

In that split second, Yoru had begun rushing towards the group, and by the time she passed by the cloak, she made the distance between her and the group of men really short. So much so that, she had gotten passed the spear users effective combat range. Seconds later Yoru had begun killing the men left and right, and as for the man who had yelled his thoughts earlier, it was clear he was stronger than the rest of the group, and that he was the leader.

Koku smiled and clapped his hands once, "Void lightning path…Lighting domain," as Koku used this technique, lightning spat out and formed a lightning field, "Now my lightning attacks will be temporarily 5 times stronger," Koku told himself as he then muttered, "Void lightning path… Lightning entrance," the moment he said this, Koku appeared behind the leader of the group.

"Well Yoru, are you done?" Koku looked over his shoulder and had seen Yoru finish off the last guy. "Yup, I'm done. Gosh, you ended it faster than he could think," Yoru stated as the Leader of the group (Camp) had been frozen in place, still "alive", the man smiled and yelled out loud, "I don't know what trick you used to get behind me, but you missed your attack-" as he finished saying attack, his field of vision seemingly hit the ground.

The man had then seen his body fall into pieces. Thus his life ended. After this Koku deactivated lightning domain and looted the place for any valuables, such as money and information that might help them later on.

After doing this, Yoru suggested they leave, and so they did; now headed farther south, Koku and Yoru were on track to find another camp, which as far as they had seen in some papers from the camp they had just destroyed. The leader of this other camp was much stronger than the one from the other camp...