Mirage Garden P1: Mirage of self

After the space had completely changed, all Koku could see was an endless color of white. "This is the garden?", Koku asked out to seemingly no one. Upon taking a step forward the white space began to change again, though this time the change was different. The ground, sky and many other details began to fade in out of seemingly nothing. After the place had been turned into a space full of trees, flowers, rivers and more; Koku looked around as he knew he'd have to fight in some way, shape or form. 

"Looks like I'll have to figure out what to do here firstly." Koku said as he sighed thus now went looking for any clues as to what he should be doing or how to get to the next stage if it even existed. Looking up at the sky after walking around for a 12 minutes, he had seen the sky start to cloud up and the environment start to shift from warm to cold and then randomly to hot. 

"Looks like it's started", Koku smirked as he made sure to keep track of his surroundings. Just a few seconds after this Koku heard something start flying towards him at high speeds, and as a response to this Koku tilted his head narrowly missing the attack. "Void arrow?", Koku questioned as he looked into the direction of where the attack came from. 

Caught off guard for a moment what he had seen rushed him with a very familiar sword, "Voidpulse?", Koku jumped back seeing the attack with his eyes of time and due to this what had rushed at him was now following in very hot as if it knew the next move Koku would perform. 

After getting several meters away the opponent had stopped attacking and began to get into a defensive stance just as if it was waiting for Koku to attack it now. "That sword is definitely Voidpulse…and that's 100% my body." seeing this had Koku on edge since the attack patterns it had used were his very own and on top of that it had all of his abilities with same overall strength and speed. Koku summoned Voidpulse and had now been staring down the illusion of himself which could somehow actually fight even using all of his abilities. "Now!" Koku yelled in his mind as he pointed Voidpulse in the direction of the illusion and used Lightning entrance. 

Blitzing the illusion at light speed Koku dashed passed it and fixed Voidpulse's form as he had just slashed his illusion counterpart. "Look's like i won-", Koku looked behind himself and had seen his illusion still standing, "It blocked it…", with this Koku smiled and got ready for an all out brawl. "Looks like i wont be holding any punches today!", Koku yelled aloud making sure the illusion heard it. 

Koku smiled as he used Void enhancements level 1 and rushed his illusion entering a melee for a few minutes, and a few more minutes after that, that was until Koku used lightning domain. When he did this, the illusion also used lightning domain and began to spam a series of lightning attacks. "Damn it…it's mirroring everything i do, and neither one of use can advance since we're exactly the same in combat and know our counters", Koku thought as he then watched as the illusion of himself summoned some Void monsters, "Oh great…", Koku tried summoning his very own monsters yet couldn't for some reason… the reason was because no other soul could enter Koku's test in the Mirage garden, and because the illusion isn't a soul but just a body the same case with its summons, they could be there. 

After about 20 minutes of fighting Koku decided to start trying to find the flaws in his fighting forms and styles. Upon seeing the illusion change from defense to attack, Koku had to switch to defense for the moment, and after doing so the illusion began to attack him giving him less time to think of a strategy to beat himself. "That's it!", Koku thought after 7 minutes of endless attacks which also consisted of lightning attacks. 

Koku hadn't yet done this ever, so surely the illusion couldn't perform this right? Koku thought as he infused his body and weapon with lightning still being in the lightning domain, "Lightning halo", Koku muttered as he infused his whole body with lightning. Koku then switched from defense to attack and could see the overwhelming speed deference, and now that the both Koku and the illusion were now attacking instead of one defending and the other attacking, Koku could use some of his newly thought out moves as he pushed the illusion of himself to it's limits. "Cursed gods gift", Koku muttered thinking that it shouldn't be able to react fast enough.

Thinking that through was smart due to the fact Koku was now able to react to his weakened flaws in his fighting techniques. After 30 minutes Koku was able to beat the illusion, though a problem came right after that. "It's resurrected itself…and the monsters they keep coming back despite being killed due to the area damage being done by me", Koku really couldn't do much since his eyes of time weren't that useful in this situation, so all he could do was simply wait for the best opportunity to show itself. 

That opportunity would show itself later on just about 3 hours into the fight, "My body cant handle being in curse gods gift anymore", with that Koku's body lost the black markings that showed up when he used the curse gods gift, "Damn, this'll be hard if i can't think of a way…something, maybe something like the source of the summons…", finishing the thought Koku began to think hard on where the void summons really come from it wasn't the his body (In this case the illusions body). Upon thinking it more and more, Koku began to try to understand the void more and more until it popped in his mind, "It's not the body, its the Void's flowing aura/energy which is everywhere here." After noticing this Koku could now see it, the formula of the void summons, this and the basic formula for everything around himself, the trees, rocks, water, air and aura being emitted. 

"Now i know where i should attack", Koku muttered as he smiled beginning to slowly walk towards the Void summons which were rushing him and being killed by his lightning halo which had been simply applying lightning onto them and damaging them overtime when coming within a certain radius, and after getting through the halo's light they'd be cut up instantly since the halo's itself moves at light speed even though it looks like it's just staying still. 

Koku pointed his hand out to the area with the most dense void aura/energy and began to absorb it by imagining his body and soul become an endless vacuum feeding from the surroundings around himself. "With this, the void energy and aura here will be entering the Void space within my consciousness (Soul)." after that he could feel the Void space in his soul adapting and increasing in power… and after another few minutes; Koku's Void space had finally reached a new level of power. "Electricity?", Koku wondered as he felt the Void space have a zap to it. 

Noticing what that meant seconds later, Koku smiled as he had seen the Mirage Garden seemingly turn back into a white space endless as far as the eye could see and more. "Look's like my Void lightning attribute increased in power even more…that and the Void space increased in power", Koku told himself as he could both see into the Void space and what was in front of him. 

Now reaching the stage 2 of his Void space, Koku could feel his connection to the Void stronger and more open, though still far from what it might be whenever he opens the connection completely he thought, this made him happy to know of course, but something seemed to buy his interest even more than the Void space getting stronger. "Mystic eyes…", Koku muttered as he could see the mental image of the words "Mystic eyes", appear in the Void space.

Koku reached into his pouch and pulled out the lost codex which had been reacting for a moment, seemingly calling out to him. 

(Mystic eyes of genesis)---------------

Material Insight: This allows its user to see the fundamental materials that compose any object, creature, or structure. Whether it be the molecular structure of a stone, the composition of a living being's cells, or the intricate details of a crafted artifact.

Formula Recognition: The user gains the ability to discern the underlying formulas and patterns that govern the existence of things. Whether it's the equations of any kind or a magical enchantment or even the genetic code dictating the traits of a living being, the user can unravel the complex formulas woven into the fabric of any creation.

Process Vision: The eyes grant the unique capability to witness the processes of creation, destruction, and recreation. From the birth of a star to the forging of a sword, the Mystic eyes reveals the intricate steps involved in the cycles of existence. It allows its possessor to comprehend the cosmic dance or combination of forces shaping the universe, all of this as long as the user can see it or when mastered feel or sense it.

Blueprint Revelation: The user can perceive the blueprints of any creation, be it natural or man-made. This extends to architectural structures, magical spells, and even the genetic code of living beings (Greenery included). The intricate details of how something is designed and constructed become clear, offering profound insights into the craft of many things in existence or maybe…even beyond that.

(The Mystic eyes of genesis serve no combat purpose).

 "If that's what my vision is right now…can i turn it off it's effects until they passively turn on like the eyes of time and still activate them whenever i want?", Koku aske himself as the Lost codex's page began to fade the ink writing out into seemingly nothing on a page. 

After this Koku put away the lost codex and looked at the Mirage Garden's endless white scenery. "Seems like it's true, the formula of the Mirage Garden is everywhere…and it looks complex, though really isn't for me now…", After this Koku looked over to the left and could now see Yoru and Kurai just standing there as if they were unanimated and empty shells. "Looks like they haven't finished the trials yet", Koku muttered after seeing them when the Mirage garden began to fade into a green peaceful garden as to keep Koku in a more comfortable place while he waits for the girls to finish the trials.