Our first mission as adventurers

"Oh and hey try to keep us low ranked for now, something like low bronze" Koku requested as the real results had shown that he was good enough to be a middle gold ranked adventurer, plus Yoru and Kurai who were at high silver ranks. "I-s-sure will do, sir, you can take these to the lady at the desk in the guild and she'll t-take care of you both nicely." The middle aged man gave them all this bronze paper ticket which proved they passed the test and qualified to be bronze.

"Finally, now that we have these, we'll get our adventuring licenses, which means we'll be able to take on jobs and explore all sorts of areas with less troubles." Koku said out so that Yoru could hear him. 

"Does that mean that we'll be playing with prey less?" she asked Koku who looked at her cluelessly, "I didn't expect you to be the type Yoru~" Koku hinted out as he mentioned this. Not knowing what Koku meant by this she looked at him with a questioning gaze then her sister. 

"Think he means the "Playing with prey less" part Yoru" Kurai snickered as she got to see Yoru's face go from confused to panicking, "NO NO, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT…" Yoru would go onto spend a few minutes trying to get out of what she said and to no one's surprise, it didn't work. So after this eventful moment, they all decided to go inside to get their adventurers licenses which wouldn't take more than 10 minutes. So shortly after leaving the adventurers guild, they went to look for a place to eat and then crash the night but after arriving at a place like that, they noticed something, or to be more specific… Koku noticed something. 

"Uhh…hey, ummmm this might be a problem, but we're dirt broke…" he said with a straight face making sure he avoided eye contact with the already starving Yoru. For a second Koku was worried but he suddenly remembered to check the loot they had taken from the guards that they had taken down earlier. "So we do have some money," Koku muttered with a sigh of relief. 

After checking the rest of the loot, they were able to get their hands on 5 Argentum (Silver) coins which they used to buy themselves some food. After buying food, Koku looked at the 4 Argentums and the 40 Verdigris coins left, "Food is cheaper here, 20 Verdigris for each batch of 3 grilled squids on sticks… but this won't last a week and we still have to find a place to stay the night or for a few nights." Koku thought to himself as Yoru and Kurai had been enjoying the food they had gotten. "Both of you, stay around this area and here takes these," Koku said as he tossed the remaining Argentums and Verdigris off to the girls, "I'll be back soon."

With this Koku had gone back to the adventurers guild and began looking at the board filled with papers, each describing a task, commission or flat out bounty. After a few minutes of looking around and reading each one, Koku noticed one which bought his attention, "Bring back the teeth and ears of the rampant mist orcs, rewards are 2 Argentums coins (Silver) ." 

Seeing this he looked at the next paper and that one read out "Locate and or save the missing adventurers of The Obsidian Outcasts party. The rewards are 60-80 Verdigris coins (Copper)."

Koku looked at both missions and ripped the papers out of the board choosing these two missions at the same time. So when he came to bring the papers to the front desk people looked at him weirdly or mockingly. 

"Ms. I'd like to take these two missions." Koku said as he kept his guard up. When the attendant looked at the first paper, she looked at Koku who, for a fact, had known he was a low bronze ranked adventurer and told him in a nervous tone, "Umm sir, this mission is above your rank by quite a bit… maybe you should look for another mission?" she asked Koku politely as some adventurers laughed in the background.

Hearing the adventurers laugh, Koku smiled at the lady and simply stated that he was going to take this mission regardless of his rank being high or not. After hearing Koku's response, some adventurers didn't like that Koku was "trying" to act tough so they stood up and began walking towards Koku saying all kinds of things. "Hey kid, do you really think your anything special?" the bald muscular adventurer asked snickering until another spoke up, "Hahaha don't make us laugh; this kid can't even take down a goblin" the taller somewhat muscular drunk guy muttered, as another joined in mocking Koku until, Koku replied back to them. 

"Looks like you old drunk men need some discipline in your lives. So how about you all scram before i get in the mood to fight…" Koku stated coldy with a vague smile on his face. "This brat… since we can't fight in the guild because we'll get our licenses suspended, how about we take this outside brat." Hearing this Koku considered killing them but a few things popped in his mind, "Sure, let's head outside, i'd be delighted to put you all in your places." Koku stated with the same vague smile on his face.

The bald adventurer, the tall drunk, and a couple of their companions exchanged glances and laughed, seemingly amused by Koku's bold statement. Without a word, they all headed towards the entrance, expecting Koku to follow. Yoru and Kurai, who had finished their food, noticed the forming commotion and approached Koku with curious expressions.

"Looks like things just got more interesting again," Kurai remarked with a mischievous grin as she pinched Yoru arm. Both girls were about to step in but Koku, maintaining his calm and cold demeanor, motioned for the girls to stay put.

As a crowd had formed outside the adventurers guild, the setting sun's light reaches the eyes of everyone around the guild for a few seconds making it so that their eyes were irritated for a short period of time.

The group of mockers had formed a loose circle, with the bald adventurer taking a step forward, cracking his knuckles. "Alright, kid, let's see if you can back up that mouth of yours."

The tension in the air was intense on the old drunk adventurers side as the onlookers awaited the fight between the low-ranked adventurer and the group of high ranked Bronze adventurers. The bald adventurer lunged forward, aiming a swift punch at Koku's face.

With a swift movement, Koku sidestepped the attack, allowing the punch to fly through the air. Before the bald adventurer could even react, Koku's swift hit wasn't done since after this Koku kicked the bald man's stomach sending the a few feet away, and as he went to stand up he began stumbling backward as Koku took care of the rest of the men who were also involved in this brawl with minimum effort. 

The other few remaining men exchanged glances, realizing that the situation was one-sided. Fixing their gazes back onto Koku, they could see he had a faint smile and still the calm cold demeanor. Seeing this Yoru gave her thoughts as she herself knew Koku wasn't even close to serious and was more or less mocking them. "He's not trying, not even close to trying actually. I bet you he's just trying to mock them and put them in their places with humiliation while letting this be a lesson to anyone who might target him here." 

As the brawl kept going, the townsfolk kept arriving, drawn by the commotion, around to witness the unexpected brawl, and back at the adventurers guild, the receptionist watched through the entrance with wide eyes, realizing that the seemingly inexperienced low-ranked adventurer had some skills after all. The guild master, hearing the disturbance, approached to observe the scene from a distance. "What's going on?", he asked himself as he opened the curtains to his office and was met by this situation. 

Noticing someone with a slightly stronger presence, Koku looked up at the guild masters office and simply stared at him for several seconds as he then finished the fight quickly by the next move. "I'll be going off to get this mission done." Koku announced letting the receptionist know Koku's intentions. 

With this Koku signaled to the girls to follow him. A few minutes after Koku was lost in thought as they made their way out of the city knowing that the guards were on their way and a few other adventurers which he could feel were considerably stronger than the personnels in the guild were. 

"You caused quite the commotion the second we let you off our sight", Yoru teased Koku knowing that Koku's worry was on getting way too much attention to the point stronger people after him would show up, especially because he was a pretty well wanted criminal for his deeds in Frostvale and Paladonia. 

"You picking a fight?" Koku asked Yoru in a playful way. After this Kurai joined Koku in saying that she'll hold Yoru down in the fight, but both Koku and Yoru knew Kurai meant something else, "S-shut it pervert…" Yoru muttered with a faint blush as she looked at Koku who kept walking not knowing where he was headed for this mission. Though she could see that when Koku put up his cloak's hood, his face was slightly pink as well, just like hers. 

A few hours after walking around in the forest, something seemed to be on their trail in the dead of night right before Koku, Yoru and Kurai encountered something on the ground, "An apple?" both girls questioned as Koku went to pick it up which led to the sound of something cutting through air headed their direction. Upon hearing this Koku immediately yelled "Scatter" at the girls who jumped away in separate ways, "Who's there?" Koku asked as he held an arrow in the palm of his hands, similar to the ones of the miststalkers yet so different, as if it was man-made.