Ironic trip during a certain mission?

As Koku made his way back on track to where he had sent the girls off to, somewhere else not too far away from Koku, a group of trained professionals and individuals familiar to a certain someone lay. 

"Okay, class! Remember to stay together; the mist of Amagiri can be and is dangerous. We're about two days away from the infamous Warrior's Springs and the joint training camp for all of the academies of Paladonia, Eldoria, and Amagiri," a red-haired teacher with scarlet eyes reminded the students of all three academies (Bronze, Silver, and Gold). 

As this man, known as a teacher and the vice-principal of the Silver Academy, spoke up, another vice-principal began to relay some information too. "Something our dear vice-principal of Silver forgot to mention is that… we're in Mist Orc territory. Please do not be alarmed; we have many professionals present here, including us three vice-principals. So if you see any fiends, don't be alarmed. Furthermore, I'm sure some of you have questions like, how are we traversing the mist of Amagiri; and the answer to that is, we have some pretty skilled adventurers who lived their whole lives here with us," spoke the Vice-Principal of the Gold Academy. Soon after, the Vice-Principal of the Bronze Academy began to speak. 

"Hmm… some of the vice-principals here forgot to mention that Amagiri sent us a device that is a two-time use, that only helps us through the mists of Amagiri and out of them," thus the vice-principals began to bicker, as they always did whenever speaking to each other. Meanwhile, the fabled upcoming hero, Yuusha, was talking to someone who had grown to tolerate him, Aron, all while Emiko listened in on the conversation they had.

"You know, Aron… my sister is pretty single right now and wouldn't mind dating you, bromie~," Yuusha teased Aron, who knew that Emiko probably didn't like him and instead liked someone who wasn't with them anymore.

"Yuusha, just be silent; the vice-principals' bickering and arguing are worth a ticket to any drama play," he said with amusement in his eyes, as he was half present in the conversation with Yuusha. "And besides, your sister should choose who she goes out with; it's her decision, not yours to make for her," hearing this made Yuusha sigh. "You're no fun sometimes. But hey, maybe we'll get to see you have fun after we begin the training camp or get to see some monsters get slain," Yuusha stated as he placed his arms over his head, applying a little bit of force to it, making his head look up into the dense endless mist.

After the whole class of easily 100+ students marched through a trail in the forests of Amagiri, they heard the faint noise of monsters yelling. "You hear that, big brother?" asked Emiko, looking at Yuusha, who seemed to be excited upon hearing the screams. Aron sighed and said that it was ironically in the direction they were headed to, so they were most likely going to see the vice-principals in action. 

This, however, seemed to excite lots of students who were seeking thrill and entertainment. As they kept approaching the pathway, they could hear the monsters yelling even more. This, of course, made the many teachers present stay on guard and force the students into tight formations to ensure their safety. "Remember, try not to worry or panic; we'll sort everything out," the vice-principal of the Gold Academy reminded the students, who weren't all too worried up until he was interrupted by the flying head of a Mist Orc splatting on impact with a nearby tree. 

After seeing this, the vice-principals looked at one another in a serious way. It was clear that monsters in here shouldn't be able to take down something like a Mist Orc this simply. Once they moved a little further up ahead near this clearing in the trees, they could see many slain Mist Orcs while seeing lots and lots of living Mist Orcs fighting a silver-haired teenage boy. 

"That boy seems to be struggling," a vice-principal told the other. When hearing this, the word spread like wildfire, and within a single minute, every student was now trying to look at the battle unfolding not too far away. "Look, there is a boy our age fighting all these high-ranked monsters alone," seeing this made Yuusha's blood boil in anticipation. Without warning, he suddenly began rushing straight forward into the fray of the battle ahead of them all. "DAMN IT, YUUSHA," screamed Aron as he and his sister then followed right behind him, not letting him go alone. This act alone made the vice-principals and teachers' jaws drop as many teachers got ready to fight, rushing to also join the battle. 

Unknown to them, that silver-haired teenage boy they were watching in the heat of combat was Koku, the most wanted person in all of Eldoria, Paladonia, and one of the most wanted people in the criminal world. That was because killing Dago cut 10% of the income of the black markets and many criminal groups. Upon getting even 10 meters closer to the battleground, the orcs noticed the teachers and three students. 

With this, lots of orcs began rushing towards them. Anywhere from 100-200 orcs split away, not wanting to confront the silver-haired guy who they had been losing badly to. After that, more orcs rushed at Koku in an attempt to make progress due to the sudden interference of this group they had seen. 

Koku, of course, killed orc after orc per instant. With single movements of Voidpulse, Koku was killing orcs one by one. Due to his injuries, he couldn't make big movements, which restricted him quite a bit. Yuusha, Aron, and Emiko joined the battle against the Mist Orcs and were met face to face with hundreds of orcs. Yuusha unsheathed his golden sword, cutting two orcs instantly. Aron shot three ice spikes at one of the orcs, but due to the orc's high magic defense, it tanked it easily, as if nothing had happened. Emiko, however, dashed straight ahead as she also unsheathed her sword. The difference was that she, with one flawless slash, cut through 6 orcs. 

The reason that happened is that she went straight for the kill instead of showing off as Yuusha had done. And although Emiko was currently weaker than Yuusha, she had grown in skill much more since she had last seen Koku. "My luck just isn't here with me, isn't it?" Koku complained as he could see the group that joined the battle was from Paladonia, and he has yet to find Yoru and Kurai. 

Feeling unlucky, Koku looked up as he killed another orc, and he thought to himself, "Did I offend the god of luck?" Koku wondered as he felt the deliberate hate of a god...

(In the divine realm), the goddess of fortune and luck seemed troubled, thinking one of the gods had played a prank on her by taking away one of her apples made of divinity but colored red. "Whichever one of these idiots took my apple is going to be cursed with bad luck for quite a while," she mentioned as she smiled very annoyed.

(Back with Koku), Currently, Koku was finishing his fight with the orcs, until he reached the last one, killing it in an instant. "It's my chance to get out of here," Koku thought to himself as he was able to run away, but he knelt over, coughing up some blood. "Damn it… those people from earlier did too much harm to me," Koku muttered underneath his bloodied breath. 

When he went to stand up and resume his escape, the other group, full of teachers with the three students, finished killing the orcs and made their way to the silver-haired boy to check if he was well and in need of help. "Hey, mister, are you okay?" hearing this voice, Koku stood up and got ready for a fight. "K-Koku?" asked a girl he was very, very familiar with; this girl was Emiko, Yuusha's sister, and one of his friends from the days of the academy. 

"It's been a while, Emiko," Koku murmured weakly as he pointed Voidpulse in her direction. Soon after, Emiko went to check on the boy. Arriving there was Yuusha and Aron with three teachers. "Hey, strong guy, you alright?" seeing Koku, Yuusha's expression changed from amazed and content to a serious bloodthirsty gaze, and he pointed his sword at Koku, seeing as how weakly Koku currently looked. Aron, upon seeing him, was also surprised but instead of just being shocked, he asked Koku if he needed some aid for his serious wounds. 

"Koku… I-", Emiko attempted to talk as her emotions were all over the place after seeing him. Though the main emotion present within her was relief that he was alive, and worry due to his injuries with confusion because of him being here and why he did what he did in the academy. 

"Now that you've all seen me and confirmed who I am, I-I think a fight is unavoidable," Koku muttered as he prepared himself for combat.