Myself again…and a real fight devoid of weakness

Telling the second Koku, who thought more heroically than the first Koku, the original, the second one asked aloud, "Does that mean I'll be horrible? Someone who's bad and the polar opposite of a hero?" When saying this, there was a trace of guilt for whatever might happen in the future. Noticing this, the original spoke up, "Let's just get this over with…and besides, it's not like I'm horrible. I don't harm the innocent. I only hurt the mean. Besides, isn't that a form of justice?" he asked the second Koku, who responded with the single mention of a place, "What about Frostvail? I heard so many people died there because of what you did~what we did."

Koku, the original, remained silent for a moment until he opened his mouth and scratched the back of his head, "Frostvail wasn't supposed to end up that way…" Koku muttered nervously, scratching the back of his head, knowing that the plan was to, in a sense, destroy the city, although he doesn't remember talking about the innocent in the plan.

"Alright, I'm ready. Just do whatever you need to do," the second one informed the original Koku. "Alright, prepare yourself," the first Koku muttered as he reached out for the hand of the other, who was currently sitting down on the ground like a pool of dreamscape.

The second Koku reached out his hand in acceptance, and with a slight pull, the second Koku was now standing up and fading away. "Now rest up, you've fought well for these few days…" the first Koku muttered as the second one faded away entirely, becoming just a month's worth of memories.

(Now there aren't two Koku's. Just the normal original one)

Now being alone, Koku felt his consciousness drifting back into the rest of his body and mind. As everything in his mind was being set in place, Koku sighed and slowly smiled, then began to chuckle slightly, "I can't believe I said all those cheesy things. Really? 'I'll use these powers for good'? Heh, sorry Worldswill ~ that sounds strange and just not right ~ Mother Nature. Yeah, that sounds better. Well, Mother Nature, I guess I'm still your hero…though I didn't make that promise to you.

"At any rate, I'll be able to fight at full capacity soon enough." Koku thought as he clenched his fist in his mind, feeling that the Void had just begun returning. Then in an instant, Koku woke up, finding himself in the middle of the battleground he was in right before the demon left.

Getting up, Koku looked up at the sky and could see that the sun was setting already. "Must've been out for the whole day," he said through his thoughts as he stretched. "Feels like I'm being watched from everywhere." Koku noted as the sun was nearly gone. "I'll have to check if I can use Voidpulse at the very least, and not this," he said, looking at the weapon Celestia had given him.

Twelve minutes later, when the sun had vanished completely, he felt the demon's swift return at full power and full of bloodlust. "Now let's finish where we left off, you stupid boy," the demon shouted angrily. "Could you be any more louder…" Koku yelled at the demon, slightly annoyed and looking for a fight.

Hearing this sudden burst of annoyance caused the demon to think of what could've changed within himself to seem like the angry type. While Koku shouted this, he also began thinking about his powers and how they felt half-present. "Both the Magic and Void powers are at half efficiency and power. They can't combine well with another, so they'll reject each other until one is out." Koku thought to himself as he looked deep into the demon's eyes.

"You look so ugly," Koku stated with pure disgust in his eyes, and his face's reaction showed it too. "Well, it doesn't matter, let's just get this over with, you ugly piece of trash," Koku stated as a moment after saying this, a burst of purple radiant energy shot out of his body, visible to all those who could see.

This purple energy being the Void's energy and power, alongside aura, all those who watched the so-called 'new hero of the world' emit such foul dense power caused pure shock and uproar amongst all those who watched, including the demons who were at least aware of what that power had been. "The Void's kin…" muttered certain demons amongst their kind with caution drowning the air. "The Void's chosen champion is the new hero of the world…?" muttered Buddha.

All the gods who watched laid in dead silence with seriousness written all over their faces, as this was no joking matter. The Void was back and for its host, vessel, or champion, whatever it was to be already fighting demons, meant that it might start holding a grudge against the supernatural races out of the world.

That or the Void might act without notice and or warning. That and attack them and their homes itself. Though that was just speculation, all the facts on the Void's condition and synchronization of the two would be shown and revealed in this fight against the demon. That and its compatibility as well.

"Did you call me trash, kiddo? Haha, in the last few days we've fought, you've said all kinds of things, but this is the first time you've said something like this with so much…if any disgust visible at all," hearing this statement come from the demon, Koku cringed at the memories of the pesky things he had said before regaining himself again.

"This is utterly embarrassing; though it really doesn't matter too much since I'll end the rotting life you have here and now," by stating this, Koku summoned Voidpulse out of nowhere as it materialized into his hands. The demon, seeing that sword, grew cautious, since the powers flowing out of it created this mist-like effect only visible to himself. "I'll kill him before he can do anything unexpected now that my grandfather has granted me some power," the demon thought to himself as he grew a sword in both of his arms while growing very sharp spider-like arms on his back.

After this, the demon's eyes began splitting off into parts of three, in the end giving him six eyes. When Koku noticed the striking image of a spider in that demon, he smiled as he looked at the eyes which held some sort of small power.

Seeing and noting the eyes it had, Koku grew curious to see if his very own eyes had their powers available for use. Testing them, he activated the Eyes of Genesis, smiling in the process as he could see every little bit of information held in the demon's eyes.

"Those eyes aren't anything too special, they just slow enemies down by creating invisible and intangible spider threads around the whole field or certain targets," Koku read as he took a single breath in as small remnants of lightning sparked around his body, and breathing out, Koku disappeared in a jolt of light. "Lightning entrance," Koku muttered behind the demon, now having reversed the table from night one.

Upon muttering behind the demon, Koku jabbed Voidpulse through the chest of the demon, making him cough out blood as it jumped forwards while trying to turn around to get away from Koku. "Damn it, when did you get behind me?" the demon yelled, turning around after the jump to escape. "Where did he go?" the demon asked aloud as he then felt the sword go through his chest again. "Painful, right?" he heard Koku mutter behind him again, as this time he felt a kick followed by Voidpulse transforming from a sword into a greatsword.

Not being able to move quickly enough, the greatsword (Voidpulse) fell on his back with a weight that seemed unreal for the size of the sword itself. The reason the greatsword was much heavier than it looked was due to Koku using Void thrust, which made the weapon lighter for the wielder and four times heavier for the one being attacked, all while creating a deadly amount of power in the form of an explosion condensed into the blade scattering through the body of the attacked.

Of course, when the attack had hit, the demon's body was in two pieces. "Well, this is unsightly." Koku looked down at the pitiful demon with eyes you'd give a bug annoying you. The demon's body began to reattach itself as Koku looked with a smile growing back on his face, "A toy that never breaks? Let's see how much you can handle." Hearing this, the demon felt a sudden rush of fear strike his very core as Koku began to emit so much Void energy to the point it seemed to drown the area altogether.

"Hmm? Looks like I'm not in 100% control of the Void powers yet. Probably due to the World's Will not yet being exiled out of my body." Koku thought to himself as he had the bright sudden idea of combining both powers if he couldn't use any one of them to 100%. "I'll use Cursed God's gift and Void enhancements to test something out." Koku told himself silently in his mind as he began entering the Cursed God's gift form, while being enhanced by the Void.

Now gathering the little bits of divinity in the air, and the void energy, Koku condensed it all into two lightning attacks, Lightning Domain being the first one, which makes a domain of lightning around a certain radius, causing any lightning-related attacks used by Koku much, much stronger, and the second attack was Lightning Halo.

Not being able to fully control the void Lightning Halo combined with small bits of divinity, Koku was at least able to have it fly and hover over the demon, who had healed in this time and began trying to make space between themselves.

After the halo had gotten positioned over the unsuspecting demon, who had opened his mouth saying that Koku was just fast and really weak since he wouldn't be able to overcome his healing abilities. Finishing that statement, the halo blew up with no warning of any kind whatsoever. After the explosion, Koku rushed in with Voidpulse in hand, still in its greatsword form. Upon arriving at the spot of the explosion, Koku yelled aloud, "Void thrust!" slamming the sword back into the demon.

"Damn, did I go overkill?" Koku questioned, seeing the demon reattach itself with major burns visible on its body. "Bastard… that hurts like hell!" Koku felt delight in hearing the angered demon yell out in anger and frustration. "Well too bad, it'll hurt more as of now." Koku had figured something out from the healing factor it had. The skin, which acts like a sponge, absorbs energy, magic, and all related things in the process of reattaching the body, making the healing much more efficient.

Knowing this, Koku used the lightning halo, which he infused with little bits of divinity and void energy, which was lethal to those not suited for it. Apart from these two things, Koku did not know that there was a difference in the Void energy he had and the one which that group had when meeting them in the mist-filled forests of Amagiri. The difference was clear and simple; Koku's Void energy was the real deal compared to the ones that the group he got beaten by had. Because of this, it's not hard to tell the toxicity of the two is much different and Koku's being on another level of its own.

Seeing the demon reattach itself together, Koku noticed how the tentacles that grew out of its body trying to attach itself was struggling. "Glad to know the Void energy itself can be used as a lethal poison." Koku told himself in his head as he could see the tentacles melting in the middle of the process of attaching the two parts of the body cut in half by Koku using Voidpulse.

"That aside, I might've created a new sort of divinity…" Koku pondered as the demon cried out in agonizing pain. "By adding divinity, although just a little bit and lots of Void energy, I might've created a variant of divine void energy?" Koku wondered and questioned as he'd receive no answer nor any new powers. "Well, I'll put this thought on hold for now, I guess. First comes this thing." Koku yawned raising Voidpulse slamming it back down into the demon. "And there goes the two pieces into four." he mentioned with an interested gaze going through many ideas and thoughts circulating around the feeling of being watched paired with the part where this demon suddenly had gotten a power buff out of nowhere.

This and mentioning his grandfather a few times. "I'm probably going to have to be more careful from here on out," he muttered taking a glance at the night sky after seeing the demon's body wither away, leaving an unidentifiable corpse. "Black magic was used on this body, sucks to be him but if the body was used in this way. That means that a person strong enough to contract a demon was responsible for this and my assassination attempt." Koku thought as he conveyed his thoughts aloud, with a hint of mystery… something the gods hated, the unknown.

After clearing this, Koku could sense the conflict of the World's Will and the Void challenging each other. This caused Koku discomfort as his aptitude for the Void and Mana was thrown all over the place with random patterns.

"I'll have to leave this place before anyone gets here," Koku told himself as he set out feeling physically healthy and healed. But before he left, Koku sensed something form in his eyes. "Eyes of the Slow Spider," the Lost Codex read out to Koku's Eyes of Genesis, which for some reason were in sync with one another.

"I got those eyes? Heh, pretty nice, I guess. I can find a few uses for them." Koku thought to himself as everyone who was watching Koku could see that their view of him was blurring up. The reason this was happening to all of those who watched was due to the Void now interfering with the space and time around Koku, making it impossible to set eyes on him unless in front of him or physically being able to see him from a distance.

"I should go to Amagiri and do a few things there before reuniting with the girls at Hydropolis." With this, Koku was on his way to find the nearest place for directions because he… was for the moment directionally challenged… because he wasn't aware of his own location on the map.