Wonders beyond masks and backgrounds

"I'll show you around Toshiro, meanwhile if you have any questions, feel free to ask away", Airi seemed hyper and or enthusiastic about her shop, and showed Koku around it. But just as she was about to take the lead, she remembered her bag. 

"Goodness, I forgot my bag. On second thoughts, please look around, and please try not to break anything~ things can be expensive nowadays" she then opened the door she had closed moments ago. "I'll be back soon!", she told Toshiro (Koku) jogging away, her darkish green hair brushing against the sudden gust of wind. 

So as the door closed, Koku told himself in his head, "She's very loud…", thinking of a few things, Koku could feel the Void related thing not too far, but still some distance away from him. "There's no way I'd reach it in time before she gets back. Might as well just look around for any clues about this person." After telling himself this, he began to walk around the shop exploring whatever he could while he waited for Airi's return.

Moving forward Koku noticed the shelf behind the counter which looked normal and full of organized baskets containing herbs of all kinds with labels. "These herbs are pretty common, and good for treating certain common sicknesses. Makes sense why it's over here, quick access for purchase if it's up front." Koku moved away from the shelf and looked at the counter, seeing some papers neatly stacked on top of each other. 

"Just recipes and instructions on how to use kinds of herbs…", after inspecting a few papers, Koku moved to the back of the shop, where she most likely brewed things, and tested all kinds of things relating to the herbs and treatments. 

"Looks normal", Koku muttered as his eyes darted around the place seeing Mortar and Pestles, Infusion Devices, Decoction Pot, Tincture Bottles, Herb Press, Scales and Weights and a few other things nothing strange, although the place smelled very strong on Incense. When looking around a little more, Koku came to find a few lit candles and some incense. "Maybe i was overreacting, and i just dropped my guard earlier?", Koku asked himself, still trying to find a reason to doubt and question her. 

"If i wasn't on an unknown timer, i'd ask the locals but, i'd risk being noticed." After thinking about that, Koku decided to walk towards the hallway area leading elsewhere in the back of the shop. 

When he reached the spot, he noticed three doors, one slightly open, and two closed. One had a visible key lock and the other was just simply closed. "I should have a few minutes before she arrives back, right?" Koku asked himself, peeking through the slightly open door.

When he peeked in, he couldn't see anything odd, and it looked like a simple room, "Probably her room", he thought to himself as he then walked over to the locked door. After a moment, Koku tried twisting the door knob just to find out it was locked, "Hmm, whatever's in there, looks like she doesn't want anyone sticking their nose up in this part." Coming up to that realization, Koku walked over to the other door and tried twisting the doorknob off that door, and it opened. 

Walking into this room, he could see a few sealed flasks and vials on shelves, they were all full as well. So deciding to walk in and check them out, whenever he looked at them he couldn't see any labels with full names but instead just labels with a single letter and numbers. 

"Wonder what these are…", Koku pondered as he activated his eyes of genesis. "Paralysis? Why would that be in here?" he asked himself confused, as he looked at another container. "VX, Amatoxins and Bromine... even Radium, can that even become a liquid?" Koku wasn't an expert in some of these but by the information being conveyed through his eyes, Amatoxins didn't have a liquid form since they only came out of certain mushrooms. 

"Why are things like these stored here? shouldn't this stuff be in a lab in some academy… somethings odd, some of these things aren't even known to have liquid forms, that, and why would these be in a herbal shop? these seem more for scientific uses or for lethality." With many questions racing through Koku's mind he began to reason against the thought of her being just a normal girl, and his mind was more cautious of her now. 

"This girl…Airi seems normal from a glance, but there's a few things odd about her…", deciding to head back Koku closed the door and as he left the room. When he turned around Airi was right in front of him with a smile. "Hehe, did you like what you saw in there?" she asked with an innocent smile. 

Hearing the question Koku nodded, saying he didn't understand what the labels meant and hearing this caused her to sigh, "You shouldn't go into rooms that are closed. Then again, it's my fault for not telling ya", she curled her hand into a punch and slightly tapped her head with it. 

Koku did well playing it off and even complimented how organized the place was. "Ahaha, thank you, i may or may not be a little bit of a perfectionist~" she said with a cheery smile. "Others think it's a little over the top, but it helps keep things more accessible." 

After hearing this, Koku chuckled for some reason, and composed himself rather quickly. "I apologize for that" Koku said with a slight fake cough. Hearing this Airi's face grew teasingly, "So you do have humor eh? or maybe you found it cute~" she teased him. "At any rate, there's no need to apologize. More importantly, did you like my shop Toshiro?" she tossed the question at Koku. 

And with a single nod, she cheered to herself, as she was getting ready to throw a few questions at him, but before she could ask away, Koku's stomach growled. "Hungry? how about we head somewhere to eat, i know a good place", without Koku's consent she grabbed onto his arm putting her bag down on the ground bringing him outside and on their way to a tavern. 

Before arriving there, a hooded someone watched the two of them from afar. "Hm" When they got there a little less than five minutes later, Koku was sat down and asked what he wanted to eat by Airi. 

He didn't really have a preference so he asked for whatever the cheapest item on the menu was, and she gave him a look, "You know… it's on me~ i'm paying. You sure you don't want anything better?" she asked, seeing if his answer would change. "No, it's fine. I prefer lower amounts of food." Sighing, she gave in and then went to order her own thing alongside his order leaving Koku to his mind. "No one's noticed me yet… strange, that and she's so hyper, like the kind who drags you everywhere just because. For now i'll keep an eye out for any other odd things." Koku pondered as she arrived back at the table with some water for the both of them. 

"So, mind telling me about yourself? Like hobbies, jobs or anything related to you?", Airi inquired her curiosity getting the best of her. "Hmm, I'm an adventurer, and I guess I like seeing things like nature and exploring. Uhh and I like money?", Koku added, keeping it brief. "Awwww get a little more descriptive~" she whined in a playful way. "Hmmm" deciding to get the topic away from this, Koku stated something out of character. 

And in a deep voice, he began speaking. "Hmm, i guess i like hunting trusting people" saying this in a teasing way, Airi chuckled covering her mouth and then letting out a small laugh, and after composing herself she also did the same thing. In a deep tone she stated, "I like to attack unsuspecting people with fines from lunch", seeing this as a playful thing Koku put on a small fake smile. 

After this the food they ordered arrived, "Here's your omlet mr. and here's your Salmon Nicoise salad bowl Airi. Looking at her dish, Koku could tell she ate healthy as he could see the Grilled salmon on a bed of mixed greens, with green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, olives, and a tangy dressing with a slight touch of lime on the top. Meanwhile he basically ate a mildly fancy egg with no sauce or dressing. 

After eating, Airi used a cloth which she diligently used to clean her lips. "She acts fancy… for someone who runs a herbal shop with not many things you could consider expensive. Maybe she was of noble descent?" Koku was overthinking by this more than he had to, he thought, but couldn't help but to pick up on such small things. 

Deciding he wanted some rest, Koku asked her how much a night in this inn would cost. "Hmm if i remember, it was maybe close to 3 Verdigris (Copper) a night." Airi told him as Koku then reached underneath his tattered coat just to find nothing. "That's right… i gave all the money i had to Yoru and Kurai." Koku remembered. "Is there an adventurers guild here? if so could you tell me where it's at?", Koku asked Airi who looked dumbfounded. "Do you not have any money? if so that's alright, i'll pay ya a room for the day" she reassured Koku who was now trying to politely decline the offer insisting that she's done lots for him already and that anymore would make him feel a little guilty. 

Airi however wasn't backing down for some reason so she ended up winning in the end getting Koku to concede, and a few hours after this, laying down on the bed, Koku would be lost in thought, and ultimately ended up deciding he needed rest, so he drifted off to sleep. 

As for Airi who was no longer around Koku and elsewhere away from public view, she stared into the darkness of the trees in the dead of night. "It's been awfully a long time since our last meeting number 10" Airi stated, her voice colder than ice and devoid of any kindness or emotions. 

Through the trees where no light was present, and nothing could be seen, a figure emerged walking forward. "Yes, it's been a long time number 5. Or should i say, doctor…" the other said aloud looking straight at Airi.