Academy twins P5

"They have something tied to their feet." Kurai said stepping closer to the pigeon, and as she did that, the crow looked at Yoru and let a caw noise out, seemingly calling out to her. Deciding that was the case, she stepped closer as well. 

Once they were both close to them, both the pigeon and crow lifted the single foot that had a letter tied to it. Both sisters were quick to get the little letter tied to both the pigeon and crows feet, and as soon as they did both of the little guys flew away.

Kurai who opened the letter first, looked over at Yoru's note asking to see what was in it, in a very annoying way. "Stop leaning over my shoulder~" Yoru asked Kurai, letting her see the note. 

"Dear Yoru it's your favorite principle Estros!!! I'd like to meet with you privately regarding the fighting tournament tomorrow before I meet your sister." Was what Kurai read on Yoru's note, as for Kurai it was something different. 

"Dear Kurai it's your second favorite life form on earth!! I wish to speak with you about something important, regarding tomorrow's event after meeting with your sister for other private matters." Reading what was on Kurai's note, Yoru chuckled. "Oh? so he's that important to you, how cute~" Yoru teased, leaving Kurai with a weird expression. 

"Eww please never say that again '' Kurai responded with a sigh. "Well, I guess we should head over there," Kurai added after taking her little contemplation break. Yoru nodded, becoming somewhat quiet again, so they both walked to where the principal's office was. 

They came across it rather quickly since there had been posters with directions and maps at almost every turning point in the halls. "Well we're here, so wait a little okay?" Yoru asked Kurai, smiling faintly. 

Kurai's facial expression turned into that of a smug glance. "Okayy '' she agreed, satisfied. With this Yoru walked into the room, closing the door behind. When she did this, the room grew several times longer than when walking in.

Not only that but the room which was somewhat dark, glew up with lights that looked natural everywhere. Stepping further into the room, Yoru could see that Estros the principal was sitting in his chair, at the other side of the room behind his desk looking directly at Yoru. 

"Greetings Yoru." His tone and demeanor seemed out of the character they knew for a brief amount of time they knew him, he was serious and for some reason Yoru felt a shiver down her spine. 

This obviously made Yoru cautious. "Please take a seat." He said snapping his fingers, in the process making the room much smaller or so she thought and by the time Yoru had been walking forward he was in front of the desk. 

"Did the room get small?" She looked behind her and noticed the room still being as big as it was moments ago. "Please sit, we have some things to discuss." Hearing this Yoru kept herself cautious and at the ready as Estros began talking. 

"I saw your little altercation not long ago. You were pretty skilled. But that raises the question. When you fought, your movements seemed to have an objective. One much much greater than just a fight, and darker than a duel. So here I ask myself why someone who's experienced with killing in my Academy… well?" 

Yoru's silence wouldn't be broken and Estros sighed. "Nevermind that. I suppose I did tell you and your sister that whatever your objective is, you are accepted here, and truth be told, I have no intentions of kicking the both of you out. Now now to get to the real reason i called for you."

Yoru's ears twitched as she waited for his reasoning for her calling. "About the fighting tournament tomorrow. I think there aren't many first years in the third section that can fight you. Your recent duel proved that, and although I can think of a few that can, I believe you'd like to have more free movement as well as more privileges. So why not duel the top student of the second years Kendred Reinheart." 

Yoru pondered for a minute then asked what the perks of fighting a second year are so Estros replied. "You'll be able to move freely through the academy and begin adventuring tasks as well as missions if hired. That and more fighting related events will be available, alongside access to the second level of the academy magic library."

Yoru kept her eyes on Estros like daggers at someone's throat and agreed. "Okay then. I'll fight that Kendred thing." Yoru agreeing made Estros smile and break the serious persona. "Hahaha! Alright sounds great! with the way you were looking at me, i thought you were going to try to kill me." Estros nervously laughed, confusing Yoru as to why he said that when he could clearly tell he's much stronger than herself. 

Yoru became quiet again, and began walking away after getting up out of the seat. Then Estros called out to her. "Oh and keep in mind that in the tournament, you can be as brutal as you want. If you happen to kill your opponent or you get killed, there are artifacts set in place to transfer your body out of the arena back to full strength and health conditions."

Yoru stopped and looked over her shoulder and said something very quickly "I don't get it, first you tell us to not harm the students, and now you say to kill each other in an event... all because they won't actually die. The mental trauma of dying will be probably bad." Yoru said, proceeding to leave the room with a smiling Estros, and his hands steepling. 

When Yoru made it out of the room, she looked at Kurai and put her hand over her shoulder. "Your turn. Good luck." Yoru then hurried Kurai into the room in a pushy gesture.