Brown Hair, Blue Eyes

Present Day

Rain's body shivered as the grumbling sounds of thunder were sensed by her auditory nerves. Her eyes blinking in her sleep, and her breathing getting faster.

"Rain... Rain.., wake up Sweety. It's just a dream" her mom's soothing voice, was the only thing that could calm down the building anxiety inside her.

"Mom," she muttered the words as if they were the only words she wanted to say.

"Mom...where are we going?" Opening her eyes, she realized that she had fallen asleep on the back seat. Her back would be sore, and more than that, her neck would be the bigger concern.

"Rain...kid..listen" It was like a deja vu. She rubbed her eyes again, trying to see her dad, but everything was blurry.

*Damm, I forgot my glasses* She thought to herself and sighed.

*Good luck on your trip with no glasses* she was groaning now, out of frustration, so indulged in her thoughts that she completely got oblivious to the conversation going on.

".. so you know what to do, right?

*Did Dad say something important?*

*Probably something about the trip?*

*Ah, they are there, they could look out for me*

She just nodded and smiled, confused by the worry on their face.

She saw a movement in her peripheral vision while her dad was looking at her, it was a truck.


Her eyes flew open. Her body sweating like she has been out in the summer during noon. Her heart racing, pounding in her chest.

*Did she scream, again?*

She quickly covered her head with her oversized hoodie and looked at the notebook kept on her table.

She has apparently spelled out random words on it. A shape, or a letter.


The whispers around her brought her back to reality but she wasn't brave enough to look at the other students.

Did the time move fast, or was it so slow?

Three months have passed since the accident. Why it felt like it was only yesterday in her heart and like years in her mind. She couldn't remember things clearly. It must have been a shock, a really big shock for her.

She has been a complete mess after that day. Trying to stay as invisible as possible. Hide from the world and maybe one day just disappears. Just like her parents have. There was nothing that excited her anymore.

"Rain? Rain? Are you still asleep?"

*Oh no, not again*

She raised her head slowly, adjusting her glasses and quickly wiping off the drool on her face. Her hair was in a pony, hidden under the hoodie. Her big black eyes, hidden behind the big glasses. And her slender body, covered by oversized clothes.

", Processor, I am.." she cleared her throat, the giggles behind her not bothering her at all or that's what she wanted to think.

"We don't have the whole day" Mr. Blake sighed once again and pointed at the screen in front of the class. Apparently, he has written a question on it and might be looking for a solution from her?

*Okay, think Rain, think hard* She tried to focus all her attention to the board, it was a simple math question. They have to find the value of x.

Two equations, two variables, it should be easy.

2x + 3y = 5

3x + 4y = 7

Her hands were shaking while she tried to write the problem in her notebook ignoring the random letter.

She heard a few groans from the back and sighed.

*I guess it's too easy*

Her hands shook again and her pen fell on the floor.

*That's it, I don't know*

"Is it 2?"

What followed the answer were loud grunts and few paper balls thrown at her. She has stopped bothering about them by now.

"I am done with this class" Mr. Blake slammed the book so loudly then the whole class went silent.

"Open page 474 and do all the 50 questions before next class tomorrow" Even though many of the students wanted to protest they remained silent. Not wanting to poke the lion further.

As the class got over, she couldn't wait further to get out of there. Quickly putting the notebook back into her bag and pulling down her hoodie further almost covering her eyes, she got up from her desk.

The footsteps behind her were just a warning sign.

"It was 1, you stupid girl"

"How did she even cleared high school with that garbage brain"

"Go die, Loser"

"Yeah, why didn't you die along with your Mom and Dad?"

She stopped in her steps and wanted to say that she wished that too.

Breaking in a run, she didn't stop, not even when she was out of the college gates, not even when ran out of breath.



"I didn't know there was an ongoing Marathon here" There was a hint of a smile in his voice and she felt something. A spark after so long, a breath, a fresh new breath. Like a sun, peeping from those dark clouds, just a peek.

Shaking her head to come out of the thoughts, she started gathering the things fallen on the ground, herself included.

"Let me help" The extended palm looked strong, manly. The veins covering the flesh, and the warmth it was emitting was a little tempting. She decided to look up and see the face that belongs to that joyful voice.

Messed up brown hair, blue eyes like that of the deep ocean, the smile that could make you laugh for hours. She blinked again and again, hoping it's not just a dream.

"Okay I am going to be honest here, I am not a ghost. Cause you have gone all pale" he chuckled again and she felt like smiling. She didn't smile though, and her cheeks turned red.

She managed to get up from the ground and didn't bother to brush off her jeans.

Something settled on her glasses and she was about to clean it up when the large muscular hand grabbed her tiny wrist.

He must be really tall as she has to raise her complete head to look at him, or maybe the fact that she was 5'1 was the real reason.

She looked at his hand and then back at him, an official sign to take his hand off, but he didn't. To her surprise, he moved his other hand up and put a finger over her glass.

"'s a snowflake" Her eyes traveled to his finger and went wide.

It was beautiful. magic.

"We have been talking for a while now, so let me introduce myself. I am Reid" He grinned showing all of his teeth and his goofy nature was kind of making her feel safe.

"Yes, Sir, she is with him now" A woman talked on the phone.