Trying out the tips

"B-but when to talk to him?" Rain asked getting up from the chair and following Emma near the desk. 

"Should I talk to him in the room?" 

"Nooooooo" Emma almost yelled and then looked around her. She put one of her hands over her chest and took a deep breath. Emma knew it was a bad idea. They weren't that close and things could go wrong in private. If it doesn't turn out the way that Rain wanted, there was nowhere she could go. She had seen the naive girl fluster in the presence of people. The room would be wrong.

"Ummm..let me think" Emma slightly opened the door and went inside Rain's section. Looking at both sides, Rain followed her.

"Do you follow him on any social networking site?" Emma asked sitting on the bed, her legs dangling from the bed. 

Rain stood in front of her shaking her head.

"Okay, let me search him" 

Emma quickly typed the search word and started scrolling. 

"Maybe find Rachel and he would be in her followers" Rain was hoping she was wrong and seeing Emma smile, it was confirmed. Emma had found him.

"Looks like a new profile. There isn't much" Emma clicked her tongue, taping on the pics he had taken. 

"See here..he goes to this place to eat sometimes" Emma turned her phone around and showed it to Rain. Rain quickly approached her and sat beside her.

"I always do two things when I want to find about a guy. I check the likes and the comments" Emma handed her phone to Rain.

*Was Rain worried about it, worried if he was already with some girl?* 

Rain shook her head.

If she had to take a step forward, she had to stop doing this. 

"I will come back later!" Rain got up in a hurry. She had to practice first what she was gonna say, practice her voice, maybe wash her hair and face. She should look a little better than how she was looking right now. 

She could feel the sun above her, the time has passed, a lot of time, she had to hurry now. The hoodie which was soothing in the morning was making her sweat. 

Reid had given her a key last night. She quickly opened it and went inside the room. To her no surprise, Sebastian was still asleep while Reid was nowhere to be seen. 

*He could be at the restaurant they saw* 

She had to move quickly now. 

Grabbing her towel and a comb, she stepped inside the bathroom. She hung the towel and turned on the shower. Suddenly she felt something drop on her shoulder. The slippery skin touching her bare. There was no surprise, she knew what it was.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" she grabbed the towel, the wet fingers making it difficult to open the door, but as soon as she did, she ran for her life. 

The marble floor did no favor to her, as she stumbled and fell on her ass. 

The laughter which broke the next second, caught her off-guard. 

It was no accident, it was planned. Her head jolted up from the floor and she saw Sebastian laughing uncontrollably. 

"Why are you girls so scared of lizards, that you won't even check if it's real," he said between chuckles.

Rain tightened her hold on the towel and brought her knees together. Raising the other hand, she pointed a finger at Sebastian.

"I won't get mad. I will get even" she then put the same hand on the floor and with support got up. Going back in the shower.

There was one thing that was taught to all kids who shared a room. 

She could easily tell this to Reid, but she won't. You have to stand up for yourself, you shouldn't rat. Ratters never have a good impression on people. You don't want to live a life where people call you 'tattletale' 

She knew what she had to do, and she knew even in his hundred lives, he wouldn't be prepared for it.

Coming out of the shower, she texted Emma. 

"We are going to a cemetery tonight" 

Her hair was still wet, and the comb only made her look like a ghost. Pale skin and straight hair was not a good combination.

*Should she wear a hoodie and jeans or maybe a dress?* 

*Maybe she shouldn't go at all*

She had looked over all her clothes, and she had nothing. Besides a couple of sundresses, she had bought for the vacation and never got to wear, her collection only had party wear gowns or hoodies and jeans. She had to shop soon. But for now.

Her eyes fell on a blue dress that looked decent enough to wear in a restaurant. It was long too, falling below her knees. There were no jewels, no sparkles, no glitters. It should do. 

She picked up a small purse, keeping her cell phone, hanky, and a few bucks inside it.

Rain took the bus, nervous about the restaurant. 

She was relieved to find Reid sitting inside or it would have been a fail.

Taking small steps, she opened the gate and walked in. Blue dress and shoes. 

*Why hasn't she thought about sandals or heels?* 

She crossed the distance quickly, so he wouldn't notice it. 

"H-Hi" the words came out with a little croak and she cleared her throat. 

"I mean..uh..hi" 

He couldn't be more perfect. Sitting on the chair, facing the sunlight, his eyes looked like the sea, warm and welcoming. The smile that followed could make the flowers bloom in the meadow and right now was breaking the hearts of every girl, sitting inside the restaurant. 

"He looks so handsome" Rain was sure she heard a girl from behind her or was it the waitress.

She could feel goosebumps on her arms. She was glad, she wore a jacket. 

"Why are you standing Angel?" he got up and in a swift move, pulled the chair behind her.

"Awwww" a few of the girls swooned at the same time. But it was like Reid was oblivious to everything around him, as his eyes only saw Rain. 

She was looking like a princess, who hasn't stepped a foot outside her castle. Her pale skin, glistening under the sunlight. The wet hair was making sure he won't be able to sleep on his stomach tonight. She was the perfect combination of sweet and naughty. 

Rain bit her nails, as she seated herself in the chair opposite Reid.

She had to remember what Emma had told her. 

She patiently listened and nodded as Reid started to talk about cars. Something she had noted he was passionate about, as his eyes would light up and his lips would form a smile as he spoke. He would always use his hand trying to indicate the length of the cars he liked, which was surprisingly longer than the cars she had seen around. 

"Like you wouldn't drive, all the way in second gear. When you're in second gear and driving faster than the normal range of second gear, you're using more gasoline and straining the engine." 

He took a little pause.

"Imagine a 3-speed transmission. First is 0-30, Second is 10-50, and Third is 25-130. Listen to me. Now, in this scenario, you can drive 25 in any gear. But the engine is moving much faster to go 25 in first than in third" 

He looked at Rain and smiled again

"One day I am gonna show you how to steal cars" 


*Was it a weird laugh? she could hear people chuckling around her*

*How else do people laugh? It wasn't the first time she was laughing right?*

Rain had started tapping her foot under the table.

"I will have a salad," Reid said to the waitress who stood close to him.

"What will you have?" He looked at Rain, who hadn't thought about the fact that they would eat. 

"Burger?" Rain only mumbled while Reid raised his eyebrows.

"Do you know how many calories are in the burger?" his gaze focused on Rain

*Of course it was high, a lot higher than salad. She shouldn't eat food with high calorie when he was just eating salad* 

"Ummm I will have salad too" that came out in a squeaky voice instead of a soft one.

Rain looked down at the table. Her confidence wavering. The little confidence she had when she walked in.

She could hear more whispers around her. Reid could be oblivious but she wasn't

And the final step, she raised her head, looking at Reid, and winked. 

She had never seen a pale face going red so fast

*No no no no, it wasn't a step. What has she done*

*Goodbye salad, maybe next time* 

She got up quickly and ran outside the door. 

If you could count steps in negative, it would be -1000, since that's what had happened a couple of seconds ago.