The Ultimate Weapon

Rain looked up at the door. She felt a little glad that they won't be accompanying her. Being with Reid would make her constantly nervous. And she doesn't do good when she is nervous.

She took off the towel and ruffled her wet hair, bending her head down and then jolting it up, as her hair settled back, she combed them a little. 

Putting the penguin down, she grabbed her bag. 

No way in hell was she going back to the class. She didn't want to face the jerk who insulted her yesterday. She didn't know what else he would do today. 

She could always pick homeschooling or just get notes from Reid or Sebastian..maybe not Sebastian.

Hanging her clothes outside and her undergarments on the side of her bed, she left for the Cafe.

Emma was already occupied with cleaning the tables as Rain arrived.

"Hi hi ...there might be another letter for you," Emma said in her ever-enthusiastic voice. 

Rain couldn't even guess how Emma had so much energy all the time. She was like a walking cheerleader. 

"How do you do it? How do you have so many friends and are always happy?" Rain couldn't stop herself from asking.

Emma smiled and advanced towards Rain, who had taken a table close to the window.

"Uh..there are many things actually, but it first starts with loving myself." 

Emma slowly pulled back her chair and sat in front of Rain. 

"Out of all the things, I love, I should be on top of the list" she giggled and quickly looked away.

"It takes time, we are blinded by our flaws, flaws that people tell us, flaws that they don't tell but just drop a few hints, things which we are not able to do...I can't go to school like you, I am not that brilliant...but do I have to be?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at Rain.

"I know the basic things, and if I will force myself to do things and in case I don't succeed, I might not like myself, even when it's not my fault" she shrugged 

"The next thing was filling these flaws that I just couldn't get over. Like why they won't invite me for a party, or why they didn't take me for a trip, or why they won't listen to me?" There was little sadness in her eyes but it didn't stay for long.

"I mean when I thought about it. I realized..wait. I am capable of holding a party myself, or organizing a trip..or listening to someone. Why shouldn't I be the one, I am expecting others to me" 

The smile that followed her words, melted Rain's heart. 

"It's easy to tell people not to cry, coz you clearly couldn't deal with it then lending them a shoulder to cry on" her words, so simple, yet so strong. 

"Enough about me now. Tell me was there any progress?" Emma leaned forward.

"It's know...I get nervous and he. I don't know if he notices me..or.I don't know" 

Rain didn't know what was happening. Even after her several tries, Reid had not hinted at anything. She had started to believe that maybe it was all an illusion, maybe he didn't look like her, and that she was just his friend or easy? 

"Let's try the ultimate weapon then" Emma stood up and looked forward, her hands on her hips, her chest puffed like she was going to declare war.

"And that is?" Rain asked softly

"You have to kiss him" 

Rain gasped, her mouth opened and then closed. She quickly glanced to both sides, hoping no one had heard Emma and then glad that there was no one in the Cafe. 

She still couldn't believe what Emma had just said. 

"Are you a good kisser, Rain?" Emma asked sitting down.

"Uh...I- I.. don't ...I- never" 

Emma slapped her palm over her mouth.

"You have never?" She didn't need to complete the sentence.

Rain just shook her head and looked down.

"Ummm okay. See you won't have to say anything to him. Just walk up to him, pull him close and kiss" 

Emma spoke as if it was too easy, like doing a chore easy, but for Rain, it was tough, like defeating a dragon tough.

"I know I know you are nervous right now, but trust me, once you kiss him, he will fall for you" there was it again, the shrewd smile.

Emma could be tapping her fingers together and giggling like a witch right now and still, it won't scare Rain as much as the thought of kissing a boy, a boy she liked.

"You need practice. Let's start with a peck" Emma stood up and looked around.

"Ah-ha here" she handed Rain a cup

"Give it a peck. Go on try it" Emma stood straight crossing her arms, all while her gaze on Rain who was in a state of shock and shiver.

"I- I can't. it's " 

"Shut up and just give me a peck" Emma was bossy, bossy when she knew her friend was going to chicken out.

Rain could only nod as her hand shook holding the cup.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, the only thing that chanted in her mind was that she has to learn one day, and maybe that one day was today. 

She tuned out all the sounds around her, the coffee machine, the soft flicker of the light, the continuous rattling of the glass door, the footsteps of someone walking she brought the cup closer to her lips and planted her lips on it.


Footsteps of someone walking in...

Her eyes opened and her face turned toward the sound.

The muscular guy who was a daily customer was staring at her with a look of shock? Disgust? Confusion? 

The cup slipped from Rain's hand, but Emma was quick enough to catch it and stand in front of her flustered friend.

"Please take a seat" Emma mumbled as Rain's head hit the table.

"Don't worry. He is just a stranger" Emma whispered in Rain's ear trying to calm her nerves.

"Yes..a stranger who thinks I am a weirdo" Rain shook her head and hit it again on the table.

Emma took Rain's phone, all the while biting her lip. 

She tapped something on the app and placed the phone in front of Rain. 

Rain looked up and Emma winked.

"How to kiss" 

The video title.

"You will be the death of me" Rain quickly put back the phone in her pocket and stood up, walking towards the crystal ball section.

As the only guy in the Cafe, was busy checking out Emma, Rain sneaked in.

It has been a while that she had received the letter. She was as excited as Emma. She had to keep her personal life aside for a moment and help the person looking for love.

She quickly opened the letter.

"Dear Crystal Ball,

I have been with a guy for a few months now. When we started talking, everything was like hearts and roses. He would be really sweet. He would text me when he got up... going to bed. The talks were limited to what he likes, what I like...

I felt loved...or Maybe that's what I thought.

But then I felt that it was okay for me to share with him the things which were troubling me.

The first time I told him that I fought with a friend, he nodded and then kept on talking about his work...

I thought he didn't want to discuss things that are personal to me.

But it happened again a few weeks later, I was telling him about how things were tough for me at work and he changed the topic completely.

I don't understand why is he doing this? If I want to think about my future with him, will he keep shutting me down? Should I even stay with him if I now hesitate to come to him for any of my problems? 

Troubled Girl"