Rescuing the Princess: Part I

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Player One: Little Devil

"Welcome to The Legend of Dark Fate"

You are in a medieval town as honorable knights. The trope which went along the princess has been found dead. The princess is held captive and you have to rescue her. You have a horse and are provided with two weapons for each of the players. 

Little Devil quickly glanced down to see his Avatar. As told in the instructions, he wants inside a knight, holding a sword and a torch. Dressed in a blouse and pants, along with boots, and the Heavy Armor above it, making it difficult for him to lift his arms properly, and add a heavy sword to it, the weight was almost pulling him down. 

Trying to distract himself from the crushing weight, Little Devil looked around. 

It was just like he had imagined it. 

Houses were made of a wooden frame, with the gaps filled with woven strips of wood, and covered, with clay and horse-dung. Most roofs were thatch.

The streets were narrow and busy. They were noisy, with the town crier, church bells, and traders calling out their wares. There were many fast food sellers, selling such things as hot sheep's feet and beef-ribs.

Women dressed in long gowns covering themselves from head to toe. Kids playing around in the streets. 

A noisy tavern with drunkards going in and out.

If his partner will take longer to arrive, Little Devil could enjoy a drink or two

"Your teammate will join you in




"I can't even dream" Little Devil mumbled to himself, with his hands on his hips, waiting for the arrogant and stubborn partner.

It was all his fault, what happened last time. 

*What had happened?* 

Little Devil couldn't remember it all and only knew that the system had thrown him out.

If it was the real world, Little Devil could have felt the strong arms that were hugging him now. 

"Are you okay?" 

Demon hasn't even bothered with the instructions and had come running to Little Devil. He couldn't believe that Little Devil was fine. After the last game, he wasn't sure what had happened. He only knew that the system had crashed and in some way affected the Avatar of Little Devil, which meant that it was almost impossible for Little Devil to survive. 

So hugging him was the very first thought that had come into his mind.

He had never thought that he could need a partner for a mission, but now, he couldn't imagine a game without Little Devil.

He stepped back a little and held Little Devil's face between his hands.

*Those eyes* 

He was not mistaken, those were the same eyes he had seen during the race. It means that Little Devil lived near him, but he couldn't ask him any questions, not after the last time, he was thrown out when he talked about himself. 

"Uhh...okay...I am fine" Little Devil spoke looking into Demon's eyes. 

"Don't ever.." Demon couldn't complete his sentence, he was too happy.

"I couldn't let you..." Little Devil didn't even want to say the word, ever.

They both nodded and then Demon started observing their surroundings. 

"So I got a map and a sword" 

"Which you dropped on the ground" Little Devil tried to hold back his laugh as Demon glared at him.

"We have to rescue a princess and I guess this is the map for it" Little Devil pointed to the map, Demon had picked up from the ground.

"We need to travel and reach here," He put his finger on the map, "before nightfall" 

"Looks easy?" Little Devil muttered to himself 

Both of them mounted the horse and started moving ahead as per the map. 

The land in front of them wasn't like the village they were leaving behind, but having wilderness. 

The tall trees and long grasses were making their path more difficult. It was lucky for them, that they had gotten horses, or else it would have taken them long. 

Even though the area was wild, they didn't encounter any animals in their path which felt a little strange. 

"You should sit straight, or you will hurt your back" Demon said at the slouching posture, Little Devil sat in. 

"It's too heavy. I always wanted to be a knight, but I never thought, it would be this difficult to just wear their armors" 

It was followed by a long groan as Demon rolled his eyes. 

"If we could just rest" Little Devil groaned again as the sky had started changing its color now. 

"I don't think that's an option, the more time we take, the more we put the life of the Princess in danger," Demon said looking ahead. 

"Uh-huh I see, want to see the Princess" there was a hint of tease in Little Devil's voice but it went away as Demon's face sharply turned toward him.

"Come on, don't deny, you must be excited" Little Devil insisted, hoping Demon would give in. 

"I have more important things to do and so want to finish this task as soon as possible" Demon deadpanned. 


*Who doesn't want to meet a princess, he has seen gamers risking their lives for rescuing a princess, so he knew that Demon would want to meet her* 

"I don't believe you, but I am not going to ask again" Little Devil pouted, racing the horse ahead of Demon and then poking his tongue out. 

"You are crazy" Demon chuckled. He had started liking the little buddy of his.

"Let me get some water" Demon was about to advance near the river when Little Devil brought his horse in front of Demon.

"I don't think it's a good idea. It's the river oblatus" 

Demon raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything so Little Devil continued.

"If I am right, there is a guardian for these rivers and well let's just say, you want to avoid him. You don't read books?" 

Demon shook his head and, taking Little Devil's word, turned back.

Both of them reached the point and lounged themselves on the ground. The path ahead of them looked a little tougher than the one they had just made through.

"Look here, we could go through mountains or tunnels. Taking the mountain would add to our time" Demon was speaking mostly to himself, considering the possibility of which route which made them reach the castle faster. 

"Well then let's take tunnels, we would be there soon..why are you looking at me like that?" Little Devil asked as Demon pursed his lips and his eyebrows furrowed.

"The only problem is rats"

"You are not scared of rats, are you?" It was difficult to imagine the large knight being scared of rats.

"Hell no," Demon was too quick to disagree.

"These rats, they just ..they just feed on human flesh" 

"O" Little Devil's lips formed an O as he looked at the tunnel and then back at the mountains again.

"Let's take the mountains?" 

Demon had already started looking for some plants. 

"Here..put this..the smell of this vegetation

would cover the human smell" 

"But it stinks like a lot" Little Devil had stepped away as Demon was putting the juice of the leaves on his face. 

"You would rather get eaten alive..yeah take it" Little Devil snatched the leaf and started rubbing it on his face. 

Lightening the torch, Little Devil and Demon entered the tunnel.

Unlike outside, it was pretty dark in. 

It was too quiet and both of them tried to move quickly. 

"Ow ow ow... something touched my foot" Little Devil almost jumped over Demon.

"Relax, that's just my leg" 

"Such now, I hear him and whatever happens don't move" 

Demon grabbed Little Devil by hand, taking him to a corner. 
