
"Ohhh fuck..." He push me the wall hard. It's to dark. And it is hurt like bitch but still I Ignor it my main concern is the person who is standing front of me.. and he's lips crush to mine..

I jump on him my legs are hugging he's hips he pull me close to him. That no space between us. My both arm hug he's nack. And I started to play with he's hair. Like I always do..

The kiss is passionate and rough like we never kiss before. Every time whenever we both kiss each other or intimate with each other it's always I feel like I am doing it in first time. The way we both kiss each other fighting with each other tongues. Like we both having war the who's going to win. And I am enjoying this. Like always..

We both moan when I play with hair and bite he's lips little bit harder.. I know he like it. He never told me but I know. He's one of he's hand are reach my breast and he started to grab it roughly and make me moen loudly.

" Shhhhh we don't want to know the every one do we..." He's husky voice that make me shiver. And i try to not moan in loudly controlling myself.

I reach he's pent and started to unhooked it. He did same.When he's hand go to my thing and when he touch it. I feel like I can't take it more. I want him to touch me. And fuck me hard. No matter what. I want he's little one into me.. but like he know that what I want.

He started to teasing me.. rubbing my core and make me hotter that ever. I can't take it. I want him to into me so damn much. And he know it very well so he did on perposly that I bagged him to come into me..

And I also know how to tease him back.. I reach he's little one. And started to make him turn on. I grab he's balls and started to massaging. And he started to kiss my breath and bite it so hard. And grone loudly.

" Fuckk.. don't tease me.. I want you now..." I literally bagged him.. and like the way I think he smrike and push me to the end of the table and make me to seat on there.


He go down on there and started to fuck me in he's tongue. He know how to use he's tongue other than eating or talking.. and he is good at it..

" Don't cum if you did I will smack you and the whole school know that.. and I mean it." He said to me.. when he know that I about to cum.. fucking assholle.. I hate him when he do that..

He pull away  he's mouth grabbing condom out in he's panis and enter into me so hard. I literally yelled.. and that that what I want.. rubbish my uppr core that make me moan more. I don't want to but the way he making me giving me feeling I just can't control myself.

He fuck me hard in and out in and out. The way he doing he's work. And looking at me. That how I am enjoying it.

Grabbing my breast verry hard he started to massage and other he started to licking it. And biting it. Making me moan loudly. I close my mouth with my both hands. So that I can't yelled. I don't want to know anyone about it.  

" Cum.." he said and i finally cum and than I see that he also come with me. We both cum together. He started to kissing my back. When my head is on he's shoulder making myself clam down..

After that we both pull away. And I started to wear my clothes.. this is best thing ever. I want to do it again but I also don't want to late to my next class. And I don't want to know about it to anyone.. do i..

Talking about this.. I am Madeline Miller and I am 17 year old. There is nothing to more telling about me. I am just normal girl in high school. This is my senior year. Average girl like others. My friend's said that i have attractive eyes. Cute smile. I don't have prefect figure but I just look okky. Whenever I wear tight clothes there is show my all curve that girls hated it. That why don't have body like me. And i also don't know why they hate me. It's not my fault's them who don't know how to make there body mainten..

" We should do this again.. " he said to me. He means Anthony but people call him Tony.. he's our school bad boy akka  football team capital. And also everyone's favourite.  He do have handsome face with good at fuck. And fabulous body whom girls are dying to fall for he's look and he's charm.

In all this. Why he is with me. Than let me tell you.. in last semester our school's queen bee Cassy when throw the party like she said it's our last junior years. That day I losses my virginity to this assholle. After that I know that fighting with him there is no in hell that my virginity given back. And he did apologize for this. After that we did talk about this friend with benefits situation.

We are not that close or i am not thinking about it. I never see him that attractive or anything. Yeah he do have looks and all but still bad boys are not my type. I like good guys. But I also know that sex with Tony is best thing ever. I can't stop myself to do it again and again.  And we both know that we both enjoyed it.

He do have girlfriend which I don't care. And I never come to he's relationship or he's personal space.. Nor did he come to my personal space. We only complete each other's need.

About he's girlfriend well let me tell you. She's the goody two shoes.. like we all know bad boys always fall for good girls. Like this. Her name is Lily. She is so beautiful and smart girls. I like her. But like I said she is good girl. So he can't force her to do it. And he genuinely like her. And I am appreciate for that.

We both have rules in this friends with benefits. That whenever I or him need we have to fullfill each others wishes. Like i said lily is nice girl's so i told him he just have to do with me and with lily no other girls. Because I also don't want STDs. Which he is agree with that. Plus we can't fall for each other if any of us fall for to each other we have to close this thing. And last and not listed. If we both get in serious relationship with our real life partner we have to stop this thing. And that is best things ever. Plus it's only between in us. So I never told this even my friends like this is secret. And I don't want anyone to know.

" Sure. But not in school. I can't risk it.." i said to him. And than fix my clothes. I know my have to go to wash room for clean myself. He totally give me hichakys in my neck and i don't want to risk to show to anyone specially my friend's.

" Yeahh I see how you can't resist my charm. " He siad with smrike. Bastard. I Rolle my eyes. And give him my fake smile. And one last time I look at him. He already looking at me.

" See you not very soon I guess.." i said to him unlock the janitor closest and than leave him there.

I walk straight to the washroom. And like I think he did give me big mark in my neck. That dog.  I have to cover it before anyone can see it.. I wash my face and started to apply the makeup so no know can see anything. And than leave the washroom.

I meet in locker to my firends already are standing and talking. My three best friends jake, Zoe and Becca.. they both are my bestest friend seance the kindergarten.

Jake's mom and my mom both are best friends so after we born we see. Each other every day like this he's my best friend forever. And I meet Zoe when miss Harris pair both of us to seat with each other and knowing each other we both have same interest so we both got close.. and about Becca. Well someone is bullying her when she is join us in mid term. And she is news. So jake saw it and he save her after that we four of us best friends ever. And I love three of them.

And this is us.. me and my life.. and my story..