- Ch 18

The ball was in a small castle outside the city walls and it was as if that castle called Tintagel was part of the city. The castle had a ring wall and a palace-like stone house in the courtyard. It was not built for defense but a residence for pleasure.

"Welcome to your ball."

"My ball?"

"It is a welcome ball for you, for your honor and glory."

"But you don't know me."

"You are a female cultivator who comes from the Wind Sky sect and survived the destruction of the Phoenix sect."

Elliot said nothing about her destroying it.

"How many and who did you invite and, what would you have done if I hadn't come?" Siri asked.

"There are about two hundred from the five major noble clans, my lady."

"If you hadn't come, I would have brought you back by any means necessary."

"Uhh, you do realize now that the city wouldn't be standing if you tried."

"I don't think you'd slaughter a city for your dignity."

"I'm here now, so that isn't something we need to explore further," said Siri.

Elliot smiled at her the way Elix sometimes did when he knew he'd won or seen through her.

Siri stepped out of the wagon and was greeted by bowing soldiers and cultivators. One of the cultivators had earth realm cultivation which stunned her. There weren't many with that level of cultivation, in a sect, let alone in a noble clan.

She started to walk slowly toward the palace entrance with Elliot at her side. The wind in the castle courtyard tugged at her's platinum hair and short kimono.

The mansion was made entirely of black and white marble. And the walls were decorated with statues of monsters, demons, and heroes.

Hundreds of men and women awaited their arrival. As she entered the hall, her presence was announced.

"May I present Siri of the Wind Sky Sect and one of the few who survived the destruction of the Phoenix Sect. And now she is Siri of Lerice, my wife.

"Uh, WHAT!" Siri screamed into Elliot's mouth as he planted a kiss on her lips.

"Do you think I'm going to let you run around my city and province without keeping an eye on you now that you can destroy the city with one finger? And no one will be able to use you against me if you're my wife. I also think you need my help. So play along. And in case you're wondering, no one will question your love life unless you jump into bed with one of the other two major noble houses." Elliot whispered in her ear.

Siri looked at all the people of higher rank who were attending. Why was everyone here for her? It was a mystery to her as she had no ties with them. Did they know that she, ...that she could be the goddess of the last light? Then it hit her, it wasn't about her. She herself had become a pawn in the local power game. Many who stood around her smiled but, it did not reach their eyes except in a few.

From the crowd of people, two men stepped forward and bowed to Siri.

"My lady." They were from a different clan, but she couldn't tell which one. Beside her, Elliot was still standing and, she could feel him stiffen. They were as well dressed as Elliot but in white silk and blue velvet. 'Were they some with the same power and status as him?" she thought.

"Yes, my lords. What can I do for you."

One of them was a cultivator while the other could use Qi. He was probably a warlock like Raven.

"I hope you don't feel forced being here, Siri. Elliot can be overly aggressive at times, lacking finesse and etiquette. "

"I agree. What're your names?" Siri smiled a big smile at them both with a flirtatious undertone.

"I'm Ivan and, this is Arvid. We are from the Eenno clan." said the man, known as Ivan.

"If you don't want to be here, Siri, we from the Eenno clan can help you."

Elliot stood next to Siri and heard everything but didn't let himself be provoked. Siri glanced at him in surprise. 'Why doesn't he say anything?'

"And where do you think I should go, Ivan?" asked Siri.

Music from a harp began to play. Siri glanced over at the musician who was a young girl with her black hair up in a tight bun. With nimble fingers, she played a black harp, the size of her upper body, strapped across her shoulders. She was dressed in a simple short grey woolen dress and a white undershirt. She looked out of place, as everyone was dressed in the finest of fabrics. In her simplicity, she shone with her harp and its tones. And it fascinated Siri.

"It is not for me to decide, my lady."

"I'm glad we agree, Ivan," Siri replied. Why doesn't Elliot say something? What kind of game is he playing?

Siri looked at Elliot, who just stood there grinning.

Suddenly Elix stood beside her and held out his hand. "May I dance with you?"

"Elix, thank the gods you're here." Siri pointed at Eillot and said. "He says I'm his wife now in front of all these people. Can you kill him, please?"

"I don't think that's feasible. So you've been officially married." He looked more amused than angry.

"You knew this would happen."

"Yes, I had my suspicions."



"Play along, Siri, and I'll help you solve your problem with your Qi," Elliot said.

"You told him about your Qi?" Elix asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Elix leaned forward and whispered but, Elliot heard what he said.

"Siri, he just married your avatar. If you take off the necklace, you're a different person, aren't you."

"What do you mean I married an avatar?" Elliot asked.

"None of your business, dear husband," replied Siri.

"Let's dance", said Siri to Elix.