
Time skip to 11:30 a.m.

A black limousine with a blood-red streak going down the middle of both sides. The driver stops it then gets out to open the door for the family.

Bryson Calabria gets out first then helps his wife, Audriana out, and his son exits the limousine. The driver bows before shutting the door, the family walks up to the large oval-shaped top doors.

Bryson knocks on the doors while Audriana puts an arm around Jaiden's shoulder. The door is opened by a woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair and grey eyes. She is in a black and white maid dress with black mary jane shoes. She allows them inside the entrance of the mansion.

It is white walls with gold trims, circular stairs go up to a lookout. A woman with long wavy, brown hair, and hazel eyes meets them.

She smiles brightly at the three of them and shows them to the living room. The living room with all white walls with the same gold trims and a large crystal chandelier that is glowing a light blue. Black couches that have gold metal frames, dark grey pillows on each end of the couches.

A tray of porcelain cups filled with tea inside and Trystan comes into the living room and stops in his tracks when his hazel eyes meet the amethyst eyes of Jaiden.

"Trystan meet Bryson and Audriana Calabria and their son Jaiden." The 19-year-old brunette sits down next to his mother on the couch across from the Calabria's. He looks at the 19-year-old across from him, Jaiden looks back with some interest in his eyes.

"You two should get to know each other while we go into another room." The adults walk out of the room, leaving the two 19-year-olds in the large living room.

"What's your name?" Trystan asks the black-haired young adult, twirling a small pen around in his right hand. He smiles at the Luciano Heir before responding to him.

"Jaiden Levi Calabria. You?" Trystan is looking at Jaiden with some interest. They look at each other before the brunette responds to the other's question.

"Trystan Monroe Luciano." He smiles at his arranged husband. Trystan gets up from the couch to hold out his hand to Jaiden, who takes it gracefully. He stands up before look sideways with amethyst eyes.

"Care to show me around or are we going to stand around, Trystan?" A sarcastic tone comes from the male beside him and the brunette nods then walk into the dining room. The room is white with a large oval white table, white chairs with plush on the seats. A large chandelier is in the center of the ceiling, with a divot in the ceiling.

Jaidyn looks around the large dining room with a curious look in his eye before tugging on the taller's shirt to indicate to move on to the next room. They turn to the right of the dining room to walk inside the kitchen, the walls are grey with silver trims all around the top wall. The counters are granite marble with dark wood cupboards and silver nobs. The parents are talking in front of the house, chatting away about their children.

"My son is not easily understood because he is doesn't have a lot of people interaction and I do hope Trystan can help with that since he is known to be around many people," Bryson said while thinking before he takes a sip of red wine in the clear red glass. "He is not the most open person. The polar opposite of Trystan." He finished his thought with his wife looking at the large rose garden that they have.

"I did notice that with Jaidyn. He seemed to be very quiet and not too social." Jennifer said to Audriana while the two men are talking about their business with the mafia. The two women talk about when their sons were younger and how they were. The two boys are walking around the large rose gardens with red and orange roses mixed together.

A luxurious bed of grass is enclosed by young hedges and flower bushes. A lone, wide tree stands near the back, its bark and branches form an almost protective roof of the garden. The flower beds are trying to take all the attention in this garden, and succeeding to a large extent too; they're rich in species. The hedges and flower bushes reach 1.2m/4ft high, but they will grow at least twice as large if left to their own. Various stepping stones mark the best spots, leading people through the garden, and making sure all the best spots are marked. Grass eagerly creep and crawl their way beyond their allocated garden spots, each eager to take just a little bit more land for themselves.

The tree, a moosewood, has stood there for over a century and demands all attention, but in doing so also draws attention to all the life forms living on it. The flower beds can't be denied their share of the attention, and the hedges and flower bushes are hard to miss, but everything will always be overshadowed by the tree.

Jaidyn stops near a large red rose that has a very green stem and large thorns, he accidentally poked his finger on the top thorn near the top. He pulls away his hand to have a small blue rag to stop his finger from bleed. He holds it for 1 minute then removes it to see if his finger stopped bleeding. A medium-sized blood spot is located in the middle of the rag then hands it back to Trystan, who takes it and puts it in the right back pocket of the jeans. They walk inside the mansion, Trystan quickly decided to show his fiancee the 2nd floor before he has to leave to go back home.

"Can I have your phone number so we can continue to chat?" Trystan asks Jaiden, who nods at the other and hands over his iPhone 11 pro max with a purple soft silicone case. He hands it back before Audriana and Bryson come up to their son and say goodbye before leaving.