Bearable Pain

Alyssa has her arm around Trystan's shoulders with him looking fatigued. Jaidyn is walking by his father with his left arm is in a sling. Alyssa with Trystan and Adriana goes to the redhead's car to drive the brunette to his house to pack clothes and other things that he needs for at least a week and a half. Bryson and Jaidyn walk to the big SUV that he drove to the hospital in.

They both get inside, buckle up, and Bryson starts to back out of the parking spot to drive back to the Calabria mansion. The injured young man is looking out of the black tinted windows; the green trees with the dark brown stumps go quickly from his view. Alyssa is driving her car to the Luciano mansion with Audriana in the back, comforting the young man beside her. He has hazel eyes and laying his head on his future mother-in-law's right shoulder.

"How is he doing right now?" Alyssa asks quietly, not trying to disturb the heir to the Luciano Mafia family, Audriana slightly moves and Trystan is not bothered by the move and his breathing is slow and calm. He fell asleep a few minutes after getting into the car.

Detective Henry Ace parks his car in a spot with his name on the white metal sign that is on a metal pole. He grabs the camera bag from the passenger seat and grabbing his keys from the ignition port and exits. He locks the car before walking inside the LAPD building and heading towards his Sergent's office. He knocks on her door and she lets him in. Amelia motions him to sit down in the chair across from hers and once he does, she sighs.

"Those two young men have been through a traumatic attack and when you do talk to them watch what you say because Alyssa Green is their lawyer. You do know that Trystan Luciano and Jaidyn Rosario-Calabria are Mafia heirs, right?" Henry nods. She hands the detective a stack of pictures and papers of the attempted assassination, he quickly reads through the pages.

"They had minor injuries but that was enough to bring them into shock and it will take time before you can get answers. I will go with you since I do have a good friendly relationship with Audriana Calabria." Henry nods then stood up from the chair with the papers in his arms and walked out of the room to his desk to begin the inspection of the pictures which were given to him. Alyssa exits her vehicle to head inside to grab Trystan's clothing. She returned with 5 bags filled with Trystan's belongings. She places them inside the open trunk, slamming the trunk shut and entering the vehicle.

"Alright, we are ready to go back to the Calabria mansion." She buckles up before reversing then goes back to drive and heads to the mansion. Bryson parks the SUV in the driveway and gets up, walks up to the other side of the vehicle where his son is. He opens the door, carefully helps the duo haired male out. He closes the door and locks it up, the two walk inside the doors. They both hear the other car drive up and Bryson motions for one of the maids to help his son up to his room.

The blonde woman exits the door behind Alyssa with the brown-haired young man yawning his right arm, his hazel eyes are half-open with purple eye bags under his eyes. Audriana walks him inside the home with her arm around his shoulders and takes him up the stairs to her son's room.

"Jai, can we come in?" The black and red-haired male is laying on his bed with his injured arm on his chest, the sling on the nightstand. The door is opened by the woman, who helped him to his room. The blonde and brunette enter, the blonde woman removes her arm from his shoulder and his wrist is grabbed by the young man on the bed. The two women leave the room with smiles on their faces when the two young men are laying right next to each other with their hands intertwined.

The next two days are hazy to the young men as they slept most of the two days and a knock gets the attention of the two 19-years-old on the couch. Jaidyn is wearing black skinny jeans with rips from his knees to his middle thigh, a black oversized hoodie that belongs to Trystan. The brunette is wearing white skinny jeans with a short sleeve grey t-shirt that has a red peace sign on the front. Alyssa opens the doors to see Sergeant Amelia Gray and Detective Henry Ace are standing there.

"Come in but I will be making sure you won't cross a line because right now Jaidyn is not talking and Trystan is overprotective of Jaidyn. Make one wrong move and you'll both be out of here." The redhead says and allows them inside of the mansion, showing them the living room where the two young men are currently. Jaidyn on his phone with his head in Trystan's lap and his right arm in the sling provided by the hospital. Men in black suits are standing in the room, guns are on their sides in a gun holder.

"Now, ask away Detective," Alyssa says when she sits down on the couch across from the 2 injured 19-year-olds, Henry pulls out his notepad so he can make sure he knows what to ask.

"What happened when the gunshots entered the limousine?" Trystan shakes his head, signaling that he doesn't want to answer but is repeatedly asked it. Jaidyn looks up from his phone, his amethyst colored eyes glare at him, and slowly gets up with his fiancee's help.

"How about you stop asking the same damn question over and over again. His parents are in worse conditions and he is very worried about them. You had to come into the hospital room and disrupt the silence." Jaidyn is handed some medication, that is meant to calm him down.

"I do believe you have crossed the line I told you about. Trystan's mother and father are in critical conditions right now and we can't visit them due to that." Trystan helps Jaidyn lean again on his chest and their hands intertwine. Amelia and Henry leave the mansion and after the door shuts, the sergeant looks at her subordinate.

"I did warn you about the questioning and now we can't get answers. I will call Alyssa later to talk to them myself." They walk to the car they drove in together and head back to the police department.