Everyone is healing

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I struggle to open my eyes and I recognize that I'm still submerged in the hot spring. The sun is still high in the sky, I've been in here for a few hours so getting out is a must. My body still hurts, but I can actually move some of my limbs now. I try and lift my body out of the water, but I'm still to injured to do it on my own. I use my wings to bring me out, and the cool air makes me shiver. I look at my skin and see that I'm good and pruney, I think taking some time to heal my broken body is the only option I have. I wonder if anyone else is going through the same thing I am, I bet players are starting to get used to the idea of this world. However, this new pain and injury system is going to be a hard time for everyone. There is no doubt many players are hating this new system, but you got to do what you got to do.