The 14000 Mile Journey III

I look at my sister as we sit around the campfire. I have to take what she said seriously. When I think about it she is completely right about me being a control freak and a manipulator, and I have been blind to it. I don't want them to ever figure out what happened to the old future us, if they do it could destroy their psyches. "I'm sorry Hailey, I didn't know I looked like that in your eyes. Its just something I developed overtime to protect myself, from pretty much everything human. I use it to keep people at a distance and many away. You wont believe me when I say this Hailey, but I've seen and done shit you wouldn't believe. I'd be lying if I didn't know I was twisted in ways, some might even consider me a monster." All I can really do is hope that she learns that I cant change overnight. My head is a dangerous place, and I hate spending a lot of time thinking about the old.