Running into pests

My body feels hot and I open my eyes. Today is a scorcher, I sit up and I'm dripping in sweat. I immediately get out of the hot tent and try to cool down. Its hot and Hailey is going to be cranky, I unequip my leather chest piece and give a sigh of relief. I need to find better weather appropriate gear. For now I'll just walk around without a chest piece. "THIS IS THE WORST!!!" Seems like Hailey is awake.

She quickly gets out of the tent and I notice she is drenched in sweat herself. "Its a hot one today, you would think being in shade would keep it cooler." She looks at me in frustration. Probably not in the mood to talk. "We should get a move on. I think we are relatively close to a town. They will probably have a way for us to get clean. I'd also like to find out how far I am from The Holy City." The Holy City is the location I need to head to so I can start my divine mana aura quest.