Chasing Real Power IV

Sally has been through a lot in her time. She isn't someone who's willing to share her story so fast. Trying to find out about her is going to be more difficult because she is guarded. "So what was your early childhood like Sally! If you aren't comfortable talking about it that's fine! I wouldn't want to talk about anything if I had a hard life like yours!" She stays quiet at my words. She is probably thinking of ways to avoid conversations like this.

I feel her hands twitch on my back. Might be reliving a memory that she wants to forget. Sometimes they can come rushing back with just a mention of them. "I was thrown into slavery after I was old enough to walk and talk! I was abused and beaten everyday! I'm unfit for marriage now too!" Ancients World has traditions. One of those being that if a man or woman has their virginity forcefully taken then they are pronounced no longer pure.