The Holy City I

We have been flying for some time now, and we are only an hour or so away from The Holy City. Sally has been quietly resting on me and humming a melody. She has a real talent for that, in my opinion. It's very relaxing and calms my jumbled mind as it drifts from one problem to the next. It has been a peaceful trip with success so far. We got her the legacy class Frosts Wrath. Now we are moving onto my mana aura.

I have to be honest and admit this is daunting to me. I have no answer from the future to help me, nothing to steal from another. Just like the puzzle in the dungeon. Only on a much bigger scale. I hope I'm up for the challenge. I'll have Fenrir and Sally's help with the difficult ending to the quest. I have the lore tablet saved too. It only has one use, though. This quest is a measure of my own determination and will to succeed. Not someone else's hard work. I'm taking this time around.