The Heist of Bellvia XVII

I stare into the fire that I made a few hours ago and contemplate what's about to happen. I can't sleep because I'm too antsy right now. The moment that I have tried to avoid at this time is going to happen. I look towards the tent and see through the little crack a sleeping Sally. Only a couple more hours till sunrise, and the more I think about it, the more I resent it. It's always been unavoidable. I don't like the thought of being elevated. I'm not someone who should. I'm capable of cold-blooded murder, after all. I suffer no consequences. In truth, I should be hanged for the 'innocent' people I've killed. Innocent in the eyes of the law. After all, lady justice is blind, which is why people have to see for her. Which is in itself very bad, not something I would say works.