I want to

Alesha checked her phone and her beautiful smile spread over her lips when she saw the name on the screen.

"Hi…" a hoarse voice heard making her heart drift with joy, all her worries disappeared in an instant. Somehow, that voice was so damn alluring and tickled her ear this time. If only this wasn't a phone, she would have devoured the owner of the voice on the spot.

"Hello.." her voice was trembling, hold back the turmoil of her bursting heart.

"may I come in, now?" hearing that Alesha's heart was pounding hard, she didn't believe what she had just heard. But before she came to her senses, the door of her bedroom was opened. The figure she had missed standing there with a smile over his lips. In her eyes, he was even more enchanting, even with jeans and casual t-shirts. His perfectly built physique and muscular body seemed to be addictive for Alesha, so she kept staring at him without blinking.

"Prince…" Alesha's voice almost whispered because she could no longer normalize her breath. Her heart seemed to explode instantly.

George then stepped towards her, his sharp eyes never left her, he stared straight on Alesha's round eyes. His gaze made her heartfelt warm. Making her affection grew bigger until at the same time she was afraid.

She imagined how their relationship would run in the future. She realized there would be so many obstacles that could hinder their love.

It wasn't easy, especially for George. He was someone who would lead the country, which should become the best figure for all his people. Therefore, he needed support from his relatives and those who closest to him, especially the support of his parents.

Alesha didn't want to be selfish, she knew that George was not an ordinary person who could simply make his own way freely. If he insisted on breaking the rules of the kingdom just to defend his love, he would lose his chance to succeed the throne and his future would be ruin.

That was what Alesha afraid of, and she wouldn't that to happen. Instead of keeping her feeling, she would be more willing to let go of all her love. Not, if she would see someone she loved destroyed.

"How many times have I said, don't address me that formal name again. You are my girl, you should call me Geo, Harold, or babe. It will sound beautiful from your mouth." George said as he stole a kiss on Alesha's lips which was slightly apart.

"I Miss you, Alesha." He said again while hugged her body gently. Alesha just let him embraced her, she also really missed George. "Me too, prince." She replied with a gloomy smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, honey what's wrong? You don't like me to come to your place?" George said, stroking Alesha's red cheeks.

"Oh..no, of course, I'm happy. Where have you been? Why the 3 days recently, you can't be contacted at all? She said sullenly.

"Were you with your fiancé?" she said again after silent for a moment, staring at George deeply. There was a sense of worry over her feeling. She was afraid of what she had just said would be real. But, those all didn't matter anymore because she had made a decision.

Hearing that, George smiled. Looking her lips pouted made her even more alluring in his eyes.

"You are jealous, huh? Honey, you know before I saw you, Silvia and I were already engaged. But, I never love her. I think I will break my engagement with her but it is not easy so I hope you will be patient. I promise, right after the engagement ends, we will be together like another couple." He said sincerely, holding Alesha tightly as if he didn't want to let her go.

Feeling his great affection, Alesha felt very happy. Her heart was so warm as if all her humilities had vanished, how wonderful it would be if George was just an ordinary person who didn't need to be chained by rules, so her happiness would not end. Her eyes started to moist thinking all of these things.

"Prince, I'm afraid, this cannot happen as we want." She said as she looked at George. Her tears began to fall. Seeing the girl he loved cried, his heartfelt heavy, he then wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Hey, no…don't cry, honey. It's gonna be all right, okay? I will make sure all your worries won't happen, I promised." He said, staring at Alesha who was still shedding tears.

Alesha looked up at George's face and touch it.

"Prince… may I kiss you?" asked her with a look full of love.

Hearing her sudden request, George was stunned for a moment. He tried to control his turmoil heart and the heat spread all over her system, but before he reacted, Alesha's hands suddenly moved to touch her lips gently. Her finger touched his lips and stroked them.

George felt his heart jump out of his chest, every flow of blood inside his body was hot as if it burned the entire fortress and scorched it to dust and disappeared in an instant. He then grabbed her wrist and pushed Alesha's body to belong him so their bodies fell onto the mattress.

George looked right into Alesha's eyes, but the look of her eyes was different. He felt as if the gaze was full of sorrow, immense, affection but also a deep fear. There was no passion and lust in that gaze.

Alesha's hands moved and wrapped around her neck then pulled him down. In a blink of eyes, her lips were crushing, sucking, and biting his. George closed her eyes kissed and her back. This time, their kiss was deep, gentle, and full of love as if they wanted to feel that warmth forever.

Alesha who felt that it was their last kiss, devoured George's lips even more as if was no tomorrow. As if that was the last thing she felt in her life after this. Feeling happy and mixed with passion, sadness, fear, and love. Those feelings melded into one of her deepest heart so she kissed him like a starving cheetah.

While George was just trying to keep up with Alesha who suddenly became aggressive, they then stopped taking their breath.

"I love you, prince…!" admitted Alesha, and a moment after, they were back in the warmth of a passionate kiss. Their breaths, sight, and soft moans seemed to be strains that increasingly their feeling to the sky.

However, when George was about to launch his wet kiss on Alesha's neck, she suddenly back to her sense. She pushed him away. Their gasping breath indicated that there was still a big desire.

"What's wrong?" Asked George, confused.

"We have to talk." She retorted dryly, gave George a serious look.

Seeing Alesha's drastic changes made him worried. He might have crossed the limit too far.

"Are you mad at me, Alesha? I'm sorry if I got out of control. I ha…"

"I want us to end all of these and I hope you never meet me again, I want to break up with you" Alesha cut off his sentences and told him that shocking utterance.

Those words were like lightning that crush George's body and scorched his heart. He was just standing frozen and looked at Alesha in disbelief.

"Alesha, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly say such a thing? It was not funny. If I have made mistakes then I'm sorry, I just lost control, I won't do that again, I promise, okay?" He said panicked, George didn't understand what was happening.

"Prince, this has absolutely nothing to do with the kiss, I just want us to be out of touch. Enough of all this silliness, I can't take it anymore." Said Alesha as she held back her tears as hard as she could, her heart hurt like a thousand needles stubbed it at once to see George seemed to lose his soul by her sentences. She couldn't even look at him who had been staring at her with a confused look.

"But why, Alesha?" asked George, trying to touch her face but she dodged and silent.

"Damn Alesha, answer me..! asked George again, this time he managed to grab Alesha's shoulder and direct her body towards him. But, Alesha just bowed and remained silent.

"Please Alesha answer me," George said with a pleading gaze, lifting her chin forcing her to look into his face. But, she shook off his hand away.

"I don't want to be with you anymore, Prince. Why don't you understand? I want to focus on my studies and graduate as soon as possible. So please, forget everything that has happened between us and leave me now!" she affirmed without even looked at George. Her heart was broken, it was painful, she couldn't bear to see his reaction anymore.