
Hearing that, Alesha frowned, she even more clueless. "What do you mean to forbid me from meeting Jimmy. He is my best friend, he is not a bad man. You don't have to be jealous if that's your concern, I just wanted to see Jimmy just for a while that's all. Besides, you said I have bodyguards right, so you shouldn't be worried." Aesha explained.

"I don't want to be in touch with him again, Alesha. You can be free to befriend with anyone but not him, please understand me." George said with a pleading look.

"But why..!? this time Alesha rose her voice. She was getting annoyed with George's weird act. She thought George behaved too much worried. She just wanted to meet her old friend but for the unacceptable reason, he forbade her by saying Jimmy is a bad man. What nonsense.

George was silent then looked at Alesha with a serious look. "I don't want to put you in danger, do you know who he is?" he said softly.