Weaver Ant

"You still dare to ask? Who else made me wake up forcefully hmm?" Said George while grinning mischievously, Alesha felt her heart beat fast, her chest started to rumble.

"But, I didn't mean to wake you up, I just kissed you a little. Okay, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep. Let's sleep back. I'm sleepy and it's getting late. Besides, tomorrow I have to wake up early for college." Alesha tried to divert his attention as tried to get away from the crush of George's warm and comfortable body. Hearing that, George grinned wider while landed his pointer on Alesha's mouth.

"You're getting more and more nagging, this tiny mouth must be silenced, do you realize how long I messed up waiting for you here until I fall asleep while you are having fun with your dear without caring at me at all." He protested while stroking Alesha's soft lips.