What Should I do?

"Come on, hurry up Oliv..! you had taken a whole time to dress up you know." She shouted from outside. Meanwhile, Olivia has been ready for a long time, but she looked so busy with her phone.

She looked so worried about something, she kept trying to contact someone but she ended in her heavy sigh. "Ah, why didn't George reply to my message until now, he also didn't answer my call." She muttered in frustration. She had no idea what to do, she could only follow Alesha to meet Jimmy because she didn't have any choice. She needed George to know what was happening but since this morning, he had no sign of replying to her message, whereas the situation was precarious.

Jimmy had a good opportunity to meet Alesha without George knew it, so it was possible Alesha's security would be loose and Jimmy would like it.

"George, where are you?" Olivia complained.

"Oliiv…!" she heard Alesha scream calling her name to hurry up made her annoyed.