
"Stop it, George, Dad still in there, he will catch us if you keep doing this. Uncle Karto will be here soon. Let me go, now." Alesha tried to free herself but it made George more insane instead.

"Stop moving, Alesha. You drive me crazy. Okay, just kiss me first then I will let you go."

"Not now George, don't be silly." She refused.

George did not budge, he pressed his body closer to her tiny body. He could feel her soft chest against his body made him felt his blood heat up.

George then looked at Alesha with an intents look. "I can't wait to have you completely, Alesha," George said as he brought his face to Alesha's lips. But suddenly there was a loud voice from behind them that made them separated in an instant. George turned his head and saw a tall man with a mustache was glaring at him.