Let Me replace her

"Vivian…?!" he was confused, why was this girl here? He was in London? Bat why? He should not be here, she still schools and just turned to the third grade. But why was she here ended with him? what was happening?" he thought. Could it be…

His eyes widened, he reflexively looked at his body and fortunately, he still wore his last nightclothes. It seemed did not happen last night. He was so afraid that he might do something crazy with his cousin. He let out of relief sigh, how could he face her parents if he did something bad to her.

Besides, why did this kid ends up at the bar and sleep with him here? What is she doing in this country? Meena then shook her body gently to wake her up. Vivianheei wake up?" he said while kept shaking Vivian. However, Vivian just groaned a little and back to sleep. Meena just shook his head and walked towards the bathroom... She smiled softly at Meena.