Meet up with the Royal Family

There were 4 people at the dining table waiting for them. They were looked friendly. Alesha silently studied every face who stared at her, all she knew was king William and his spouse but the 2 others, she did not remember. She never saw them on the television, anyway, but Alesha was so sure that they were stood up and approached them and hug his brother.

Everyone looked friendly, but there was one face who never showed her pleasure, even her smiled seemed forced. She did not see the sincerity in her smile, but all the negative feelings that were bothering her mind were pushed away.

"Welcome home my son, Prince George, my daughter-in-law, Alesha. how are you?" King William rose from his seat and walked over to them. George immediately hugged his father so long as if shedding all the burdens he had been carrying.