3| Meeting with Aaron


Beep beep....

The dazzling, warm sun rays are piercing through the pinkish white curtains and is lighting up the entire room. One of those soft rays fell on my eyes, forcing it to shut down. I leaned towards the alarm clock to switch it off. I groaned on my bed while rolling to and fro. Suddenly, I heard the knocking of my glass windows. I stood up abruptly from my bed, and went towards the window. After shuffling the curtains to one side, I found a small bird tapping against the window with its cute, lill' beak. I smiled sheepishly on seeing such an adorable scene. 

I quickly closed the curtains and headed for my shower. 

As the water trickles down my bare skin , I got lost in my thoughts.

For the last few years V has been quite distant from me after she got too caught up with her modeling career. After her highschool, she persuaded her modeling as she was quite obsessed for being a model.

I still remember the day when she became the winner of the 'REVLON BEAUTY PAGEANT 2017' 

Flasback (starts)~~

"Without much more ado lets know the result, so the winner of the "Revlon Beauty Pageant 2017" is ...."Mrs.Lopez trailed on creating suspense and tense atmosphere. I noticed V standing in her utterly gorgeous pose along with two of her other competitors. She is looking smoking hot, gorgeous, glamorous and stunning and much more but I'm bereft of all adjectives to praise her.

When she walked on the ramp , her gorgeous light purple tule off-shoulder Ball gown makes her look breathtaking , while revealing her curves perfectly with a deep V - neckline. Her makeup looks so awe-perfect with her hair curled up and hungs down her shoulders. Her sea-green eyes is the cherry on the top. She looks lill' tensed up so did others but just as always she wears her facadè of confidence, which I always admire her as it guards down her tensed expression. 

"Viola Watson",declared Mrs. Lopez, which looked like after a long age . I snapped out of my thoughts on hearing V's name and is as flabbergasted and ecstatic as V and mom . I looked at V who is on cloud nine and me, mom and Aaron with V's friends are grinning from ear to ear.

"Do you want to say something Ms. Walters", Mrs. Lopez asked , while handing her the mike.

"Uhh...", Viola began while grinning widely but quite unsure how to express herself. Yet, she soon confide herself and made an utterly heart warming speech.

"Thanks a lot , for this lovely title. I'm still awestruck and ecstatic that I have won this freaking title and pageant. I will wholeheartedly thank my mom and my cute lill' sissy for their support . They have always stood beside me whenever I need them. They are the most supporting people one will ever get . Whenever I have broken down, they have always picked up my crumbled pieces and had remoulded it to myself again. Besides them , Aaron, my fianceè is the cherry on a top, whose support I can't form words to express. My friends are also utterly helpful,and supportive and I feels so lucky to have them all. Whenever I have lost my confidence and positivity in carrying out modeling, they have always consoled and comforted me and 'cause of those warmly support I'm standing here as I'm today. Thank you very much everyone. I can't express my gratitude and joy to you all", just so she ends her lill' speech which left tears rolling down my cheeks and a loud applause from the audience. The speech holds so much of love, sincerity that will make anyone's eyes brimming with tears. 

" Congratulations V, !!" I squealed as soon as she steps down from the ramp.

"Thank you , sissy!! ", she smiled and I gave a quick peck on her rose-tinged cheeks . She chuckled and gave me a side hug before heading towards mom. 

"Congratulations, baby", my mom's voice chocked with the happy tears rolling down her cheek.

"Thank you mom , I would have never stand here as I'm today without you.",her eyes are shining with fresh tears. She hugged her and the frame looks so adorable and lovely. 

Soon we three shared a warm hug and Viola went to meet Aaron and her friends. 

Flasback( ends)~~

I soon retrieve myself from my train of thoughts. The warm water stirs up all the old sweet and bitter memories. Soon I closed the shower and came out.

I quickly got dressed myself into a pair of ripped jeans, blue top and a white cardigan.

Unlike Viola I have never been a fan of modeling, makeup or dressup.

Viola was one of the popular kids in high school while me one of those nerds, who love to spend time with books ,Netflix and webnovel.

Yet , I wasn't a weak or shy nerd who stutters when cornered but can stand for herself alone.

But V has been quite protective of me, so I have never need to face anything for being a nerd. 

After highschool , V went to" Skylar Modeling School" in NYC, while I went to the" Columbia University ", to persue my writing career. After completing the University, I thought of applying for a job in the publishing firm but after dad's death 2 years ago, I needed to look after the bookstore. I still write some books and publish them.

But recently, before V's death ,mom said that we can sell the bookstore but I was against it and I know mom too 'cause it's dad's dream place but we know that if I keep on working here I will not be able to work in the publishing firm, which I am quite longing to do. So, after much thought, mom said that we can sell it to Mrs. Thompson, who loves this place as much as we. She further says that dad will never be happy to see me sacrificing my dream, and it hit me hard. I also knew that he will never be happy to see me like this. But after V's death, mom and I has postponed the idea of handing over the bookstore.

But maybe we will soon.

A sweet, mouthwatering aroma hit my nose, as soon as I step down the stairs. I found mom making her special scrumptious pancake. She cooks amazing but for the past few months she has left her enthusiasm regarding cooking much after V's death. But, I tried my best to comfort and console her, and soon she has quite much retrieved herself back.

"What's for breakfast mum?", I squealed while moving towards mom and giving her a quick hug . 

"Your fav pancakes ", mom chuckled and gave a quick peck on my cheeks. 

"Aww, mom so sweet of you", I chuckled and grabbed my pancakes with maple syrup on top of it. 

"Mom, I'm going to meet Aaron today, he texted me yesterday".

"Yeah, you should visit him. I was thinking of telling you so. You know how much lonely he has become after V's...", she choked with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Yes Ma, I know and therefore I'm going to visit him, don't worry ", I gave her a tight hug. She sobbed a bit but soon confined herself.

I waved at her, and headed towards my car. I shoved out my phone and went down my contact list, finding her.

She picked instantly. 

"Hey, Rose".

"Hello!!", she chirped.

"Well, can you take care of my bookstore for a while , I will be meeting Aaron."

"Surely, cariño(dear) ".

" Gracìas(thank you) ", I chuckled.

She laughed and hung down the phone.

Shoving my phone inside my pocket, I drove away to Eternity Cafe.

After about 15 minutes I landed near my destination. 

The cafe was a small one covered with lavender coloured walls and floors . The small wooden- tables were laid congested. The cafe doesn't looked so huddled with customers as frequently as when I visits it,maybe 'cause it's a week day.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I glanced around for Aaron. Suddenly,my eyes fell on a pair of dark-brown eyes. I quickly started pacing towards him.

"Hey, Aaron !", I greeted him with a small grin.

"Hello sissy!", he chuckled while greeting me, but something looked off about him. Inspite of smiling, I could sense the sad and sardonic feeling behind his facadè of happiness. 

His eyes were puffy, and red which clearly shows his pain which he has been hilding just like me. Aaron loved V so much. I was quite expecting him to be like this. After V's funeral, he confined himself for almost a week and had shut down himself completely from everyone. Even after, retreating back to himself, he still looked so drowned in his own thoughts. We all tried quite hard to bring him back to himself. We can't say we have succeeded completely,yet he is far better than before.

"So, what will u like ?", he asked while heading towards the counter.

"Mmm, I guess only coffee will be fine", I answered while grinning towards him.

"Surely", he chuckled and went to give the order. I come to this cafe often, after finding out the heavenly tasted coffee they makes. Well I'm a diehard fan of caffeine and while hunting for a good cafeteria I came across this and from then on , its my favorite place.

"Well, what's up with the sudden meeting ", I wiggled my eyebrows while sipping my scrumptious liquid. 

"Well you know, that my company hosts a charity event to raise funds for children hospitals every year, so we are hosting it this time too. So, I hope you will come with Mrs. Watson ", he answered while having his hot chocolate.

"Yeah, obviously I will be there but I don't know about mom", I said him with little guilt. After V's death , mom doesn't comes out much , just only for shopping or for her walk. 

"I know Kia, and I understand her. After all its quite hard for her too", he gave me an sardonic smile. I could sense the hurt in his eyes.

I smiled at him.

"After all , every year Vio is there to take care of everything, but this time it is feeling so lonely while managing all this. I thought of halting the ceremony this time but mom said that it has always been Viola's wish to help the orphanage and holding this ceremony so we shouldn't backout from it", he explained with a tight small smile, which looked quite forced.

"Surely, V would never love this if you stop this ceremony after all it supports so many children", I continued. "I know Aaron, how you are feeling, even I feel so too. We have been inseparable since childhood. The love, bond and care 'tween us couldn't be faltered. I still miss her so much but if we will keep on becoming sad for her she will never be happy in her hunting grounds, we should cherish the lovely memories with her rather than being sad over her. She still resides in our hearts", I said him and closed my eyes to hold back the tears which is finding a small escape to roll down.

"Yeah, she is always there with us", Aaron smiled and looked somewhat relaxed than before.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Well then , the ceremony is on Friday. Bring your friends too if you like", he offered. 

"Yep", I said while popping the "p". 

"Well sissy, got to go. Will meet you soon", saying so he stood up from his seat.

"Okay, meet you soon ", I said and hugged him.

Aaron has always been my big brother so protective amd caring. He has always supported me just like V in every step and has always listened to my each and every worry, and consoled me.

He drove away and I went to my car and headed for the bookstore. 

To be continued...