9| The note

Tring Tring...

"Hello!!", Samatha picked up her call, while rummaging through the file on her hand.

" Hello, sweetheart", a deep manly voice answered amusedly from the other side.

"What do you need?", Sam snapped at the caller with a tensed expression on her face with her hairline holding some drips of perspiration.

" Ahh...ha... Sweetheart!! Now, tell me so what's the next move?", the caller continued his evil amused tone.

Sam wasn't comfortable at all with all these words which she struggled to bury deep down. Her eyebrows were crinkled in a worried expression with sweats dripping down near her hairline and foreheads.

"I didn't understand ", she said reluctantly,  trying best to calm down her fast-beating heart which is hammering like a large orchestra.

" Aww...sweety!! You know what I mean. Don't act ignorant. So, since the coast is clear now so, what's the next move?", the voice gradually turning a bit irritated.

"Uhh...I don't have any plan. Now, stop your fu***ing questions. When needed I will call you. Moreover, I have already told you to bury this sh*t deep down.", Sam growled losing her patience. She had used him till now, 'cause she thought he wouldn't open his mouth again but no, she was wrong. He was so inclined in opening his mouth a lot.

" Calm your f**k down. I will keep my mouth shut if you increase the payment twice. ", he answered and Sam could sense his smirk over the phone.

" What!! Twice!! Are you fu***ing insane?", she snarled at him.

"No!! Just send me the fu***ing three thousand more dollars within tomorrow or your little fu***ing secret will be out", he said over the phone pleased to extort Sam.

" Are you blackmailing me?", she howled seeing him turning entirely upside down.

"Think as you like, just send me the damn money ", saying so he cut down the phone.

Sam was standing still with the file of a new construction site and the phone on the other. Now, her plan is backfiring her.

Karma is a bi**h.

Suddenly, the loud sound of the intercom broke her trance. Holding it near to her ear, Aaron's deep voice sounded.

" Sam, come to my cabin now with the file of the new construction site ".

" Yes sir ", she whispered. Keeping the callback, she rushed to Aaron's cabin with the file.


Sitting on his bed, Ashton's glances fell on a beautiful pair of grey eyes. He was gazing intensely on those gorgeous grey orbs in the picture. She was looking so glamorous in the black, stone-studded gown.

Those eyes stirred back so many memories inside him, which he had tried so much to suppress down. Unfortunately, the Charity Event had flashed back those buried feelings.

He had driven behind money and had even played with someone's feelings too.

For Money!!

Yet, when he had truly fallen in love with someone, neither had he the courage to express it nor was he capable of doing so.

His heart ached, whenever he was reminded that because of his bi**chy avarice for money, he had to lose someone whom he had truly loved.

Amongst those acts of loving someone to make her fell for him, he never thought that one day he would also love someone. But, now it's too late and his...

Karma is backfiring him.

With a sigh, he put down the picture back into the drawer, where he had been keeping it for the last one year.

A few drops of salty tears trickled down his cheeks but he didn't make any move to remove it. Those tears were the evidence of his fu***ing acts, which he regrets today.

His coast was clear by it but he regretted the unfortunate death of Viola because it had yanked away from his "love" from him.

And the "love" isn't Viola.


    KIARA'S POV.  

"Spill!!", Liam said as soon as he entered Rose's apartment. Bella and Rose were also sitting on the couch with wonder-waiting eyes.

Their expressions purely show their eagerness for my abrupt call for a small meeting.

"Uhh...", I couldn't bring from where to start. It's so fudging difficult. I gave a small cough to commence again but still zipped...uh...God!!

"Stop coughing Kia!! Speak out", Bella squealed with over-eager tone. She was biting her those acrylic nails out of anticipation.

" Ac...Actually...", I started looking down on my lap, with great difficulty.

"Stop beating around the bushes, !! If you want you can speak out Kia", Rose said in her usual calm tone. Why can't these two also become as calm as her!!

"I got a crinkled paper note at the Charity Event", I spilled out without looking up.

" What's there inside of it Kia?", Bella was the first to ask.

"Lemme shows you all", I said while bringing out the note and handing it to her.

They were scrutinizing the note as if it's a fudging gun.

I mean what harm is from a note. They weren't even touching it as if a bullet will come out of it.

I rolled my eyes at their antics.

" Touch it damn it!! It will not eat you", I asserted, while looking at the very note.

Liam took it on his hand and read it aloud. Bella and Rose were hearing it with so concentration.

"Don't go after Martha 'cause she isn't the killer. See across the mask, and find the homicide. It can be MH, or LEO or someone close to you ."

Once, he had read it aloud, Liam stood up and rushed for his magnifying glass.

Getting it, he scanned over the note with his magnifying glass.

"Kia!! This is a printed paper. So, no hope of using handwriting and finding the convict, moreover no use of ink at all", he announced still surveying it with one eye pressed while the other lingering on the glass.

I nodded my head into understanding. Bella and Rose were also gaping at the paper with wide eyes.

" Kia!! How you go the note?", Rose asked while tapping her chin with her long, slender fingers, showing her intense thinking.

I described them all about the black-masked man. The meeting, his deep hazel eyes and running behind him.

"Ohh!! So, you're having the note when I asked you at the bar ", Bella asked while narrowing her eyes towards me.

I let out a nervous laugh while standing up and rushing towards Rose's kitchen.

Ugh... The kitchen is so small for concealing.

" Kia!! Now f**k stop hiding!!", Bella grumbled with gritted teeth.

I gulped and came out from under the kitchen slab. Looking up, I thought of seeing an indignation Bella but instead, I saw a hurt look in her eyes.

I rushed towards her while engulfing her in a hug.

"I'm sorry for hiding Bella, I was fudging confused about what to do ", I confessed her the truth.

" It's okay Kia!! But never be afraid of sharing it with your friends", she said softly while hugging me tightly.

I nodded my head and pecked her rosy cheeks.

"Enough, emotional reunion!! Come and let's have a movie marathon. Moreover, we will investigate on the note tomorrow", Liam said while entering the kitchen.

We nodded and went back to the couch.

" I think, I must tell this to Aaron too", I said halfway in the movie marathon.

"Yeah. You should!! After all, he has the right to know. He loved Vio so much", Rose said turning her face towards me.

I nodded with a small smile.

I must visit him tomorrow

To be continued...