All Things Must End

Mya began to grow afraid for Alex, if any other merc found out it was him that made that great light in the sky. Well she knew what that would mean, her home, or rather the place she called home, was no longer safe for him or her. There was only one place she knew both of them would be safe, or maybe because she had not visited in a while. 'Poor boy has been passed out for a couple of days', her heart hurt at just the thought of what might be wrong with him. "You will know won't you". She kissed his forehead and tossed him over her shoulder, under the cover of darkness she would have to steal a small boat to get to her destination. It didn't matter to her though, he was only a child, and he would not die if she could help it. As she moved like a shadow through the dimly lit streets, her weapons and his body began to grow heavy. Her muscles began to grow tired and she wanted to rest. "This no time for quitting", her masters words echoed in her head. She pushed forward, despite the pain that began to develop in her thighs and shoulders. Finally reaching the dimly lit dock, that was now desolate. She searched for a boat, there where a few row boats, quiet but she passed them up. A couple of yachts, those would do nicely if there was not a chance it had a current occupant. Finally at the end of the dock, a small sailboat with a motor, she approached it and looked around, then stepped inside to lay Alex and her rifle with her ammo bag down. She placed a hand on his forehead, it felt normal. She then caressed it down to his chin, "Don't you die on me". She then reached out and pulled the oars and began to row, when she got out far enough, her plan was to use the motor and then the sail. Hoping it would be enough, It had to be, if anyone knew, if anyone could help him, the old troll could. Her pain disappeared and she was re-energized as she watched him sleep. "Yes Mama, I'm coming home".

Markus had not waited for the president and his three daughters to arrive before he started his ritual. Moto walked into the musty cave that smelled of dead rotting fish and oddly moss covered wood. He stood next to a lit pyre in his cult like tattered dark blue robes, chanting in a strange language. Moto came close to the circle surrounding the chanting man, surprised that so many were willing to attend, at least a couple hundred. He felt very cold, then he started to chance glances around. Obviously it was Toha next to Markus, the hood was pulled and back facing him but, he knew. The fire grew brighter and the cave became uncomfortably hot. It had become so bright that Moto could see the faces under the pulled hoods. There was Miranda, shaking as if it was still cold, he edged his way to her. He put an arm around her shoulders and felt she was unnaturally cold for how warm the air felt. She jumped at his touch and looked up at him, "Oh sir, I'm sorry didn't know it was you" "you are unnaturally cold and shivering" "I'm freezing sir, and I'm scared. What have we done?" " We will find out, you bear no blame for this, I allowed this, the fault is mine". She looked up at him again and smiled, he noticed she had began to sweat then smiling, she collapsed. The chanting had stopped and eleven others had fell down as well. His daughters where at his side, as they seldom left. "Your grace, would you join me by the fire?" Markus had said without turning around. Moto moved forward until he was next to Markus, it was then he turn and looked Moto in the eyes "Would you like to see something truly remarkable?" Moto had become stunned by this, Markus then began to make symbols in the air and mutter under his breath while the fire seemed to mimic his hand movements. "Now let it end" at his words shrieks from the twelve that collapsed as they sprung to their feet. Everyone surrounding them sprung back as they burst into flame, then ash. "Now you see the power of the gods Mr. President but, not all". The fire began to move on its own again, then it grew and began to move again. Toha threw back his robe to reveal a set of armor and a great sword in his hands. The fire then spewed out a monster, and it landed next to Toha and they began to fight. It had a spiky spine that protruded its skin all they way to the end of its tail. Green with skin that looked slimy, three clawed fingers on each hand and four on each foot. Standing about ten feet tall, Moto estimated, and four horns on its head that had a gaping maw and beady red eyes. Moto watched the duel for a moment then decided to step in, then Markus put a hand up to stop him. "We must not interfere your grace, this is a battle of wills not strength." "What happens if he wins?" "It will posses him and he will have command of the army that is to come". "And if he loses?" "It may decide to choose another, or it may just kill us all". The way he said it made Moto feel even more uneasy, he look over at Cassandra, she had already taken her battle stance, as had her sisters. This made him feel a little better, however that all changed when it appeared Toha had begun to lose. Toha used his sword to push the beast back then rubbed his palm on the blade and chanted something as his sword erupted in fire. The monster appeared to smile, then grabbed the sword and yanked it out of Toha's hands. The blade skidded across the floor and stopped at Markus' feet. The monster grabbed its prey by the arms and ripped them off, then picked it up and bit off Toha's head and tossed what was left into the fire. "Is there no one worthy?" The monster muttered. Without a seconds hesitation Cassandra, Emma and Mary sprung into action kicking, punching and slashing the monster. Markus picked up the sword and turned to Moto, "This is not how it should be, the monster cannot posses them." His words sounded of desperation and dismay. Moto saw his chance, grabbed the sword and the blade sliced Markus in half. The girls seemed to be winning as Moto glanced over, the monster was on the ground bleeding a green blood as it whined as they shot bullet after bullet into it. Finally it collapsed on the ground and the body turned to smoke and rushed towards the victors. One at a time it tried to enter the metallic bodies and each time it was rejected. Finally moving toward the fire as the fire took the monster's shape. "This is a treachery, you will pay for this slight to the Great God Nero" the monster then reached out a hand and drug Markus' body into the flame. Everyone around them began to shriek as they tossed off their robes to reveal to be miniatures of the monster in the fire. "Go now and destroy all in your path my army and do not stop until I command you." The monsters then began to run toward the cave entrance, within a couple of seconds only four now stood in front of the laughing fire. Then as if it fell through a hole in the fire it vanished taking the fire with it, leaving those four that remained in darkness. Each girl switched on a light and looked at Moto, "Cassandra head south, bring General Rigne back. Emma, Mary, radio into headquarters we have to reinforce the Capital". With that they exited the cave and headed their separate ways, Moto stopped outside of the cave realizing he still held the sword. He looked at it in disgust and threw it back in where it burst into flames and disappeared.

They had been walking for a couple of days and Selene kept staring at her sister to see her reaction to things. Even in this desolate waste land she could find something and be amazed by it. It warmed her heart to see her little sister so joyous and exited about nearly everything. That night she had been looking under rocks and found a worm, then a scorpion. Even as it stung the little girl her smile didn't fade, she only picked it up by the stinger and stared with amazement as it tried to get free. Once satisfied she set it down and watched as it scurried away. She sat down beside her older sister and leaned into her chest, where her smile did fade. "I miss father and mother, and Axiom and Lilla and Marrha, and Deacon and.....". She had burst into tears and buried her face into Selene's chest. " We will find him, and we will go home, I promise." Her heart sank as the little girl stared up at her with tear filled eyes. "Can I see it again, just one more time?" She couldn't resist, no matter what her sister asked for, she would give it to her. She stood up and shrugged her shoulders and a pink cloak appeared clasped to her clothes. She then sat back down and wrapped it around herself and Amalia. The girl then quieted down until she became quiet. looking down she saw the black hair of her mother. It didn't fill her with rage or resentment, however it did remind her of how angry she was. When her mother ordered her here to find her father, about the time she found him and imprisoned him. She knew her mother was no fool, the only thing that frightened the woman more than being without her husband was the gods. She knew they would be back for vengeance, they always are. The death of Thul then the pink tarantula, the conquering of the jeweled cities, and Eternity bowing to not a king but a queen. In their eyes, a traitor and unworthy, perhaps if she hadn't help conquer the jeweled cities, or helped in the slaying of Thul. Although, Nero had killed her father before, and he only came back, a mystery of 'The Doors' once guarded by heroes. Her mind wondered how her sister's hair could remind her about so much. Then she felt it, it made her jump to her feet stirring her sleeping sister who also jumped to her feet. "Nero" that was her only words as she shrugged her shoulders again making silvered armor appear on her body and a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. She looked at her little sister who looked frightened but, nodded all the same. In an instant a giant black widow and a massive white wolf stood where the two girls stood, then they raced off to the north, and to face Nero or whatever minions he had unleashed.