Enemy of my Enemy

The angel had been kept waiting for a while now, several hours by his estimation. The heat beating down on his flesh and wings, the sand blowing into his robes and discoloring his wings. The wind, that was the worst of it by far. 'This stupid elf has kept me waiting of hours and all I can do is continue to wait', he thought to himself. He kept shaking his robes and ruffling his wings to shake the sand that the wind blew into it. His pacing back and forth in front of the hole in the wall didn't help. Sometimes the wind would come from the hole, sometimes from around him, he would then growl in anger and do his best to shake the sand off. The other side of the wall seemed as dark as the night, or perhaps he didn't care enough to adjust his eyes to see. He contemplated on killing the stupid elf when she finally appeared, then decided against it. It was bad enough, the awful power their gods had given them and, he remembered what it was like to stand next to a god. He remembered Michael in all his shining glory, and how he and Samantha had followed him into war, with their bright white wings and solid white robes lined with gold at the edges. Then about the mortal hero Michael said would save them and return their home. Then the mortal betrayed them and appointed Justice, their blind sister, to rule over his people. His anger began to rise as he thought and he cared less and less about the sand as he felt his face turn red and his hand flex into a fist. Perhaps he would kill the stupid elf after all and risk the wrath of a god. As if summoned with his thoughts, he began to smell the stench of the one he waited for. "A you have kept me waiting for far too long" he snarled as the hooded creature with the skull of a stag on top walked through the hole and stood in the sand in front of him. "Festus, it is good you have come" the creature began in her low whisper of a voice. "The soldiers have been dispatched and our emissary has been chosen, dispatch your angels and your army to the north. There you will find the capital of the heretic and the beginning of your salvation." Her whisper was low and cold, even in the heat Festus' skin shivered, even as she turned and walked slowly back through the hole in the wall.

An ear splitting boom hit Mya's ears as her feet landed on pavement and she tripped to her knees. Alex landed a few feet beside her, only his landing was flat on his face. She moved to pick him up then knelt down to dust off his face and clothes. "Where are we Mya?" "I don't know" she said as her hands brushed dirt and tiny pebbles off his leather jacket. Satisfied she stood up and took his hand and they began to walk, "we're gonna find out though". Cautiously they walked the streets lite by street lamps, the black asphalt of the street and grey of the sidewalk contrasted. She decided to keep on the street, it seemed like the safer option to her. A few minutes of walking and they heard someone screaming, followed by a howling Mya had never heard. They continued moving, though cautiously, staying in the light. Homes lined the sidewalk on either side, and not a single one had a light on. A few more steps and there was another scream followed by an indescribable howl. The further they walked the more frequent the sounds came. Alex began to shake her hand as they came to an intersection, on one side lights lighting and the other burnt homes and darkness, only seen because of the opposite side lighting the area enough to see. "I know, I know, this is the way me and Mykel took when we....well...". His arm went limp and she knelt down and hugged him, "I know, we will find him". He began to cry and it drowned out the constant screams and howls, even as someone came running toward them. "Stay here" she whispered in his ear, then moved toward the running person, a young girl, no older than twenty or so. Her pursuer dipped in and out of the light, only its haunting yellow eyes remained. It ran on all four and was closing fast, probably around ten feet tall, green skin and spikes protruding from it's spine. Mya knelt and drew her Barret and took aim, it was fast, it's only mistake was coming in a straight line. Her first shot hit it dead center mass and it stumbled, after it recovered began its pursuit again. The woman was very close and she was screaming for Mya to save her. Her second shot wouldn't make it, the victim was in the way so she shouldered her rifle. The creature nearly had her and charged with all it had left. Mya grabbed the girl's arm and drew her blade in a swift motion, found the creature's neck, and its skull was separated from it's body. The girl began to thank Mya profusely, then hugged her and began crying. "Slow down" Mya hesitated trying to keep herself calm, "Where did that creature come from?" "I...I don't know, they have been trying to keep them outside of the gates, thousands of them, some get through, try to kill anyone it finds. Found me, my mom...my dad" she was down on her knees now sobbing as Mya held her arms "I don't know". Alex had walked up to them, Mya could see him from the corner of her eye. His hand fell on the girls head and he began to stroke her brown curls, "It will be alright child, I am here to help". It was not Alex that spoke but a different voice, confident and bold yet soft and calming. Mya snapped her head towards him, his eyes had gone glowing white and the very air around him seemed to heal and calm. The girl looked up at him as well "You will save us?" "I will try" was the voice's response.

They sat around a campfire ADUM with Selene on one side as they had a conversation, and the other Amelia asleep on his arm. Mykel was fast asleep as Evan watched over him, along with a surviving captain, Dustin Gates. "When are we heading back General?" "In the morning, our guests need time and rest." He watches intently from across the fire, it seems they have a lot of things to talk about. "Captain, will the men be ready by the morning?" "They would be ready right now if you asked them". "Good", he continued to stare even as sleep took him and everything became black. He could see the fire far away and his mind moved swiftly toward it, Miranda stood in front of it. He stood to hug her but she pushed him away "Its coming Evan, Its coming and there is nothing we can do." One of the green spiked creatures jumped at her from the shadows and she stepped back into the fire and they both disintegrated on impact. Evan was confused and sweating looking around for Miranda, then her face appeared in flame from the fire "Its coming, save them if you can" she screeched as her face disappeared and he awoke. Mykel was writhing in the ground, and pure light shone from his eyes as he muttered "save them, we have to try" yet it was not the boy's voice. "What's happening?" the General heard himself say. "It's Ezra, something is happening to him" Selene responded, even the young girl was awake and standing watching as the boy writhed and muttered in a voice that was not his. "They are linked General, what one experiences so does the other", Evan looked over at ADUM then back at the boy. "Anything we can do?" "No, not yet at least" Selene answered. The boy continued his squirming and muttering, even managed to get to his knees as a bright light descended from the sky. Evan looked up and it fell fast then slowed, landing next to the muttering Mykel. As it dimmed a young man appeared in silvered armor, A sword on one side and a shield on the other. He had trimmed raven hair with deep blue eyes and tanned skin. His gauntlet disappeared as he placed his hand on Mykel's shoulder and whispered "Shh, be silent uncle, sleep now" with that the boy was silent and collapsed into what Evan assumed was a slumber. "Lucas? your mother's messenger now?" Selene asked "No, I'm a Captain now....mother made me a captain." "Well I'm a General, Father made me a General" "Why are you here boy?", a long silence followed as Lucas examined ADUM from a distance and his eyes grew wide "Father?". He was elated and rushed to hug ADUM, that he returned. "Mother sent me..." he hesitated looking at Selene, "With a message". Selene gave him a relaxed look as she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Mother will be by to collect you shortly father, we need Eternity's greatest general right now." ADUM looked over at Selene, then she returned the look "What?" "What of them Lucas?" "The White Wolf is to return with me and Selene is to watch over your brothers." "Wait how can I return? The pact, my exile." "Nero has broken that pact, as we speak, Shub defiles the city of the Emerald in the West, Nero marches from the East and Azagoth moves from the North." "Trapping our people" ADUM says ominously. "How does she plan on doing it? I will not risk my friends life" "I don't know father, come Amalia mother needs you now." The young girl walks over and takes his hand then turns back "I'll see you soon father", in a flash of light they are gone. "Will you go father?" Selene says looking at ADUM, "If only I knew her plan". 'Now is the time General, claim what is yours.', He heard the voice in his head as the pendent beneath his shirt began to heat up. "Excuse me my friends, clearly you have much to discuss, as do we, Captain." He motioned for his own Captain to follow him when Dustin turned and asked "like what?" Evan sneered at him and said "Troop movements".