chpt 1

Kelly was dripping with sweat after his show, he was staying in Detroit for a while to do a couple shows. It was pitch black outside, his phone screen brightly shown the time, 11:30 pm. He lit a flat blunt in his car as he sat back in his seat. Lately, he's been experiencing killer migraines, smoking with other people would've just amplified the pain. His band stayed inside of their tour bus to party with a few girls after the concert. They tried to hype Kelly into joining them, but Kelly bailed saying he had a chick was going to meet up with. The truth was, he wasn't in any horrible pain, he just didn't want to deal with being told he's pussy when he simply wasn't in the mood to party tonight. He was too worn out after performing, the last thing he wanted to do was get shitfaced. His head is buzzing from the shots he took earlier, causing his skull to pound. He took a long drag from the blunt, savoring the burn in his lungs. He reversed his car and started for his hotel room. He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a deep green bomber jacket, his chest was bare because he had previously lost his shirt while at the show. He pulled up at the slightly high-end hotel, checked in, and went back outside to find his room. He then half haphazardly unlocked his door to chuck his luggage case across the room and re-lock the door. He collapsed on the king-size bed, still fully clothed. He had longed for this soft springy mattress all day, he propped the side of his head on a pillow. He pulled out his phone and set it on his nightstand. He clumsily kicked off his sneakers and tried to find a comfortable position. He blacked out and not even an hour later there was knocking at his door. Grumpy from being abruptly woken up, he ignores the knocking, thinking the cleaning lady would just screw off if he didn't answer. The knocking persisted, louder and more repetitive than the first knocks. He rips the sheets off and stomps toward the door angrily and annoyed.


He screams groggily. He cracks the door to where it only showed most of his face. There is a slightly smaller man, his head coming up to about Kelly's lips. He wore a black hoodie and sweats and held a small plastic bag in one of his hands. The guy had broad shoulders and was noticeably well muscled underneath his clothes The dim hallway light barely illuminated the stranger's figure, but his face was darkened out from the lack of luminosity. Something about this dude is familiar to Kelly, but right now he didn't give two shits to think that hard.


Kelly said sternly, focusing his sleep blurred vision on the dude in front of him. A small laugh escaped the man, flashing a set of white teeth. He tilted his head far back, looking down his nose into Kelly's eyes.

"Did I spoil your beauty sleep, Princess?~"

He said in a mockingly gentle low voice. The guy stepped toward Kelly, the room light reviled his face. His piercing blue eyes stared deeply into Kelly's own. Shock spiked his body, a cold sweat developing.


Kelly scrunched up his face in a perplexed way. Why is he here? What did I do? Did I say some shit? Oh, god this can't be good. Marshall pulled back his hood, exposing his clean buzz cut and sharp jawline adorned with a well-kept beard. And, as always, had a disgustingly smug smile.

"What...are you doing here?"

In one swift motion Marshall pushed the door open and arm bared Kelly backwards, efficiently knocking the air out of his lungs and making him fall to the floor. He closed and locked the door and dropped the bag to the floor. Kelly scrambled up to stand before Marshall, sporting a violent and defiant glare.

"THE FUCK IS YOUR ISSUE?" His words dripping venom. Marshall stood solid knowing this kid isn't at all what he barked up to be, it was almost cute how much he tried to seem tough.

"You're still talking shit even after we ended the feud. Still being an annoying shit. And when I heard you were going to be in Detroit a while for some shows, it was the perfect opportunity to talk to you."

Kelly straightened his back and stood tall, leaning back awkwardly, bending his head back to look down on Marshall. He held his arms to his sides, fists incorrectly balled, and tried to flex his chest and arms.

"Did you want to finish our beef..."

Marshall could tell Kelly trying his hardest to look menacing, his stance was so stiff and while trying to flex he looks weird. His defiant doe-like blue eyes make him look like a puppy, a loud barker.

"Yeah, you could say that." He strokes his brown beard thoughtfully while leaning against a wall parallel to Kelly.

His voice was rough, eliciting a shiver to run down Kelly's spine. His words somehow effected Kelly, drawing out some sensitive emotions. Just as quickly as they came, they were devoured by anger. Eminem stepped closer to Kelly, who backed up against a wall, giving him no escape. Eminem closed in on Kelly, standing and inch away from him. A lump formed in Kelly's throat, suddenly uncomfortable with their close proximity. Marshall stared directly into Kelly's eyes, emitting an overpoweringly vicious look. Kelly felt his defiant demeanor falter, and fear started rise in him. Marshall watched Kelly, amused his eyes are now avoiding his own and that he is lowering his head.

"My reason of meeting up with you is to Make you remember just who you're fucking with."

Whispering huskily at him. Kelly felt his blood go cold and drop down to his dick, cursing wildly at himself internally for his reaction. Marshall slammed his hand on one side of Kelly's head, making him flinch away from his arm, his eyes still shying away from him. He placed his head near the other side of Kelly's head, tilting his mouth, exhaling a breath on to his ear. Kelly's brain is on the brink of shutting down, hearing Eminem's voice this close was making his dick strain shamefully against his restrictive jeans. He can explicitly hear Kelly's breath hitch and a barely audible moan slip though his lips. Kelly slaps a hand to his mouth to silence himself. Marshall, surprised, glaces back at Kelly, his ears and face were completely flushed red, biting his knuckle and trembling. Marshall kneed the wall between Kelly's crotch, almost touching his jeans which made Kelly resort to standing on his toes so Marshall doesn't find him out. Marshall's plan can be executed perfectly, Kelly's reacting even more than expected, perfect to fuck with. Just scare him.

"I bet when you listened to my diss track you moaned like a bitch, stroking your tiny dick and finger fucking yourself as you listened to my voice."

His deep voice rumbling throughout the room. Kelly was panting hard, shame, burning at his eyes, threatening to tear up. Embarrassment singed his skin as precum soaked his jeans, his tent starting to darken through the fabric His legs were shaking from the strain of his toes keeping him up and was slowly starting to slide down the wall. Marshall sucks in a breath and blows down the back of Kelly's neck, who whimpered in response, His predatory eyes watching as Kelly's shakes.

"I bet you screamed my name when you creamed on yourself, wishing it was me instead of your fingers spreading you open."

His voice felt so deep and smooth in Kelly's ears, he was entirely intoxicated by it, but at the same time it was destroying his pride, to be turned into a sensitive bitch just by words. Come on you're stronger than this.

"You'd crave my dick, for me to fuck you 'till you collapsed." Marshall whispered.

His knuckles are starting to bleed while his eyes turned blood shot as tears of shame started to well up. His dick was straining hard against his pants, it took every ounce of self-restraint to not cum right into his pants.

"You'd want me to fuck you so hard, you'd be limping for weeks."

He hung his head low, hiding his expressions from Marshall. While looking down he saw his jeans retained a large wet spot on his tent, panic started to seep into him, fearing Marshall would notice. He put his arm in front of the tent to shield it from unwanted eyes but brushed against it gently. Copious amounts of precum aided his dick to slide up his underwear, the wet friction sent a burst of pleasure through him, causing sparks to flicker across his vision. His footing slipped and his hard dick dropped on Marshall's knee, the pressure of his dick being pressed was almost too much. Marshall felt him drop on his knee with something hard on his thigh. He mindlessly rubbed deeper and unknowingly presses into Kelly's dick.

"The fuck are you doing?"

His voice was hushed and aggravated. He cranes his neck to get a look at what Kelly was doing, who instantly arches his back. Pleasure shoots up his spine, both his hands press down on the punishing knee to get it off under his junk, Kelly's head lifts just enough for Marshall to look at him thunderstruck. Kelly's eyes were screwed shut, his thick eyelashes were wet with tears, his eyebrows drew together and let out a loud wanton moan that echoed in the room. Kelly paused, stopped like a deer in head lights, the fact that Marshall was able to make him act this way drew out some very unstable emotions. Shame got the better of him and broke him down to tears, hiccuping and sobbing while trying to escape the abusive leg. Marshall beams his eyes at him with disbelief. There is no fucking way this kid is actually doing this shit. Kelly was beyond mortified, not only does Marshall know he's turned on, he's about to jizz himself. It's dead silent in the room other than Kelly's gasping. He tries to stand still, but tremors wrack his legs from strain and numbing pleasure. His watery eyes meet with Marshall's surprised ones. He sucked in shaky breaths.

"Ple-" He gulped down a moan.

"Ple-ase mo-move your lEG."

Before Marshall could even prepare himself for the scene that was about to unfold. Kelly accidently ground his junk further against the leg and his self-restraint deteriorated. He lurched forwards and toppled onto Marshall. He gripped his jacket, and rested his head on his shoulder and let out a broken moan, sobbing while his trembling legs failed to support his weight as he came ropes in his pants, further soaking the fabric. His was breathing vigorously, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead. It horrified Marshall that Kelly suddenly seemed so beautiful, his moans were angelic, like a soft melody ringing in his ears. He had never expected the situation to escalate to this. He had only ever liked women, he loved big boobs and pussy. Fuck no he doesn't like men, It's just that Kelly was too pretty for a dude. Marshall had only ment to fuck with him a bit and leave him flustered, this went far worse than he had expected. His massive hands jerked up Kelly by the shoulders and rammed him into the wall. Kelly's head was hanging low and drew in his shoulders to make himself appear smaller, like he's trying to hide. Marshall could feel his shoulders twitch uncontrollably coupled with sniffles, his red chest heaving unevenly. His hands were still clamped on Marshall's jacket. He eyed Kelly up and down.

"Shit..Did you...did you really just..?"

Kelly became fidgety. Marshall observed as his skin burned a bright red.

"I-i um." He swallows audibly, gasping loudly between breaths.

Marshall glanced at Kelly's jeans, the zipper to the pockets were drenched in pre and cum, starting to spread down his thighs. Marshall deadpanned. This went was so much worse than he thought, actually maybe he can play along with this. The previous tent was starting to pitch up again. Marshall laughed mockingly at Kelly, glancing him up and down, belittling him. Marshall felt a predatory like instinct take over him. He wants more of Kelly, he wanted to break him.

"You're just as sensitive as a fucking girl."

He pins Kelly to the wall by the neck, who whimpered weakly in protest to the pain. He lets go of Marshall's jacket and latches on to the hand on his neck.

"You look so perfect this way, moaning and trembling like the bitch you are. Let's be honest how many men have you let fuck you to get this famous?"

Although the question was untrue, it stabbed at his already sensitive pride. He didn't feel like a man any more, he felt like a whore, a cunt. It was humiliating and demoralizing. He hiccups and coughs in response. He feels hot and uncoordinated, his brain was unfocused and his legs turned to noodles from his orgasm. He shakes his head left to right, fat tears streaming down his face. Marshall clicks his tongue in an impatient manner and releases Kelly's neck just to seize his jaw with a powerful hand and clutches it with bruising strength. Marshall forced him to look at him, but Kelly's irritated eyes were still avoiding his eyes. He tried to muffle his sniffles to no avail, tears kept flowing as he feebly wiped them away with his sleeves.

"Come on, fucking tell me, how many men, Faggot?" Still using a belittling baby voice still somewhat harsh.

This snapped Kelly's defiant nature back, and he launched a punch that collided with Marshall's cheek, causing his hold on the younger rapper to give and stumbled backwards. Kelly's body turned a bright red from anger. How the fuck did he let some grandpa take advantage of him, he towered over the short shithead. Tears of pure frustration ran like hot magma down his red cheeks. He pushed off of the wall, his legs like a newborn deer's. His bomber jacket slipped off a shoulder exposing his chest and stomach which were glowing pink. Kelly raised his head to look at Marshall, who appeared even more angry than before, his eyes cut through Kelly like a knife. His fear and anxiety rose over his anger. The quiet rage that seethed from Marshall was suffocating, turning the room's atmosphere to feel heavy and dangerous. Kelly's fearful eyes meekly locked into place with Marshall's predator like ones. Kelly felt trapped in his eyes, them being like pieces of ice of which froze his body in place.

Kelly shut his eyes, not wanting the fear of Marshall to get to him.


Marshall just stood there as if he didn't hear what Kelly said. A fire engulfed his mind as rage made him blind. He snapped his eyes open but more tears just slipped out.


"Before you what?" Marshall got in his face looming alarmingly close, noses almost touching, breathing the same air as Kelly. Like his breath had been sucked out of his lungs, those frightening blue eyes put a steel pipe in his throat, rendering him unable to speak, the heat from Marshall's body was paralyzing him in place. His dick, one again, strained painfully against his wet pants. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound could be reproduced.

"The fuck you going to do? Cum in your pants?" Marshall out stretched a hand to Kelly's pants, directly pinching the cherry with his thumb and index. Kelly struggled and squirmed to get out of his death grip,

moaning uselessly as his legs are about to give.

"LEet gO, PLEASe PLE-." His hands tried to pry the fingers off, but it only worsened the pain. He begged him, voice hitching and cutting off with more tears.

He ended the trance Marshall's eyes put on him and averted his eyes. He wriggled wildly in misery, looking down once again, bracing his fingers tight. He's clenching his teeth and biting his lip borderline bloody. The fact that Marshall was in control, and he couldn't do anything about it, was starting to sink in.

"I was thinking of just fucking with you and letting you off the hook with you being frustrated,"

He released his digits from the hurt dick, Kelly sighing in relief. He thrust his fingers into Kelly's bleached locks and yanked his head up to his own. Kelly knew now that he fucked up big, he should've shut himself the fuck up, this shit made the remnants of his pride vanish. His scalp burned, sending shock waves down to his crotch. Kelly's teary baby blue eyes were staring into Marshall's icy ones, who could see the delicious fear pooling in his eyes, the younger rapper's pupils were blown with lust. Marshall's mouth hovered over Kelly's soft pink lips. The blonde's lips twitched, and instinctively licked them, he exhaled little whimpers while trying to breathe calmly. He had a scared and worried expression, brows furrowed together and lips trembling emotionally. He was wreaked and utterly distraught, trying so hard to quiet his cries and sobs.

"But I'm going to have fun putting you in your place, filthy Whore."

Marshall's dirty mouth spat words saturated in hate and poison. Kelly's ears drank up the insults, getting drunk off his voice, his mind buzzing numb, floating on clouds. With every insult his dick throbbed painfully against his wet jeans, every twitch and slip making him cry out, he was still overly sensitive from his orgasm. His thighs squeezed together, attempting to suppress his need to cum, the constricting fabric wasn't helping him at all. Marshall dragged him by the hair across the room to the outer corner of the bed. He manhandled Kelly to splay him over his lap, his iron grip on his hair. Kelly writhed and whimpered on his lap, wanting him to let go of his hair, sounding absolutely pitiful. Marshall stroke a hand down the back of his bomber, a shutter trailing up his spine, jutting his head into Marshall's grip and shamelessly thrusting his hips against his thigh.

"Suprized you had the balls to punch me when you're crying this much."

Marshall pinched his ass hard, making him squeal, thumbing small circles into his ass, kneading and palming the skin.

"While listening to my track, did you imagine me dominating you? Tearing your ass up with my hands, bending you over so you could finally be punished by Daddy? That right, pussy boy?"

Kelly's legs were flat on the bed and propped up his upper body with his shoulders to limit the pain in the hair pulling. Marshall yanked Kelly up by the hair, making him look him in the eyes. His face contorted gracefully in suffering, his eyes starting to water again. Moaning loud until his tongue lolled out, drool dripping down his chin and neck, his eyes unfocused and scared of Marshall. What the fuck was this kid doing? Is he trying to give me a boner?

He suddenly put bruising pressure on his ass.

"You shouldn't have tried to hit me, I'm not going to stop, Even if you beg."

His stern, angry tone got Kelly's heart speeding with anxiety, which he swallowed dryly. Marshall ripped his jeans and underwear down past his knees, Kelly's cum smothered his underwear, thighs, dick and balls. As the underwear was pulled from his skin, thick ropes of cum strung from his skin to the fabric making lewd, sticky sounds. Kelly whined and sobbed as pangs of pleasure tested his endurance, the cool air hit his dick as a cum and pre gushed down his thighs to the bed. Marshall watched as the younger rapper's eyes rolled back and forms a small 'o' with his tongue peeking out dripping spit. It was obscene and pornographic, this was just about professional porno acting. Kelly can't think straight, the torturing pleasure took over his mind, the humiliation and dirty talk alone are enough to make him cum untouched. Marshall let go of his head and let him drop, his now unoccupied hand keeping his back still. The first strike came down hard, setting his nerves on fire, he let out a sad cry. A shock going straight to his dick. Marshall's arm moved like lightning, striking harder and faster with each smack. Kelly burst into tears, crying and sobbing loudly, hiding in his elbow and bit his arm to mute his mewling. The pain was overwhelming but it kept pushing him further to his breaking point. Marshall set a sadistically ruthless pace, savagely casting all his strength into every blow. The hitting doesn't seem to end, he is practically screaming from the stinging pain on his sore ass. He broke the skin on his arm with blood now pooling on his sheets, but he didn't care he just wanted the pain to end. He pressed his head into the blankets, muffling his voice, tired of how embarrassingly lewd his screams were. No matter how much he squeezed his legs, it was fruitless in stopping the endless flow of precum from dousing his tormentor's pants. He was terrified of how close he was to cumming on Marshall, the pressure in his gut was getting too much to hold in. His sobbing pleas and weepy moans fell on deaf ears as the onslaught of punishing blows seemed endless. Kelly's tears and saliva soaked the sheets. He is desperate, so desperate for something to soothe him. He snatches a pillow and buries his face deep in its velvet downy covering, its soft cool exterior giving him the comfort he needed to stay quiet. Marshall grabs the pillow and throws it out of his reach, who can now hear his fully distressed moans and broken screams reduced to raspy whines. He takes pleasure in destroying Kelly, his wails satisfied his ears. Although in the back of his head he considered he needed something to pull him through the pain, he started to feel guilty. His hand on Kelly's back turned to clasp four fingers around the underside of his jaw and pressed a thumb at his lips. He snaps Kelly's head to the side where he can see his face. His blonde hair messy and his face wet from tears and spit, his blue eyes look defeated and in pain. He moaned on the object, pressing his messy lips appreciatively on the finger. Kelly widened his jaw, his tongue guiding the digit into his hot cavern. The thumb reached to the back of his throat and clamped down on it. He gagged softly around the thumb, forcing his tongue further out of his mouth. His lips enveloped the base of the thumb and began bobbing and sucking on the object for dear life. He lovingly swallowed and licked at the thumb as he gasped and screamed as more slaps came. Marshall stopped for a second, massaging the bruised ass, letting Kelly catch his breath. He moaned and panted, trying to calm his breath simultaneously trying to suck pathetically on the finger. His abused legs were shaking, he was on the edge of blowing his load, so so close to creaming on Marshall. Kelly's dick was pinned between his abdomen and by Marshall's thigh. It was twitching wildly and throbbing painfully, precum already seeping into Marshall's sweats. Kelly shut his eyes while gasping for air, his dark eyelashes dense on his face. Marshall cracked two final smacks, much more fatal than the previous hits. The intense burn and sting ran to his dick, his eyes spring open as pleasure wracks up his spine, electricity rocketing into every limp. His back arches deep and his eyes roll back into his head. His body quivered and shook violently as he cam buckets on his pants. He was moaning opened mouthed on his thumb, choking and gasping as his shoulders jerked wildly. Marshall attentively watched his face, loving how messy and weak Kelly looks, so vulnerable and beautiful. He gingerly picks up Kelly by the chest and moves him further down the bed. His body was still wobbly and shivering, his breathing completely out of his wack. He cups the back of his head, pushing his face into the huge cum dampened splotch on his thigh and next to it was more semen on his crotch.

"Clean it, Cunt."

Kell felt the authority in his voice, he didn't want to learn what would happen if he disobeyed. Marshall keeps a strong grasp on his neck as he crazily lapped up his own cum, lapping up every drop of the liquid, sucking the fabric clean of his mess on the thigh. He licks a trail to his dick and gulps down all his juices on the prominent bulge, poking his nose. He sucks hard on it, mouthing the hard on and massaging is with his tongue. Marshall was internally conflicted about Kelly, half of him wanted to bitch him and abuse him, and the other found Kelly too cute to injure him completely. All of Kelly's moaning had gotten him hard despite his hate for the rapper. He had generally considered Kelly an annoying nuisance, a flamboyant pretty fuckboy. He found his guilt for hurting the younger rapper was catching up to him, those teary eyes and distressed voice were pulling at the strings in his heart. He gave in to his sensible side and was going to take responsibility for his actions. Marshall was hard, but there is no way he was going to force Kelly in to that. He ignored his lust and focused his attention to Kelly, who was still blood-red with wet irritated eyes

"Haa...Com'ere Kelly."

He lifted Kelly by the legs and slotted their waists together, he had to fold Kelly like a lawn chair, so he could cradle his back. Kelly freaked out, trying to put distance between their lower halves. He thrust his arms out to push away at Marshall's shoulders with no prevail. He gives Marshall a shy side glance.

"O-h God! We do-on't need to be so-o close, I'm going to ruin your clothes!"

Marshall traces a hand up his sides and presses a hand on the back of his neck to wedge his head into the crook of his neck.

"Shut the fuck up. My pants are already screwed."

Kelly blushed, he did make a mess of his pants. Marshall began to pet his hair and rub circles in his back. Kelly gasped and almost purred. It was impossible that a massage felt so good, too good. To put the icing on the cake, it was Marshall, a man, giving him this magical feeling. He had always liked women and the sex he had with them, but this was different. Nothing he has ever tried with women produced the same kind of feeling. He has never found any man attractive, but he can't deny the hot, rough hands on his back were dream like. Marshall smelt intoxicatingly nice, teamed with the placid touching, sleep lidded his eyes. Marshall began to hum and whisper comforting words in his ears. Kelly wanted to ignore how wonderful it made him feel to be praised and rewarded with touching. He shifted Kelly off his lap and on the bed, who looked up confused. Marshall straightened out his clothes and yanked his hoodie down over his crotch to cover the dark spot. He snatched Kelly's phone from the stand, unlocked it and punched his number in to his contacts. He put the phone back and turned to Kelly who was sitting on the bed.

"I'll be back tomorrow night at 6, be dressed semi-formal when I get here."

Kelly sat with his thighs and calves flat to the bed with his hands nuzzled between his legs, Marshall fought the urge to pet Kelly's head good bye. He left out the door swiftly, leaving a tired Kelly on the bed. Kelly passed out dead asleep before he could take care of the sticky mess on his pants. Marshall contemplated whether or not to hand Kelly the gift at the front door, he smiled cheekily, nah let it be a surprise.