chpt 3

Marshall sat in a tall bar stool near the end of his marble island table, pen in hand and scribbling aimlessly on a notepad. He supported the weight of his head in one open hand while the other wrote. He wore a loose white tee and a pair of black sweat pants. He couldn't focus on writing lyrics, his mind was too preoccupied by last night's fiasco. He grimaced at the nonsense scratched on the paper, within a second he crumpled the notes and had it join the other used papers in the trash bin beside him. He swiped a hand over his face and combed some fingers through his beard. Yesterday he had meant to find Kelly at his hotel and fuck with him a bit, some dirty talk and then explicitly talk about him wearing the lingerie and stilettos. Then as a finale, tell him he's gotten him something even better than the first two presents, a mini vibrator for when he gets a little horny and wants to fuck him. Marshall thought he was going to get flustered and angry, he was not prepared for Kelly to react in such a drastic way. His mind had been rewinding the moments when Kelly had come from his knee, and when he had spanked him. He could almost hear the breathy moans and gasps. Kelly was annoyingly pretty beforehand, but once the dirty talk took effect, and he turned all shy and embarrassed, he had gotten stupidly cute. Ever since yesterday, Marshall was dying on the inside from a major guilt trip. He had never ment to lay his hands on Kelly, and even if he did he didn't think he would care about it, but once he got him bawling his eyes out while being splayed on his lap, he immediately regretted everything he has done to him.

"It was supposed to be a joke, how the fuck did it go so far south ?"

He's definitely going to need to apologize for everything. He checked his watch, it was currently 2:30 p.m. It has been many hours since he had texted Kelly his plans for tonight. Marshall knows he probably always goes to sleep at ungodly hours all the time, so there is a chance he is still out cold. Or Kelly was purposefully ignoring him because he hates his guts for what he did, that sounded like a more probable reaction from Kelly. Marshall's guilt was eating away at his productivity, if he doesn't end up apologizing he will waste too many work days just thinking about him. He figures a dinner is not enough to be forgiven, that would be too simple, he needs to buy him apology gifts. He glares mournfully at his notebook. What the hell can he buy for him that he'll like? He stretches his back and leaves his chair to find his car keys.

"I have a couple of hours before six, I can find something. "


Kelly's body was overheating, like he was being boiled in lava. His stomach and chest were pressed against the bed, his head buried in a pillow while his legs twitched wildly on the sheets. The vibrator was still on even after an hour had pasted. The vibrations attacked his hole, overwhelming pleasure frying all his nerves, his dick spasmed painfully in his fist as he held in another load. Sweat drenched him from head to toe, every muscle flexing tight in agony. He cried hard into a pillow, an hour's worth of tears dampening the fluffy mass. He whimpered as crippling stimulation converted his brain to jelly, he could barely feel the blankets beneath him just the rushing of blood circulating through every limb. It was torture going through the pain. While one hand was gripping his dick, the other was inserting the nozzle of the lube bottle to his entrance. He hoped the lube would ease the device out of him, unlodging it from his guts. He moaned into the pillow as he emptied almost half of its contents into himself incidentally, his hips shook as the cool substance rushed up his walls filling up his hole deep inside. A sharp surge of electricity ran up his spine, his eyes rolled back as he came again but nothing came out. He held his breath, he had lost track of the times he has came so far, he stopped after 14. The compression in his dick felt like it was going to pop, he could feel an area in him had expanded and pressed against many abused nerves, his member was stinging, the head agitated from cumming one too many times. With his other hand he starts to finger himself again, avoiding his sensitive spots and just tries to go as far as his fingers would let him. The tips of his fingers brush the plastic but aren't able to go any further, lube rushes out of his entrance in time with his fingers thrusts. He grunts in frustration, and angles his hips down to get more room. His hand was cramping up from his crushing hold on his dick, his hand's muscles locked up and finally released his deprived man hood. He screamed as he flooded the sheets with at least three loads of pent up semen. His ass contracts onto his digits, pushing more lube out and dripping down his cheeks and inner thighs to the wet sheets. He bit the pillow's covers and his vision blacks out as he rode out the immobilizing waves of heat exploding out of his prick. His thighs feebly bind together, trembling as they endure the powerful orgasm. The head of his dick was swollen and panged sharply, just as quickly as he emptied his loins pressure was building up again. His brain short circuited and he passed out, drool spilling from the corners of his mouth, he lay motionless on his bed like a log on the sheets. A minute later and hes thrusted back into reality and the vibrations come two times stronger than before. He whines as he arches his back and shoves his face deeper into his pillow. Both his hands were locked up at the joints, too stiff and strained to move. He withdrew his hands from his lower half and grips the soft pillow at his head. He wants it to die already, how the hell does a tiny ass vibrator last so long. He is begging for death to swallow his body whole at this point. His ears could only hear static while he was shifting in and out of consciousness. Excruciating pain beat his cranium, his skull seemed it was on the brink of imploding. Sweat rolled down the slope of his shoulders, his mouth was so dry and sticky, his saliva was too thick to swallow and became somewhat frothy. He's desperate for water, if he waits any longer he may actually die. Moaning and hiccuping he fights to raise his body, his arms scuffled across the sheets as he crawls off the bed. The moment his wiggly legs leave the bed-side and hit the floor, he reaches another orgasm, and he drops to the floor. The garter on his left leg snapped and the sock slipped to his calf as he fell. In a crouched position he can explicitly feel the vibrator torture a bundle of nerves. He crammed his back on the bed frame and his legs spasm, butterflying his thighs, shuttering them open and closed. His chest jerked and jolted sporadically, his blue eyes were delirious as his jaw screwed shut and his fingers clutched the sheets, holding on for dear life. He ripped the bedding as he came squirting all over the carpet, shrieking as his thighs slammed together, quivering as his boiling juices soaked his thigh highs, streaming down his calves and wetting down to the shoes. His hole contracted and globs of warm lube drained out in a gooey and stringy fashion. He kept squirting, multiple bursts of clear liquid dribbled down his soft dick, cascading between his ass to meet the floor. His high ended, eyes wide as his lungs burned from hyperventilation, he gathered all his strength and stood hunched over in discomfort. He was relived that quirting stung less than ejaculating, he let out a labored sigh and wobbled to the fridge and a sweaty arm scooped up three water bottles and staggered to the bed. His ruined heels tracked dark prints on the floor in its wake. He toppled over on the bed, his knees gave way and his upper body hit the surface, exerting the remains of his energy to slide the rest of his limbs up. He lets out a silent screech as a climax sneaks up on him, more piping hot liquids spout from his dick washing over the tops of his thighs, adding to the slimy sheen on them. He claws his way back on the bed too spent to even raise his head, blonde locks saturated with sweat. He turned a cheek to the bed and cracked open a water bottle and chugged it empty in seconds and did so with another bottle. He just lays stagnant as he weeps, his ass buzzing in dull twinges of pain. Time seems to be passing so slow, maybe a couple hours have already rolled by, Kelly doesn't even know how long it has been since he last checked his phone. Everything is blindingly numb and hot, he's past out at least four times already. Hes sobbing, begging for a way out of this never-ending hell.


The sky darkened, his head lights bright on the asphalt. Marshall drove along the high way, his clammy hands on the wheel, thumbs tapping anxiously at the leather. He had a white button up with black slacks and dress shoes on, shirt tucked into the pants, he was crisp and pristine. He glanced down at his clothes, was he too formal? He was starting to have second thought on his fit, he should've dressed casual instead. In his passenger seat was a cellophane bag with a box of stupidly expensive chocolates, a small stack of vintage super hero comics, and a chunky four-foot seal plush. He had spent a couple hours searching

the internet for better insight on Kelly's favorite things and hobbies and such. His eyes darted back and forth between the gifts and the road.

"I hope he likes them."

But will he even accept the gifts? He's probably going to be pissed if I waltz back up to his hotel, maybe there's a slight chance he will listen to me. He exits the high way and nears his destination, he whips out his phone and texts Kelly he'll be there in ten minutes.

He pulls into the hotel parking lot and kills the engine. He sets the gift bag in the back to clear out the front

seat, he'll give it to him after they eat, it'd be kinda awkward giving it to him beforehand. He walks out of the car, locks it and makes a bee-line to Kelly's room. He stood at the door, nervously wiping his sweaty hands on the front of his pants.

"I wasn't this sweaty before."

He grumbled as he aired out his shirt. He checked the time, six P.M. sharp. He swallowed the lump in his throat and knocked on the wood. He waited, his eyes fixated on the door handle expecting it to turn. He peeked at his watch, a minute passed. He tilts his head in question, did he not hear it? He knocks again, making each one louder and harder then the previous. He waits, still no answer.

"Did he leave?"

That would make sense, if he were Kelly he would've switched to another hotel in a heart beat, staying would be dangerous for him. He stuffed his hand in his pockets and shrugged.

"Shit... Well, I tried."

He turns his back to the door. Something was off, a gut feeling tingled, he needs to check the handle. He whisked an arm behind himself and griped the handle. He pushed down and it clicked, it was open.

"Why is it open?"

He knows he shouldn't just go into the room without permission, but he seriously wanted to know if Kelly was here. At least he can drop off the gift if he doesn't want to see him. He creaks the door open and steps halfway in, soft moans floated throughout the air, flowing melodically in his ears. It was feminine sounding yet too velvety for a woman. Hmm... he was blown off so Kelly could fuck a slut, damn seven hundred dollar dinner reservation down the drain. He sneakily shut the door, hidden by the entry way, the bed out of view. He didn't know why he stayed here or what he was expecting by walking in on Kelly. His face was emotionless and cold as he stepped out of the shallow hallway and faced the bed. He paused for a second,

that bitch on the bed is tall as fuck ,where the hell was Kelly. As he got closer the truth dawned on him, arousal punched him in the gut, he stumbled back a few paces a hand drawn up to scratch at his neck, he was stunned. His face turned red, the short blonde hair and long ass legs were unmistakably Kelly's. He wore the clothes he gave to him as a joke, both the lingerie and stilettos, and from the ripped packages on the bed, Kelly was probably moaning because he was using the vibrator he gave him. Marshall didn't actually think he'd use any of it, he never put much thought into him really wearing them, to him it was just a practical joke, but what Kelly was wearing was no laughing matter. It was down right illegal how sexy he looked in the skimpy garments, somehow his lean and tall figure pulled together the fit without him looking overly slutty. Marshall can hear a low vibrating as Kelly was whining lewdly in a pillow with both his hands under it, situated belly down on the bed with his thighs pinned together spasming violently, his calves folded over one another. One side's garter had snapped and the sock was at the top of his calf, the other was still intact but they were both completely wet, shining a deep purple. Kelly was doused in sweat, his hair and skin visibly beading with moisture, most of the white sheet around him was dark from his bodily fluids. Marshall approached Kelly from behind, spectating with great interest. Kelly's body suddenly seized, he squealed as he came, bubbling torrents of his cum spewed onto the bed, seeping through his closed legs, pure white semen painting both his thighs. The strong scent of semen and sweat punched Marshall with arousal, blood pumping to his soft member. Kelly's head rose from the pillow voicing out a loud pained whine while shaking his head left and right.

"hnnnnggggnnhhHHH-! NO NO NO NO NOO!- haa~ pleAS-e tuRn OFf! Turn OFF, TURN OFF, TURN OFF, TURN OFF, FUcK!!!!"

Kelly's voice broke pitifully, sniffles and hiccups filling the room. His body twisted and jerked on the bed, contracting unpleasantly from the torturous vibrations. His legs spread and hoisted his hips higher, accidentally giving Marshall a full view of his ass and dick. An arm rushed under his body and between his twitching thighs, desperately fingering three fingers deep into his hole, arching his back and tilting his ass upward, leaning into the distressed thrusts. Kelly held the pillow tight to his neck and chest, his forehead resting on his arm.

"COME ON, COME ON-! al-most~, ple-ease, pleas-e, pah-lease, come on~"

His voice died off into silence, he trembled as his legs crammed back shut with his hand and dick stuck in place, his ass clamped down on his fingers, squeezing down on his g-spot brutally.

He sobbed as he squirted a waterfall, cascading over his calves and trickling down from his stilettos.

Oh god, he's in pain, what the fuck do I do! Marshall began to panic, he gripped Kelly by hips and rolled him over on his back, he didn't seem to register that Marshall was even here. The spot were he was previously, was caked in cum and sweat, nearly soaking the whole bed. Marshall was in awe of the sheer amount of liquid on the bed, how long has he been like this? He examined the bed, the slate dial remote caught his eye, the space where the dial should have been, was broken off, inabling it to be controlled. Jesus Christ! Without being able to turn off the vibrator, he must have been on the bed for hours just writhing in pain. He hovered over the mattress, supporting his weight with a leg on the bed and the other on the floor, he caught his jaw and made him focus on him, Kelly's eyes were half lidded and bleary. Marshall can feel the racing thrum of his veins, his entire body was slack and noodle like, he was thoroughly fucked out of reality. Don't fucking die on me you little shit! Kelly shuddered and hiccuped wetly as he stretched out his legs, using his fingers to gape his entrance obscenely.

" It's stuck, i-it ha hurts~."

Why is he cute? Even when he's wrecked and sweaty, and now he's begging him to help finger fuck something out of him. He would be lying if he said he didn't have a boner. I can't fucking belive I'm about to finger the twerp who fucking dissed me. He had to be hearing things, he coughs awkwardly, no one he had ever been with was on Kelly's level of lewd. He stares into Kelly's eyes and then his lower half, having no clue on what to do.

"D-do you.. want me t-?"

Kelly went ballistic, ripping Marshall's hand from his face and slapping it to his pelvis, he was demented, driven mad after hours of waiting. He dug a hand into Marshall's shirt and tugged them close, he huffed out with an open mouth with his teeth bared.


His out burst startled Marshall and he did what he was asked. With the hand on his pelvis he slid down and dipped two fingers into his hole. Kelly unfurled his hand from Marshall fell back with a thud, hiding his face with a pillow and groaned into it. He was very loose and wet, he must have fingered himself for a hell of a long time. The inner area of Kelly was very hot and squishy, after a minute of proding around his cavity he tapped his fingers on the plastic device. He felt Kelly tighten and go rigid.

"Ri-ight the-re~"

Marshall's eyebrows twitched in a concerned fashion, his heart was pounding and his groin was heating up with lust. Seeing Kelly moaning and screaming like crazy was stirring up thoughs and emotions he has never had. Kelly's legs wrap around his waist and clutch him tight. the room felt like it was spinning, all his blood seemed to be flowing to his dick leaving him a bit dizzy. Why do his thighs feel so soft on me? His fingers have reached it's full length in Kelly and they sustained a slippery hold on the device, with some hassleing he was able to extract the egg, which made a wet pop as it exited. Kelly gave a muffled mewl and came while his hips jerked wildly, but nothing left him as he orgasmed. He was squeezed dry and it hurt his dick internally as it constricted. He shot a hand down to his dick to alleviate the pain and his legs squeezed around his wrist. He thrashed on the bed as his orgasm hit him hard.

"Ah- fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuucK!!"

Marshall just drank in the scene, adoring Kelly's voice, his elegantly long legs, beutiful eyes, and cute hair. Missing the dinner reservation was worth seeing this. Near the end of his orgasm he was able to squirt, flowing from his limp dick down the crease of were his thighs met. His body relaxes and he flatens out, breathing heavy.


Its finally over, his dick is numb and all his muscles are on fire but its over. He almost jumped out of his skin when Marshall touched his knee. His stance quite uncomfortable and awkward.

"Do you need help getting to the shower?"

What did he say? Kelly was out of it, wavering in and out of consciousness, his ears felt muffed. Something about a shower? He glanced at himself for a second, sweat and cum pooled on his stomach and his thighs dripping. Augh.. fucking nasty, I do need to shower. Wait why the fuck is he here? Was it already six? He did say he was coming over to pick me up at six. He turned pink, he has absolutinly no luck, caught masterbating and wearing gay shit, fuck. Now Kelly is steaming up with anger, he was caught in the act and helped by the last person he would want see at the moment. He huffed and shuffled to the side of the bed oppisite of Marshall. His voice was very strained and weak.

"I don't need help from yo-"

Right as he stood from the mattress corner, he dropped to the floor, both his legs converted to noodles with no strength. With in seconds Marshall ran around the bed frame to him, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. Kelly bit his lip angrily and turned away from him.


Marshall smirked, his white teeth peaking out.

"Fine what?"

Kelly cast a cursing glance down at his thighs, tensing up.

"Help me please."

He put an arm under his knees and the other supporting his back, carrying him princess style. He squeaked in surprise as he muttered bitterly. As Marshall carried him to the bathroom, he couldn't stop obsessing over his sweat scent, sugary with burnt undertones, and his legs. Jesus Christ. They were exuding cum and other liquids in a dirty and sexy way, it was so erotic. Marshall opens the door and sets his bruised butt on the counter, juices dispercing from his soaked lower half. Kelly bites back a whimper at the sting of the cold counter on his sensitive bits. Marshall backs out of the door, leaving Kelly in silence. He is so flustered and mad that he needed Marshall, he is being pushed to tears now, he's probably going to need Marshall's help again. Everything hurts so bad, every muscle was on fire and the bruises on his ass didn't help. He couldn't even bend over to take off his socks because his back was so sore, and not even his bra because of his shoulder's muscles being useless. He griped his knees hard, breathing fast to not notice the pain. He just wants to take a shower, he's been in the filth for too long. Frustration swells in his eyes, blurring his vision, he doesn't want to ask him for any more help but he can't take a shower without some asistance. He probably left, but I can try.


He hushed out his words and was met with the thudding of foot steps nearing the wooden frame and silencing once outside the door. Fuck! He's still here!

"Uh... Yeah?"

His smooth voice made Kelly's hands tingle, dude your asking Eminem to help you, he's already done enough. He doesn't want to bother him, but this is an issue.

"I-i... can't get the clothes off."

The knob of the door clicks and Marshall enters. Kelly is restless as he approaches. He looks fucking terrifying. He walks up to Kelly waits before his legs, Kelly's hands retreat from his knees to in between his thighs and flat against the table. Marshall was red in the face and focusing on his thighs.

"Shit my bad, I should've known. Seo... want me to start with the legs?"

Kelly was getting so dizzy with Marshall just ghosting over his skin, everything is getting so weird.


Marshall removed his left sock that was hanging halfway off his thigh, discarding it on the sink, and went to the right sock. Kelly watched him work through a side glance of his turned head. He unclipped the garter and pinched the sock rim and garter, pulling them down the span of the leg with a hand gliding down the backside of the thigh alongside the movements. Bruh... he is so soft and warm! His dick twitched in excitement as his hand grazes the shape of his legs. The wet fabric pulled from his foot and is set to join the other sock on the counter. His hands were covered in Kelly's sticky juices, it should be gross but he found it hot in a way. Kelly was freaking out, his hands all over his legs made his stomach flip. Anger suddenly flourishes within Kelly, he didn't notice when Marshall had entered the room, the solid evidence he could've videoed there is perfect blackmail material. He's taking advantage of the situation. They made eye contact for a brief second, quickly eyeing away, Marshall tugs at the bra straps.

He looks directly at his chest, the bra is making it look like he has tits, he is unsettled by how pleased he is by this.

"Can you put your arms up?"

Kelly lifts his arms as Marshall pulls it over his breasts, repressing a gasp as it brushes a nipple, he yanks it off and discards it. He strides over to the shower and blasts the hot water, he takes a slow walk back to him, the atmosphere noticeably heavy. Its quiet and they both hate it. Kelly lets the dam loose, and gives him a hard stare. Marshall is caught off guard and bit worried. Oh fuck, he's crying pretty hard.

"I know you have a video of me."

Marshall ,confused, just gives him a puzzled look.


Kelly flares up, more tears flowing.

"Stop lying! I know you do and that you're going to blackmail me!"

Marshall drags a hand over his face and puts the other on his hip.

"What would be the benefits of doing that? I'm a multi millionaire, plus I have a shitty phone that I barely know how to use, let alone a camera."

All the facts fall into place stupidly well, Kelly puffed up his cheeks in defeat. All the stress he has been having up until now was futile.

"Why did you even come over yesterday?"

Marshall stood uneasy.

"Well... I thought it would be funny to joke around with you, and uh... see your reactions, and it just went downhill from then on. I didn't expect you to act like that."

Kelly hiccups as he grumbled.

"You didn't have to be so rough."

Both of them blushed at the bad wording.

"You punched me first."

Kelly's skin obres pink to red, tensing up his body.

"It's your fault!"

"Kinda was and wasn't."

Kelly sulks, it was partially his fault he got into that situation. During their bickering the room heated up with steam. He peaks at Marshall for a second who rolls up his sleeves revealing his thick forearms. Fuck, how is he so bulky.

"Do you want me to set you in the shower?"

Kelly is dying, this is too much for him.

"Y-yes please."

With a grunt Kelly is in his arms, his warm palm and wrist on his back and under his knee. Kell jumped a bit, him, a six foot four giant, being carried like he was nothing by someone shorter, his gut fluttered.

The door was open and Marshall crouched to rest Kelly's butt on the tile. He whipped out a small towel and handed it to Kelly, who instinctively covered his crotch with the little dignity he had left. Marshall's eyes deliberately averted Kelly and his nudity, he rested a hand on the exterior of the glass. What the hell am I doing? His eyes flick to Kelly and he just dies. Why is he so cute, sitting there all pouty and mad.

"Need anything else just call for me."

He shut the glass, washed his hands and left. Kelly immediatly got to work to scrubbing his skin with soap. To getting fingered by a dude and helped into the shower, its only the second day he's been with Marshall and weird awkward shit is just getting worse. He shampooed his blonde locks and cleansed his follicles. He struggles to turn off the water and attempts to stand, he limps to a shelf and wraps a towel around his waist. He leans on a wall and meets the door, he opens it and refreshing cold air slaps him in the face. Peaking out of the frame, Marshal was standing against a wall, they locked eyes, both skeptical. Kelly stumbles to his luggage case and drops down to the floor, selecting a couple articles of clothing. He stiffly put the shirt over his head and muscled it down his torso, hissing in pain. He shuffles under his towel and pulls a pair of under wear half way up his leg, sharp pangs pierce his lower half.

"Ah~ fuck!"

Marshall runs over to him, shadowing tall over Kelly's hunched figure. He scratches the back of his head, a bit troubled, he can't spit out his words. Kelly frowned, he nods at him. He positioned his unwieldy self behind Kelly, reaching over his shoulder and yanked up the boxers. He snatched a pair of shorts that Kelly had picked out and slid those on with ease. Kelly's back was up on his stomach, I can't, fuck. He could hear his light breathing, the tickling of his blonde hair under his beard, Jesus christ.

"Hey.. um. I'm fucking sorry for what I did to you last night. I was messing with you in the beginning and once you punched me... I just went out of it. I was meeting up with you to apologize for... everything over dinner then this just happens."

Kelly felt a fuzzy warmth pool in his gut. He apologized. He had a scared smile on his face, he doesn't know how to respond to that. He coughs awkwardly and rubs his hands on his legs. Marshall is apologizing to me? He wasn't suspecting that. The image of his bed came back to mind, damn it's fucked, I'm going to need a new room. He blew his last paycheck on a few parties and lastly on this hotel and gas.

"Fuuck... Its going to cost me for a new room." He groans.

"Oh, wanna stay over at my place?"

Kelly whips around with disturbed and shocked look. Marshall was that offended he would think so lowly of him.

"Im not a rapist. I have a multiple spare rooms, you can go if you like."

Eminem is asking me to go to his house! What the fuck, this is so dope. This it too good to be true. Hmmm he could be pulling some shit on me, to get me in a shittier situation. Kelly knitted his eye brows together, his eyes emitting an unsure look.

"Is it really ok for me to go?"

Fuck Kelly stop looking like that, this is going to give me a stroke.

"Yeah, you can stay for a day or two, I'll help you with your stuff."


"Soo I'll load your luggage into the car, wait here, also what about the clothes on the floor."

Kelly shrugged.

"Uh, just leave it there, there all too fucked to fix."

One thing goes to another and he was princess carried over to Marshall's car. He was set in the passenger side and Marshall sat in the driver's seat. Kelly squeezed and intertwined his fingers, staring down at his fingers. Im in his car and going to his house! What the fuck is Marshall doing just letting me into his house! Anxiety was eating him up, fuck he hated being sober, a line of cocaine or some weed would really help him. As Marshall revved the engine and stick shifted in reverse, he noticed how on edge Kelly was, tapping his foot on the ground and toying with the stitching on the end of his shirt. He backed out of the parking space and locked the car into drive, riding down a street to the high way. He pats Kelly's head rest, getting his attention.

"I got you something in the back seat."

Kelly's blue eyes light up, then turned his head and getting flustered.


He looks in the back and starts giggling happily.

"Dude no fucking way, that seal is huge!"

He reclines the seat and rips off the clear wrapping, and hugs the stuffed animal in his lap. He gasps as he searches the other contents of the gift. Under the seal was a small stack of five comic books with edgy and dark themes but flashy covers of super heros. With his other hand he grabbed hold of the chocolates. He stock piles all the shit into his lap, and flips through one of the books. He is super stoked, he's getting stuff from his idol! He suddenly cringes immensely. The guilt from the stupid things he said about Marshall and his daughter hitting him like a brick. He shyly makes eye contact and flashes a smile.

"This is really sick dude, seriously thank you."

Marshall lost his breath, fuck this kid is pretty, he's going to make me crash. He tightens his fingers around the leather wheel and forces a half smile and snaps his focus to the road.

"Uh, yeah you're welcome." He exhales.

They sit in a comfortable silence for the rest of the short drive, Marshall listened whole heartly to Kelly's little chuckles and gasps as he read, denying entirely that he loved every second. They arrive at the gates of his estate, and Kelly is flabbergasted by the lavish home.

"Oh my god you are so rich..."

They swerved into the left road leading to a parking area next to the house, he parks the auto mobile and pulled the keys out of the ignition. He exited out of his side of the car and makes his way to Kelly's. Marshall opens his door and lends a hand to him. Kelly turns crimson and reluctantly put his hand out to join it. He tightly embraces the gifts neatly in his lap with his other arm and the seal between his thighs.

"I feel like a girl." He mutters.

Marshall picks up his legs and the other hand securing his back, and hip thrusts the car door closed. Kelly grunts as the muscles in his legs pang strongly. He hides half of his face in his shirt, exhaling stressed little oh my gods as Marshall walked to the front door.

"Well, absolutely none of the girls I've been with had been carried by me."

Kelly just sunk further into his grasp taking a questioning glance at the car.

"Uh what about the bag?"

"Eh, I'll send someone to bring it up"

He's so fucking rich, he even has people around tasked with trivial things.

Kelly sat in his arms from the walk to the door all the way down a hallway to a room.

"I'm surprised you can carry me so steadily despite me being hella tall."

Marshall chuckles lowly.

"I work out."

Kelly's cheeks tinted pink, he can feel the massive and solid biceps under him. He felt safe yet terrified.

He entered the room and dropped Kelly down in the middle of the huge dark bed. He took off both of their shoes and set them on the floor. The room was spacious, had a mounted Tv on the wall, closet, dresser, and a nightstand. He groaned as he tried to move into a more comfortable position, instantly regretting it as pain surges up and down his body frame.

"Ahh fuck, this sucks, everything hurts."

Marshall moved his gifts off his stomach and onto the further parts of the bed. The large window next to the bed show cased a deep black sky, and on the nightstand the time shone 7:30. He felt a stong responsibility for Kelly's condition, the guilt was still embedded in his stomach, he can do more to make it up to him. They missed the dinner, but he could just order them food.

"Do you want to order some door dash?"

"Yes! I haven't eaten all day."

Marshall had his phone in hand as he put in his order as he gave him a concerned look.

"You didn't eat? How long did... you have it in?"

Kelly pouted as he turned pink, frowning as he played with his hair.

"Uhhh I think since... two p.m?"

"Two o'clock, that's about four hours!"

Marshall threaded his fingers on the top of his head, messing up lofty blonde hair. Kelly was beet red and hid his face with his shirt.

"If I knew what was happening I would've come sooner."

Kelly grumbled cutely as Marshall finished his order. He internally screamed, why does he sound like he cares so much?

"What would you like?"

"The same as you would be fine, thanks."

Marshall doubled his order and submitted the transaction.

"It'll be an hour until the food is here."

He sat on the bed next to Kelly, the atmosphere returned to an awkward air. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wanna watch something?"

"Uh yeah."

He reached out to the nightstand and snatched a remote to turn the flat screen on, he flipped through channels and landed on some cheesy chick flick. The scene that was playing was absolutely repulsive.

"Ugh that's gross."

He was going to change channels but Kelly tapped his arm with a stupid grin on.

"Wait!! I watched the first couple of minutes on this like a month ago, can we see it?"

"You really want to watch that?"

"Yes, please."

Kelly's eyebrows were drawn together and his blue eyes were beaming, begging him to play the show.

Marshall's eyes intensity faltered and he cleared his throat while trying to avoid his face.


Twenty minutes into the movie and Marshall is resting his back on the tall wooden bed frame and Kelly was laying on his side facing the tv parallel to him. Marshall is still worried about him, though he isn't voicing his pain anymore, he is jerking and going stiff with small movements. I can help fix some of that.

"Hey Kelly, do you need a massage?"

Kelly snaps his head back to Marshall with a horrified expression.

"Not that kind of massage. I mean do you want me to rub your back and legs?

Kelly tested his intentions, giving a suspisious glare, he brightened a red color. He wanted to refuse the request, but his everything was hurting.

"Yeah... but no weird stuff."

Marshall nodded and sat up directly behind him, who watched his motions cautiously. Kelly was stomach down with his head propped on his stacked hands flaton the bed. He gripped Kelly's ankle and drew up the lower leg flush to his chest and his foot over his shoulder. He began to stoke and palm at the muscle in slow deep gestures. Kelly thuds his head on the bed, his breathing becoming audible.


He does this for a while and switches to do the same with the other calve. Kelly fisted the sheets and his chest started to shake. He sets both of the calves between his legs and thumbed his way up to his thighs. Kelly felt his body melt, it hurt at first to be touched but the massage was helping him. Getting touched by someone has never been this good, his hands are really warm, ah there getting higher.

"Ha~ s-shit."

Marshall started to sweat, Kelly was letting out more weird sounds. I'm trying to work. He kneaded the back of the thighs with both hands, riding up his shorts. He cringed at the angry dark bruises on his upper thighs. I went fucking over board, I'm so sorry Kelly. He gingerly circled his thumb over the bruises and fondly rubbed at the exposed skin with his palm. Kelly had never been massaged and the places Marshall was touching were quite sensitive, he bit back moans at his hands roamed his legs.

Marshall averted touching his ass, Kelly's demand for platonic touching rang in his ears. He guided his hands on the sides of his hips, squeezing the small of his back.

The palms of his hands flew up the expanse of skin, making a half circle with his thumbs under his shoulder blades and dipping them down back to his lower back. He slotted his thumbs into the dimples above his waist and applied pressure. Kelly's back arched and gave a surprised moan, slapping a hand to his mouth. Marshall is going to have a heart attack, he's too old to experience this kind stress.

He continued his massage on his back, rubbing out the muscle knots and kneading the skin. Kelly kept slipping out moans, twitching his body and squeezing his legs together. Marshall is absolutely sure Kelly has a boner and if this continues he's going to have on as well.

"You said this wasn't supposed to be sexual!" His hushed tone exaggerated.

Kelly whimpered and whined with a weak voice.

"I di-didn't expect it to feel this way."


The doorbell rang and a sigh of relief left both of them, the food stopped an increasingly awkward situation. Marshall pushed off the bed and retrieved their sandwiches and drinks, and they ate in silence. Kelly wolfed down the chocolates as they finished the movie together. Kelly was really happy, he got thoughtful shit, a massage, and he got to stay at Marshall's house. He felt so out of place with being surrounded with items that cost more than what he could ever make. It's way too good to be true, but at the same time it is so confusing. What they hell are they doing and is it gay, pretty sure it is, but they are both… straight?

Am I straight? Jesus Fucking christ I don't deserve such nice treatment. Why is Marshall being so nice?