"Then why the dramatics,"

"What's that?"

"A pencil,"

"Why are you using it on my eyebrows?"

"You'll see,"

"Ooo, what's that?"

"You're joking,"

"Oh," she mockingly furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "I'm sorry I didn't realize," It was quiet for a moment with a scowl on her face, Cassandra sighed in defeat and avoided Lily's gaze, "No, I'm not,"

"So what you're telling me is that you don't know what lip gloss is? There is no way. You're just doing this to annoy me and it's working,"

"Ok, you got me. I'm just bored,"

Cassandra and Lily had been sitting in front of the vanity that sat in Lilly's room. It has been hours since they started, and Cassandra had started to feel agitated when she noticed that it was dark out. She had been trying to annoy Lily in order to put her in a foul mood so she wouldn't feel like clubbing anymore, but alas, her attempts were futile, and Lily seemed hellbent on focusing on Cassandra's makeup. Cassandra sighed out in boredom as she watched Lily pick up a bottle with transparent liquid.

Water? She thought as she stared down the bottle that now laid snug in Lily's grip.

"I can tell," she dryly stated and started to shake the bottle gently. A grin threatened to show itself when Cassandra was given another opportunity, and she gladly took it. She steeled her face and masked it, it one of confusion. She pointed to the bottle and uttered the words that may or may not be the cause of her death.

"Ooo, what's that?"

A deep breath was heard from behind her.


Cassandra raised her freckled brown eyes to Lily, they connected with her emerald ones that promised death, "Mmm," she hummed sweetly.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?"

Cassandra's mouth opened in shock and gaped at her friend that was still waiting for her reply. Mission accomplished. She thought, "Oop-. Well, okay then,"

Lily resumed and proceeded to spray the liquid onto Cassandra's face. Lily sighed as she hoped that her outburst would have given her some peace and quiet, "Thank you,"

Despite Lily's wishes, Cassandra still had the urge to go on when she saw Lily plug in some type of metal stick that she had an inkling of what she was, but asked anyway, "What's-," Cold, narrowed eyes glared down at her in warning, not wanting to test her best friends, she smartly shut her mouth and bent her head down, "Never mind,"

After a moment of silence, Lily continued her task and set the wand down. Cassandra watched through the mirror as the wand slide down her, effectively straightening it. A blood-curling scream was then heard when she noticed the tamed version of her hair.

"What monstrosity is this?"


"Why did it wrong me?"


"Why did you make it wrong me. My hair looks dead, it looks lifeless," She picked up the patch of hair that was now straightened and let go of it and it, and then waited for a while. Lily just watched her with a great amount of indifference. The patch of hair did what Cassandra wanted it to do and she gasped, "It complies," she let a cry. Lily just kept quiet and watched her friend be the dramatic person that she is, Cassandra took a whole 360 and pursed her plump lips, "Ok jokes aside, what did you do to my hair?"

"I straightened it,'

"I see that, but why?"

"Because I wasn't going to spend another couple of hours styling your hair. It's quicker this way,"

"It was fine the way it was," Lily gave her a pointed look, "Ok, maybe not for clubbing and would probably take up more space, therefore annoying people if I decided to dance. And that's a big emphasis on if,"

Lily nodded, "Can I continue, or are you going to go like that?"

Cassandra sighed as she reluctantly sat back down, "You can continue. I know how to get it back to its natural state. This isn't the first time someone straightened my hair,"

"Then why the dramatics?"

Cassandra shrugged, "Eh, I don't know. For fun, I guess,"

"Mission failed," Cassandra solemnly agreed as she settled down in her chair and watched her mane of hair get tamed by the wand that emitted heat. She couldn't help but think of her childhood, when her mother used to dress her up in the same way for 'daddy-daughter time'. She hated that period of her life since it came known to her. It was one of the reasons she ran away when she turned the ripe age of sixteen, she could still remember it like it was yesterday. The images were extremely vivid and daunting and plagued her mind with monsters and other paranormal beings that still haunt her today. She almost rubbed her eyes in an attempt to vanquish the daunting images that still haunted her to this day when Lily slapped her hand away from ruining her hard work.

Cassandra rubbed her wounded hand, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You were about to rub off the mascara and the eyeliner and you have no idea how much effort I put in to make your winged eyeliner heaven, and I sure as hell would –not in a million years—allow you to ruin one hour of work in just one measly second. I refuse!"

"Damn calm down. You didn't have to take that long,"

"I did," she dryly stated.


Lily's deathly gaze landed on Cassandra, "Because somebody in the room doesn't know how to sit still,"

"Then why didn't you sit still then? We would have been done a while ago," she said.

Lily pursed her lips, "I'm standing so that should have been an inclination that I was not, in any way, referring to me, genius,"

"Why are you so grumpy? Is it because of the text you received earlier, or because you need to get laid? Oh, wait!" Cassandra locked eyes with Lily in the mirror, "Are you on your period, because if so, I don't think we should go to the club tonight. We wouldn't want an incident happening while your grinding on some dude or dancing with a girl, now would we?"

Lily opened her mouth to respond as she finished straightening the bush that once laid on her best friend's head, the meow of a cat had caught her attention. Cassandra noticed a smile fighting its way to Lily's face, the smile only fighting because Lily tends to be one who is very stubborn in letting her anger go, her being a redhead, with a fiery temper not helping much. Cassandra stood up and felt as if her ass had flattened from sitting on the chair meant for the vanity table for hours. She stretched a bit before limping a bit to her room, leaving the kitten with its owner who had succumbed to the overwhelming power of the smile.

On her way to her room, she noticed that the puppy was in its corner, sleeping. She felt her ovaries burst at the sight of the endearing view. She reached her room and found a two-piece outfit, that looked more like a piece of fabric that was still in production, "Where is the rest of the dress? Jesus Christ," she limped further in her room, still suffering from the 'flattening' of her ass and picked up the skimpy pieces of clothing that looked like it wouldn't even be appropriate in a stripping club.

That's a bit too far. The only thing that would be found inappropriate in a stripping club would be sweatpants, or clothes in general.

With a limp in her step and burning determination, she marched up to her roommate's room. She walked in finding that she was stark naked, naked as the day she was born. Even though this was nowhere near the first time she has seen Lily naked, she still got flustered when she found her friend in such a vulnerable position. She instantly looked away.

"Where is the rest of it?" Her voice slightly wavered in the beginning but grew stronger at the end of her question.

Lily hadn't looked back at Cassandra, so she had no idea what she was asking about. She was still looking for her thong, seeing as how the dress she was going to be wearing wouldn't require one and the fact that the presence of the bra would take away the aesthetic of the little red number she was planning on wearing. Oh, how she loved the colour red, no matter how many dark secrets it holds, secrets that she had a hand in creating, or secrets that she wished would just stay in the past and stop seeking out, "Where is the rest of what?"

Cassandra huffed, "The dress. What else would I be asking about?"

"Oh, that. You don't like?"

"Well, unless I wanted to show the world what the good Lord gave me, no, no I don't like. It's obviously missing a few things?"

Lily rolled her emerald eyes, putting a strand of her shoulder-length hair behind her ear, "Oh great one," she sarcastically retorted, "What is the designer two-piece missing?"

Cassandra shrugged with mock indifference and faked a lazy gaze and she glanced around the room bathed in red and white; Lily's two favourite colours, "Oh well, I don't know. Maybe a little thing called modesty. Do you reckon the designer must have never learned about it, or do you suppose that they ran out of fabric, though that theory is illogical seeing as how this is 'designer',"

Lily let out a little snicker, "You can turn around now. I'm dressed," Cassandra did as instructed and placed her brown, freckled eyes on the redhead. The dress she had on was no doubt, revealing. She could have been wearing practically nothing and it would have a difference, well, at least in the eyes of Cassandra. The dress she had on had only covered the front and back of the dress, the sides poorly covered with the strings of fabric, "You like? It's the new Eyelet Lace-Up Choker Strapless Mini dress I just got from the little boutique that just opened a few streets down,"

Cassandra long threw the flimsy piece of cloth on Lily's bed through the redhead's explanation, "A little taste of heaven?"


"Is it the same place you got that?" she pointed towards the dress she perceived as ghastly.

"No, I got it from Mark," she stated with a nonchalant tone as she turned away from Cassandra and headed to words her wardrobe, her intent to sift through her racks of dresses that she would think you fancy her best friend.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Who's Mark?"

Lily let out a short laugh, "You're gonna think this is hilarious,"

Cassandra knew she was definitely not going to find the origin of the dress hilarious, so she mentally prepared for the answer, "Oh, I'm sure I will," her sarcastic remark reached Lily's ears from across the room.

But nothing could prepare her for this.

Another short, fruity laugh was heard from the closet, "Remember the blue-eyed boy from the pet sh-,"

It was as if cold, freezing water was splashed into her face, as if she was sucked into a dark, black hole she where couldn't see a way out when she heard where the dress came from. Her world, as small as it is, crumbled before her and stopped. Lily's words were drowned out as a current of thoughts swam through her head. She gulped as she finally came back to reality when Lily's redhead showed up in her vision hold three dress, all with the same theme of colour; red and white. After all, those are the only colours Lily ever wore in her whole life, at least to Cassandra's knowledge.

"Oh fuck no!"

"Oh fuck yes!"

Cassandra ran a bony hand through her, now straightened hair as she mulled over the embarrassment she went through, "I thought he ran!"

Lily nodded, amusement the main emotion in her eyes, "He did run, but I caught him," she said with the utmost pride.


"When you went to the counter and told them that you found the dog you wanted to adopt," she explained with a shrug.

"That's why you didn't come with me?"


She narrowed her eyes dangerously. Before she really didn't want to strangle her friend, but she's starting to have fantasies about it, "You sly-,"

Lily interrupted with an easy-going smile, as she laid the three dresses on the bed, "I'm just joking with you," she said with a shit-eating grin on her face, as she walked back to her closet, "The dress has been in my closet for a while, so I decided to get it from you,"

It was like a huge weight fell off her shoulder, and the embarrassment that she knew she was going to feel, had he been the one to gift the dress, had dwindled down. A light smile on her face as she whispered, "Oh thank fuck," she exasperated her answer, sudden relief. She let go of the suffocating breath she had been so desperately holding in, "You are not funny," Cassandra deadpanned.

Lily's grin widened, her emerald iris's gleaming from amusement, "I'd like to think I am," Before Cassandra could give her response, a knock was heard from the door. Instead of saying anything, she just walked out of the room and tightened the robe she had been wearing for the last five hours with Lily following behind her.